bf% around 10 to 12
one cycle

I just got done with my first comp three weeks ago. I ran just winny 4 weeks 50mg oral/day.

Ran PCT, 10mg nolva 2 weeks along with clomid 25 mg for 2 weeks. I understand I should have ran it longer, but i didn't examine the bottles and thought they had more in them.

Now my nipples are bothering me, not bad at all, absultly no pain, just sometimes slightly irritated, but then when i don't think about it i won't feel it for hours then ill think about and then i can feel them again. But once again no sharp pain or anything extreme.

on my right nipple off to the side, like barely touching the nipple, there is a little bead behind it, maybe the size of a bean. When i don't flex i cant feel it, but when flex i can and when i push on it goes up if i push on the top it goes down. There is nothing behind my left nipple.

I had gyno surgery about 2 years ago, so i might just be paranoid.

Should i start taking the arimdex 2mg/day for 5 days, then back it downt one 1mg for a 5 days, then down to .5 for 5 days, then .25 5 days, then go to .25 eod for 6 days. I didn't take the arimidex because i wanted to save it for during my test cycle i want to run later this summer.

I don't let me know what you guys think