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  1. #1
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Question Someone wanna tell me if I am thinking about this the right way..

    I am currently on a Prop only cycle right now, just trying to add some lean mass and cut down a bit.. 75mgs ED.. and I am not getting SHIT for results, I know my Gear is Real.. because I constantly have a walking hard on.. and if it was fake it wouldnt be working at all because I am on TRT. My body doesnt naturally produce testosterone for some reason, whatever that reason is.. it just doesn't so... obviously I have real Test !! I am just not gaining like I should and I have contemplated what the issue could be... and now I am beginning to think that my receptors are zapped and I NOW NEED that higher dose to get results... I have only gained 2 lbs. in 2 weeks.. So I mean something is definitely up.. I know my diet is GREAT (will post it if I have to but I believe it is in the diet section and was critiqued by ETR himself) !! I know my training is Going awesome. I am taking the correct supps... Multi V, CoQ10, Fish Oil Caps, Caffeine tabs and B-12 chewables (for energy), and i take a prescription Blood Pressure medication to keep that ALWAYS in check, on cycle or not. I consume 300grams per day protein, 250grams of carbs per day, and 60 grams of Fat per day.. all good fats.. from EVO/walnut/almond/peanut oils and the fats from meats.. couple grams here from chicken, couple grams there from steak, a gram or two from the Tuna.

    I have JUST HALTED !! I have plateaued.. My weights are NOT going up... They are they same as they were last week... on my previous workout.. maybe even LESS.. On cycle.. I have HALTED .. Like seriously WTF !! I would say screw it and up the dosage but maybe that's not my issue.. maybe it's because I can not grow on Test Only cycles anymore.. I just KNOW.. THAT if you run just Test only it will not exhibit any harmful effects whatsoever... I am almost inclined to add 400mgs EW of testosterone cypionate to my weekly regimen which would baseline me at 975mgs EW of Test.. for chrissakes I oughta grow off of that.. I am just so frustrated. I hear all the time that.. YOU DON'T NEED MORE THAN 500mgs EW to grow.. BS !! I am living proof right here... I dunno I am only officially 16 days into my 12 week Prop cycle.. I was gonna run TBOL for 4 weeks at the end of the cycle.. and still will but I need to find out WHY I am not growing like I should be right now...

    Maybe it's because last cycle I was at 875mgs EW of Test and now running 300mgs less than that is just not worth it.. kinda like when you make the jump from 50mgs ed of Tren Ace to 75mgs ed YOU can never go back to that lower dosage again... but I really didn't think that applied to Testosterone.. I mean i am not bloated at all, NOTHING.. that would indicate that I am on cycle aside from the fact I am hornier than a porn star on viagra !! No noticeable strength gains, no size coming along... This is WHY I use Prop, to avoid Bloating, and to be able to adjust dosing accordingly.. maybe I should not have run a Test only cycle.. that shizzit's for NEWBS I have successfully done 9+ cycles in my life... and on a constant barrage of Testosterone Cyp as a bridge because of the fact I need it for my TRT maybe my BODY is just like... "DUDE, Test Only isn't gonna make you grow anymore.. ADD ANOTHER COMPOUND... OR crank the dose up fvcker !!"


  2. #2
    hankdiesel's Avatar
    hankdiesel is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    My current cycle has 875mg of test in it......and tren . I would not do 500mg a week next time. If I did I wouldn't expect much. How long were you off since that last cycle?

  3. #3
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    10 weeks.. but was injecting 200mgs EW as prescribed to me... so yah.. lol... I have only officially bumped it up 325 extra MGS per week.. I am thinking of just going to go for the Gusto and up myself that extra 300mgs per week to bring me to the range of 825mgs per week...

    WHY NOT !!!

    I have only been shooting for 16 days.. so if I were to up it.. what would be my best course of action?? Up the Prop to 125mgs ED (Same as last cycle) and switch to Cypionate once I am out of the Prop?? or add 300mgs EW of cyp and run the PROP too... or just get more Prop and run 125mgs ED for the next 14 weeks..

    SOOOO MANY OPTIONS... If I stick with the PROP and things do not improve, I have the option of adding NPP to the mix but I WAS TRYING TO STAY AWAY FROM THE 10-nors right now!! UGH !! damnit.. why couldn't I have just GROWN off of what I had planned?? STUPID TEST RECEPTORS being saturated... (if there is such a thing !!)

    Something aint right.. something is not clicking... Averaging 1 lb per week isn't at all what I anticipated.. I should be in the FULL SWING of things at this point. No holds barred gaining like a champ.. I am consuming 4000 cals a day split between 6 even meals... I have instituted a 1000calorie a day jump... technically.. I was at 3500... talked with ETR and decided to cut so we figured dropping it to 3000 during my time off would be a good idea .. so I consumed 3000cals a day for about 8 weeks.. and for the past 16-17 days it has been anywhere from 4000-4200 cals a day.. except when I was sick and then I only barely squeaked in 2000 but that lasted for 72 hours.. I have made a full recovery from my sickness.. MY WEIGHT DIDN'T GO DOWN.. I stayed consistent the whole time at 225.5 lbs...

    At this point I am really really irritated... WAS NOT PICTURING MY CYCLE TO BE GOING THIS WAY AT ALL.. I mean.. who in their right mind would not be PISSED OFF !!!

  4. #4
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Screw it... I upped my Test starting today.. blending together Prop and Cyp... no other choice at this point really.. running 525mgs of Prop per week.. 75mgs ED and 150mgs of Cyp every 3.5 days... and then... once I run out of prop.. in week 12... considering that it takes awhile for the CYP to activate and start doing it's job I will be shooting 300mgs every 3.5 days starting in week 10 to compensate so the last 10 weeks will be run at 600mgs ew of CYP...

    IT STUPID YES I KNOW but I didn't envision an outcome like this, and lack of response from my cycle..

    Ok scratch that idea....

    I guess I could add another compound.. seriously debating on getting some TREN at this point... because this is JUST NOT WORKING OUT FOR ME and I am very very very irritated.. a lot goes into planning a cycle and when something comes along and throws a monkey wrench into those plans then ya you get irritated.. you get desperate and that is the point I am at with this... so.. UGH... I am thinking of just dropping the PROP altogether and saving it for a later date and just run the cyp.. which is probably what I will honestly do.. as I await for the rest of everything to get here... so I will be using Prop at 525mgs EW for 6 weeks.. converting right now to cyp... soooooooooo.... For the next 4 weeks I will shoot 600mgs of Cyp run the PROP up until then.. transition to cypionate ... and Tren... I think that is my ONLY option left here at this point... I would add an oral but I am just noot feeling it.. Maybe I should just add DECA .. no I can't do that ... I mean in all honesty.. once you go the TREN route it's hard to ever want to use DECA again considering how much better TREN actually is than DECA... UGH... Not a happy camper right now.. lol...
    Last edited by The Deuce; 08-03-2009 at 02:37 PM.

  5. #5
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    maybe change up your training?

    maybe your body and mind is too used to what you're doing?

    also, maybe mentally you are down on yourself.

    buck up, change shit up, kick some fuking ass!!!!

  6. #6
    ninesecz's Avatar
    ninesecz is offline AR's Mass Monster
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    think for 1 your cycles are too close together! 10 weeks off time! thats no good! You are expecting too much from your cycles and are doing them too close together!

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