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  1. #81
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    My question is why the fvck do you care so much? Seriously, you are thinking that somehow you trying to prove your incorrect ways is going to open a portal and bring about some major change. It wouldn't make a difference either way in gains.
    I am curious. You seem to care more that I am curious than I care about the subject. I am not trying to bring about major change. in fact if I found it was different I would still do it the traditional way because that is what everybody does and they seem to be ok. I am not going to be the first one to try something out and get all ****ed up. I am curious... that's it.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    May 2009
    On the edge
    Look stop giving yourself and everyone a headache, however you want to put it, if you inject 500mg/week, over 10 weeks, thats 5grams worth of Test, either way you put it, whichever ester you use, at the end of the cycle you will still have injected 5 grams of test. The only difference is that with slow esters you might run it a little longer because at the beginning and end of your cycle the levels will be lower than the peak. Which is why I don't like long esters as I find this period useless and you are shut down for nothing, the faster you can finish the cycle the faster you can recover and start another one.

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