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Thread: gyno's back

  1. #1
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    gyno's back

    I did the gyno reversal i did 2.5mg a day for 30plus days then lowered the dose to 2mg for a few days and i kept on dropping the dose down to .25 then i started tamox 10mg a day am on day 16 of the tamox, the lump coming back wtf

    four weeks left of test cyp cycle
    2 weeks left of mast

    what should i do now buy another bottle of letro and start again

    or end my cycle early then start letro

    i fvcking ate gyno

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Try running it at a maintenance dose until the cycle is over then hit it hard with a strong gyno reversal dost after your cycle is done.

  3. #3
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    what dose would you say maintenance dose would be REDZ

  4. #4
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Did you run any other compounds?

  6. #6
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Besides the sust and mast?

  7. #7
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    nolva doesn't seem to keep gyno away for me either. I would run adex or letro for the rest of your cycle and pct and then taper off and hopefully when your body returns to equilibrium you will not have gyno. I actually let my gyno be or use adex and then when my levels return to normal the gyno goes away. like the body gets rid of it.

  8. #8
    Ripped Mass's Avatar
    Ripped Mass is offline Associate Member
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    I am in the same boat you are, but mine wont go away mid cycle! I wish I had more nolva tabs on hand but only have enough for PCT. Just ordered some liquidex from ARR so I hope that will calm it down for another 5 weeks-going to take 1ml a day to be on safe side. Have you tried bumping up the nolva to like 40mg/day for about 5 days? Most people recommend minimum 20mg during cycle. I would think people like us need more, at least at the beginning of signs.

  9. #9
    ninesecz's Avatar
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    If you guys are that prone to gyno I would wonder why you would even bother running cycles and going through hell trying to fing a way to get rid of it? Either save up, do the cycke and then go get the gyno removed or just sop doing the cycles. I know I had a serious prolem and I knew what was causing it, i would probably stop doing what was causing it and stop worrying about it! Unless you are a top pro and are going to make a living off of your body I would say get cycling out of your mind!

  10. #10
    Immortal Soldier's Avatar
    Immortal Soldier is offline Anabolic Member
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    LOL thats why I saw there is no such thing as "gyno reversal", once you get gyno and it solidifies its there for good. The body doesn't metabolize the tissue IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. You might be able to disperse the lump or make it smaller, but there were always be a small amount there which can grow when you cycle.

  11. #11
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    right ill run ANASTROBOL 1mg a day for 3 weeks to keep the lump the same size then ill do my p.c.t and hopefully the gyno lump will go right down so i cant feel the lump any more does that sound ok guys.

    then i might never cycle again.

  12. #12
    Bulkn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Soldier View Post
    LOL thats why I saw there is no such thing as "gyno reversal", once you get gyno and it solidifies its there for good. The body doesn't metabolize the tissue IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. You might be able to disperse the lump or make it smaller, but there were always be a small amount there which can grow when you cycle.
    so does that mean if you had gyno at puberty for a short time it is still there and will come up when you cycle?

  13. #13
    dezza6969's Avatar
    dezza6969 is offline Associate Member
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    i had mild gyno at puberty and it went away over time so i can attest that the body can break the tissue down.

    i'm up to week 6 of a test cycle, knowing i would be prone i took adex at a minimal dose. nipples got puffy somewhere week 2 and lump started to form. bumped up adex dose and it halted it. if anything puffiness has now gone down and the lump is less. i just think getting off ai whilst on cycle and waiting till end to address the gyno is kind of missing the boat. your estradiol will keep rising as a result of your excess test and will worsen the gyno.

  14. #14
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    "Gyno reversal" WTF is that??

    once you have gyno you have it...period! there is no ever getting rid of it without surgery and unless you have the gland itself removed (like I did 5yrs ago) it can come back. it may decrease when you decrease usage but rest assured it is there just waiting to explode again..

  15. #15
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    " gyno reversal" WTF is that.

    take that up with warmachine he posted a big thread on gyno.

    one member tells you 1 thing another member tells you another thing the opposite, WTF
    Last edited by johnq; 07-29-2009 at 11:05 AM.

  16. #16
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    I dont know who "warmachine" is, but believe what I tell you,it will shrink to the point its not noticed but it doesnt ever go away. believe what you want,I wouldnt have paid 5k to have it removed if there was such a thing.

  17. #17
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Gyno can be reversed, "SOMETIMES"!. Running tamo along cycle, or a-dex, letro.Estrogen killers.If you are prone to it, then you would need to run more compounds during your cycle.You can wait till after you cycle, but that could be to late.Depending on how bad it is.The best way to cure gyno, is to prevent it in the first place.I hate surgery.

  18. #18
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    i had gyno the size of large grape took letro then it went to a size of a full stop so i reversed the gyno lump, 2 weeks later it came bac because i was still running test. so it can be reverse to certain point.

    my question was should i start letro again?

    should i stop my cycle?

    should i take ANASTROBOL 1mg a day untill pct?

  19. #19
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnq View Post
    i had gyno the size of large grape took letro then it went to a size of a full stop so i reversed the gyno lump, 2 weeks later it came bac because i was still running test. so it can be reverse to certain point.

    my question was should i start letro again?

    should i stop my cycle?

    should i take ANASTROBOL 1mg a day untill pct?
    it will sometimes come back after pct when you get your natural test levels up.again,this reversal you speak of means its just shrinking and it does shrink but it never goes away,lays doorment until aggitated the next time

  20. #20
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnq View Post
    i had gyno the size of large grape took letro then it went to a size of a full stop so i reversed the gyno lump, 2 weeks later it came bac because i was still running test. so it can be reverse to certain point.

    my question was should i start letro again?

    should i stop my cycle?

    should i take ANASTROBOL 1mg a day untill pct?
    it will sometimes come back after pct when you get your natural test levels up.again,this reversal you speak of means its just shrinking and it does shrink but it never goes away,lays doorment until aggitated the next time

    when they removed mine,it was the size of a 16oz steak but only looked like a grape on the surface!! kinda like an iceberg,when you see it,its beyond too late..

  21. #21
    dezza6969's Avatar
    dezza6969 is offline Associate Member
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    dude wouldn't you just keep going with your cycle, you only have four weeks left and use an AI either letro or adex. You've already shown yourself that you can halt and retract the lump development with an AI. even in PCT recovering natural test, if you at least have your AI on hand, if you start to see the gyno coming back you can treat it

  22. #22
    countrybhoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DEVLDOG View Post
    it will sometimes come back after pct when you get your natural test levels up.again,this reversal you speak of means its just shrinking and it does shrink but it never goes away,lays doorment until aggitated the next time

    i am sorry . im no expert but if it can be shrunk then it must be possable to get rid of .

  23. #23
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by countrybhoy View Post
    i am sorry . im no expert but if it can be shrunk then it must be possable to get rid of .
    it is possible to get rid of........with a knife!

    think of it this way,have you ever been sick and had glands swell up in your neck or wherever, tonnsell,adnoids...etc? well,when you get better they are no longer swollen,but they are still there...same thing man.

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