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  1. #1
    zippo55 is offline New Member
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    May 2009

    Thinking of Starting Anabolics

    Hello, Im new too the forum's, and somewhat new too Roid's. I made the bad decision too take roids when i was 17years old without any knowledge about the things I was taking. The person had me on a straight D-bol cycle for about 12weeks, I did notice really good strength gains, and gained some noticable size in the chest and arms. after that cycle things got bad, seemed really fatiuged and loss interest in lifting(wish I knew what I was doing to my self at the time)... Now 6 years later at 23 I have gained alot of weight, im sitting at little over 200lbs 5ft9, all fat and very litle muscle, I,ve been back in the gym for sometime now, got myself a decent diet going but am having trouble making any gains or cutting the fat. I was thinking of starting too use again, this time I do know more then I had previously known. although I do have a question.

    I was thinking of using D-bol too kickstart the cycle, with a Test e. then introducing winstrol and start cutting

    Should i just cut the D-bol out and go on a winstrol and test e cycle for 8weeks with a good PCT?

    Im looking too just cut not gain big mass? whats your guys opionion

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    If you're 5'9" and 200 pounds of cookie dough, you need diet and cardio, not AAS.

    Seeing as this is your first post: Welcome to AR, and please post up your current diet.

  3. #3
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    first off you need to up the cardio and get a diet in check. at 5-9 200lbs all fat with very little muscle gear is not the way for you. hit up the diet section. There is a ton of useful info on these boards read up and change your life.

  4. #4
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    If you're 5'9" and 200 pounds of cookie dough, you need diet and cardio, not AAS.

    Seeing as this is your first post: Welcome to AR, and please post up your current diet.
    lol ditto

  5. #5
    zippo55 is offline New Member
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    ...Thanks for the quick reply and welcomes.
    Well mabey I made myself sound like a mess, Im not overly fat, I do still have a decent amount of muscle, Im not in horrible shape, lol.... I do fit the 200lbs well, Got a bit of a stomach though, And here is a quick idea of what im eating.
    3-boiled eggs
    1 Grape fruit
    1 glass of milk

    Chicken noodle soup or ham sandwhich

    Spaghetti with meatballs and sauce
    1 glass of V8

    Night Snack
    Fruit or cereal

    1 Grapefruit
    1 banana
    1 glass of milk

    Almonds with Salad

    BBQ Buffalo steak with mash potato's
    1 glass of V8

    Night Snack
    Fruit or cereal

    And so on, The only other thing that really changes in my diet is my supper, I incoprate, Chicken,Pork and fish into the week. Not sure if this is a good meal plan but it seemes alright too me.

    Also I do have cardio in my workouts, I jog on a treadmill in the mornings, usually 1mile mabey more depending on how im feeling that morning, I run it at an alright pace of 5mph. usually run .5 of a mile at night 1hour before bed more if im not tired, and also bike when there is time. Is anymore cardio needed?

    What do you guys suggest after reading over this, More cardio? better diet? or mabey the Juice?

    Thanks for your input

    Thank you
    Last edited by zippo55; 05-13-2009 at 01:35 AM.

  6. #6
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Sorry to say, but that diet sucks for your goals. Barely any protein and all those evil carbs! You definitely want to check out the diet forum! ( ) The stickies are always a good place to start. As far as the cardio goes, jogging 1 mile on a treadmill is a warm-up. You definitely want to up the cardio, in both intensity and length of time. Try running around a stadium and hauling your ass up and down those steps! Pain!

  7. #7
    zippo55 is offline New Member
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    Ok thank you for the input. Wasnt sure if that was a good diet or not. Ill take you guys advice, and up the cardio( use too do stairs at the stadium,work got into the way, Ill try and find time for it again), also do some research on my diet. guess im not even close too being ready for that stuff, thanks for helping me not make the same mistake twice.


  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zippo55 View Post
    Ok thank you for the input. Wasnt sure if that was a good diet or not. Ill take you guys advice, and up the cardio( use too do stairs at the stadium,work got into the way, Ill try and find time for it again), also do some research on my diet. guess im not even close too being ready for that stuff, thanks for helping me not make the same mistake twice.

    VERY good decision. I know EVERYONE wants to start right away but this is the smartest choice you can make is to wait until you really are ready and like you said, NOT make the same mistake 2x.
    Welcome to the board. Just because you have made the wise decision to wait Please don't be a stranger and continue to read and learn so when you are ready you will know what you are doing.
    There is a wealth of knowledge in the diet section.

  9. #9
    busaboy27's Avatar
    busaboy27 is offline Senior Member
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    in a house
    Quote Originally Posted by zippo55 View Post
    Ok thank you for the input. Wasnt sure if that was a good diet or not. Ill take you guys advice, and up the cardio( use too do stairs at the stadium,work got into the way, Ill try and find time for it again), also do some research on my diet. guess im not even close too being ready for that stuff, thanks for helping me not make the same mistake twice.


    finally someone who just listens.. clap clap.. only 8 post to get that... do work son..

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