First off just just want to apologize for the previous post. Second I'm going to be strting my first cycle shorlty. I'll list all my stats first to help you guys out.
Age: 27
Weight: 225 lbs
Body Fat: 12%

I'm going to be doing a 10 week cycle. Using 400 mg/week of Test Enth. Also I have enough L-Dex and Nolvadex to use through the 10 weeks and 30 days after at .25mg L-Dex and 20mg Nolvadex a day. Now I was wondring if Clomid is absolutely necessary or should I be ok with just the L-Dex and Nolvadex? Just keep in mind this is my first time using anything so that's why I will only be taking the Test Enth. I was also wondering if that dose is ok or if it should be higher? I've also been thinking about maybe adding Anavar or Winny. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.