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  1. #1
    Twist's Avatar
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    explain to me please

    Why is 100mgs of propionate injected everyday considered a lot? There is never anymore than 300mgs in your system at any time.
    If someone injects cypionate at 250mgs 2x a week before the first shot leaves their system they have injected a total of 1000mgs into their body.
    please explain this to me...

  2. #2
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    Because you have 1000mgs in your system does not mean it is 1000mg of active test. Also prop is more concentrated than cyp in the terms that the prop ester takes less space than the cyp, meaning you get more test per mg.

  3. #3
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    It doesnt really work that way. You are getting your idea from clearance times i assume? Remember there is a build up time as well. So they kind of cancel out and its ignored. This is why we use weekly times. TP at 100mg/dy=700mg/wk and TC 250mg/2x per week=500mg/wk.

    Now I dont consider 700mg/wk of test prop to be "a lot". but thats another story

  4. #4
    Twist's Avatar
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    ok well the highest possible test in your system when using prop at 100mg ed is 300mgs. what about when using 500mgs a week of cyp or en? and I think that the amount of concentration between the two is negligible.

  5. #5
    CHAP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    ok well the highest possible test in your system when using prop at 100mg ed is 300mgs. what about when using 500mgs a week of cyp or en? and I think that the amount of concentration between the two is negligible.
    You are not thinking right 100mg TP ED = 700 mg a week

    TC TE 700 mg 1 time a week is still 700mg a week.

    TEST is the same just released at differant times.

  6. #6
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    People will take prop because it works faster and for certiaan cercomstances it clleares the system quickly.

    Cyp or E stays detectable longer and is more convenient when it comes to the amount of times you have to inject a week.

    But test is test the ester does not matter . 100mg = 1oomg

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    People will take prop because it works faster and for certiaan cercomstances it clleares the system quickly.

    Cyp or E stays detectable longer and is more convenient when it comes to the amount of times you have to inject a week.

    But test is test the ester does not matter . 100mg = 1oomg
    Not true, 100mgs of Test E has about 70mg of Test While Test P has nearly 84mgs of Test and this IS because of the ester.

  8. #8
    Juice Authority is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Why is 100mgs of propionate injected everyday considered a lot? There is never anymore than 300mgs in your system at any time.
    If someone injects cypionate at 250mgs 2x a week before the first shot leaves their system they have injected a total of 1000mgs into their body.
    please explain this to me...

    Simple. Shorter ester. You get more of the actual compound mg for mg with prop than Cyp or Test E since you have less of the ester weight to substract.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Not true, 100mgs of Test E has about 70mg of Test While Test P has nearly 84mgs of Test and this IS because of the ester.
    Thanks this is good info to know for the future.

    But in this case he is talking about it is still very close in comparison to the wat he is looking at the weekly dose.

  10. #10
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    Thanks this is good info to know for the future.

    But in this case he is talking about it is still very close in comparison to the wat he is looking at the weekly dose.
    Not trying to get too technical but at 700mgs a week its a 100mg difference which is pretty substantial.

  11. #11
    Grizzly22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    Why is 100mgs of propionate injected everyday considered a lot? There is never anymore than 300mgs in your system at any time.
    If someone injects cypionate at 250mgs 2x a week before the first shot leaves their system they have injected a total of 1000mgs into their body.
    please explain this to me...
    Cyp is slowly released over 18 days post-injection, prop is a fast release ester unlike cyp. So you can't compare the two tests since cyp is not released near as fast...

  12. #12
    Twist's Avatar
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    I appreciate all of the responses and please try to bare with me on this to figure it out.
    If I inject cypionate into my body (100mgs let's say - and ignore the fact that you only get about 70mgs, pretend we get all 100mgs of that) how long will it take for there to be 100mgs flowing through my veins?

    i am looking for an answer like this:

    Two days after injection the cypionate peaks and there is 100mgs flowing through your body. it stays at this peak for one day and tapers down to nothing over the next 14 days.
    1 I am interested in how long it takes to peak
    2 how many mgs are in your system at its peak - so like 100mgs may only equal a peak of 60mgs because some exits your system before the peak and some exits after
    3 How long does this peak last

    And also does someone have a link or something that explains the "build up" that happens. thank you guys again. I had asked this question before and didn't get any responses. this has been bugging the shit out of me
    Last edited by Twist; 07-15-2009 at 11:18 PM.

  13. #13
    Twist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHAP View Post
    You are not thinking right 100mg TP ED = 700 mg a week

    TC TE 700 mg 1 time a week is still 700mg a week.

    TEST is the same just released at differant times.
    this is not right because if you inject suspension (100mgs) into your system you know how much is running through your body.
    A long ester is injected (100mgs) however 100mgs spread out over the course of 15 days is nothing. the peaks are completely different.

  14. #14
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    Okay forget the ester and think about it this way.

    Ester 1 releases over 1 day, at 100mg. Injected ED throughout the week. Each day it will peak after 12 hours, and drop during the next 12 hours. Calculated over the week, your average in your system will be 50mg/day.

    Ester 2 releases over 2 days, at 200mg. Injected EOD throughout the week. Each day it will peak after 24 hours, and drop during the next 24. Calculated over the week, your average in your system will be 50mg/day.

  15. #15
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    I just had this explained to me by someone who understands it all on a molecular level (it's their job). Anyway I was told that basically I am right and I am wrong. because the test gets used over and over (by some type of binding and rebinding thing that I don't understand) 700mgs a week = 700mgs for the week until it clears your system.

    However there are also absorbtion rates which will effect this and other shit that I don't understand. And each ester has to be looked at individually

    this person says that each time you change the ester you are changing the way your body reacts. And that while 700mgs tp may = 700mgs tc the ester can change the way your body reacts and may actually make it more potent etc.

    this is why when I take 700mgs a week of propionate I don't feel that it is extreme. however when I was taking 700mgs of enanthate I felt like a ****ing god.

    Reference: the people that brought you growth hormone and was contracted by the government to find out who caused the anthrax scare.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by TractionIssues View Post
    Okay forget the ester and think about it this way.

    Ester 1 releases over 1 day, at 100mg. Injected ED throughout the week. Each day it will peak after 12 hours, and drop during the next 12 hours. Calculated over the week, your average in your system will be 50mg/day.

    Ester 2 releases over 2 days, at 200mg. Injected EOD throughout the week. Each day it will peak after 24 hours, and drop during the next 24. Calculated over the week, your average in your system will be 50mg/day.
    this also explains it to me much better.

    I was thinking of it like this:
    drop 100g of green color(testosterone ) into a tub of water(your body) resulting in the tub turning green and bright green immediately (peak)

    drop 100g of green color into the tub but it dissolves over the course of a week; that tub has a green tint but not nearly as potent as the other.

    hope this makes sense.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    this also explains it to me much better.

    I was thinking of it like this:
    drop 100g of green color(testosterone ) into a tub of water(your body) resulting in the tub turning green and bright green immediately (peak)

    drop 100g of green color into the tub but it dissolves over the course of a week; that tub has a green tint but not nearly as potent as the other.

    hope this makes sense.
    Well if it wasn't for the space that the ester takes up, they would be just as potent, but because the peak of long esters ends up being lower because it lets it out over a longer period of time, this will mean that it will take longer for the build up, during this time the next injections you will do will peak at the points in which the past injections will be in the process of dropping, causing the stability, which comes out to the same thing.

  18. #18
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    I have so many questions about this thing... dammit.

  19. #19
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Twist you are retarded

  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    Twist you are retarded

    Yes I know lol

  22. #22
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    I am working on finding peak blood levels for all of the esters and so far I have a huge graph and when injecting your 7th injection of 100mgs on the 7th day of the week, after this injection you have blood levels of 456.25mgs. Because I have to work with rough estimates the amount will be off but not by much. You will hit peak blood levels around day 25 and this is with assuming that half life of propionate is 4 days not 4.5.

  23. #23
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    for anyone that cares about this...
    assuming the half life is 4 days and not 4.5 days and also assuming that with every 100mg of propionate injected you get 100% of that, according to the chart of half lifes

    after 23 days your body seems to level off at 632.83977mgs of propionate if 100mgs are injected every day.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    for anyone that cares about this...
    assuming the half life is 4 days and not 4.5 days and also assuming that with every 100mg of propionate injected you get 100% of that, according to the chart of half lifes

    after 23 days your body seems to level off at 632.83977mgs of propionate if 100mgs are injected every day.
    That seems about right, although even with prop you do not get 100% of it. Only suspension gives 100% since there is no ester attached.

  25. #25
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    yea so it is probably about 506.21876
    and this is still rough because I did not use 4.5 days as half life.

  26. #26
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    I am going to do enanthate later... to see how it compares to propionate . i think dosage will be 75mgs shot everyday as I cannot do a graph for stable blood levels with shooting 2x a week because it will not be stable. and 100mgs shot everyday will bring it to 525mgs a week and that is a little more than most people do but we will see.

  27. #27
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    change that to cypionate because it is easier to use 12 days instead of 10.5

  28. #28
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    Hey Twist,

    How long before you get a job and have something to do with your time?

    Just kidding dude. Pretty interesting stuff.


  29. #29
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    actually I just moved to so cal so I do not have a job! I will in two weeks when my transfer goes through but until then you fuc kers have to put up with me...
    plus don't you want to know what your blood levels are? I would not put it in me without.

  30. #30
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    when injecting cypionate every day at 100mgs everyday 7 days a week
    On day 12 of injecting your blood levels would reach 900mgs and rising fast.
    On day 60 your blood levels would finally level out at an amazing...


    all of this is based off of the half life chart below

    because the first injection of cypionate at 100mgs is still at 3.125mgs 60 days later.

  31. #31
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
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    Twist shut the fvck up and stop talking to yourself

  32. #32
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    I thought that was interesting... guess not.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    when injecting cypionate every day at 100mgs everyday 7 days a week
    On day 12 of injecting your blood levels would reach 900mgs and rising fast.
    On day 60 your blood levels would finally level out at an amazing...


    all of this is based off of the half life chart below

    because the first injection of cypionate at 100mgs is still at 3.125mgs 60 days later.
    Nope, wrong again lol. You continued to add up the half-lifes as if it were up to 60.

  34. #34
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    day 12 50mgs left
    day 24 25mgs left
    day 36 12.5mgs left
    day 48 6.25mgs left
    day 60 3.125mgs left

    is this not correct?
    from this site:
    "This means that 12 days from your last shot of 1000mg of testosterone cypionate (Time to start PCT? You decide.), your blood levels of testosterone cypionate will contain 500mg of the steroid . Another 12 days from then, i.e. 24 days from last dose, your blood levels will contain 250mg of the steroid. This amount then keeps halving every 12 days. At 48 days (almost 2 months) from your last dose, your blood levels will still contain 67.5mg of testosterone cypionate. "

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    day 12 50mgs left
    day 24 25mgs left
    day 36 12.5mgs left
    day 48 6.25mgs left
    day 60 3.125mgs left

    is this not correct?
    from this site:
    "This means that 12 days from your last shot of 1000mg of testosterone cypionate (Time to start PCT? You decide.), your blood levels of testosterone cypionate will contain 500mg of the steroid. Another 12 days from then, i.e. 24 days from last dose, your blood levels will contain 250mg of the steroid. This amount then keeps halving every 12 days. At 48 days (almost 2 months) from your last dose, your blood levels will still contain 67.5mg of testosterone cypionate. "
    Pretty much, just don't go multiplying this by 60 now.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    plus don't you want to know what your blood levels are?
    actually, nope, not at all. I've cycled long enough to know how I feel at what doses, bloodwork a couple times a year is fine for me. I really couldn't care less to know exactly what the levels are each day. to each their own though.

  37. #37
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    I think big is right! I would never worry about being that technical! ! I do 500mg of Cyp I would want to do 75mf ED of Prop! Give or take 25mfg that would be my cycle. if I did prop which I do not but to try and get it down to 22.87924742mg is just not worth it IMHO!!

  38. #38
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    the point is that 700mgs a week does not equal 700 mgs a week.
    If you are injecting 700mgs a week of propionate that is not even close to injecting 700mgs a week of cypionate .

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    the point is that 700mgs a week does not equal 700 mgs a week.
    If you are injecting 700mgs a week of propionate that is not even close to injecting 700mgs a week of cypionate.
    No offense, but your a dumbass lol.... Look, just think of it as 500mg/week = 500mg/week no matter what okay, half lives will only affect how long it takes for it to kick in. You obvious don;t seem to understand more complex than that haha, so don't kill your brain just know that that is how it is, alright?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by TractionIssues View Post
    No offense, Look, just think of it as 500mg/week = 500mg/week no matter what okay, half lives will only affect how long it takes for it to kick in.
    This is not true. It is much more complex than that. ester length controls how fast it takes to kick in and get up to peak AND it controls how long it takes fro it to vacate the system.

    I used the info on this site to prove that 500mgs does not = 500mgs.
    Well I should not say it like that. It's more like long esters stack up so 500mgs a week does not actually mean 500mgs is in your system.

    Idk why you guys seem to be getting angry. I am learning and most of you are contributing to that and I don't understand why I am getting negative responses.

    ps. I asked some people who know a lot more than any of us about this (as they are the ones who created some of the products we are using) and they told me that to inject 250mgs ed of a long ester is waaaayyy too much because it builds up in your system. this is what led me to make a graph to find out exactly how much and this is where I got all my info.

    this info proves that not only does 500mgs not = 500mgs, but it also proves that blood levels do not stabilize on long esters for a very long time. much longer than 4 weeks. anyway I will talk to them later as I have more questions. If nobody is interested then tell me and I will not post anymore about it.

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