I'm new to this stuff and looking to put together my first cycle. I'm 35 years old, 5'10" and about 40 lbs over weight at 250. Always been a big guy and can put muscle on VERT FAST when working-out consitently. However, right now I'm fat more than anything.

I used to work-out a ton and basically let my body go to shit over the past 4-5 years. Anyway, I'm looking for a little boost and quicker recovery not only with my strenght training but also with my cardio as I'm really concentrating on trying to lose some weight at the moment.

My goal is to tone up and lose some weight. So I guess, as least for now, I'm looking for soemthing that will help me recover quciker so I can continue to do cardio and strenght train each day??? I dunno where to start. A little help would be appreciated.

Oh, lastly, Like I said I can pack on muscle pretty quickly, but I'm not looking to build mass, just tone and lose some weight (I jsut started dieting and it's going pretty good). Any suggestions on what may help me achieve this a little easier ;-)
