So basically Ive been looking to do my first injectable cycle, gonna be some good ol' fashion test-E. Ive been on a bulk for the past 8 months since I had my motorcycle accident which caused me to drop a large amount of weight (was on meds for 5 weeks / couldnt work out for 2 months).

Now Ive been dieting for the past 4 weeks trying to drop BF. I still have 4 more weeks of dieting to go and then Ill start my bulk again. Im going to make sure this is my strictest clean bulk ive ever done. I am looking to get into fitness modeling and if I get big enough if the next 2 years (250+lbs), Ill compete in NPC Southern States.

I just came across that this is actually a common thing people do before a cycle, I didnt know that before.

Question: Who has primed before cycling??? What was your impressions???
Any info is appreciated