hello everyone, well my fiance is looking to do a cycle of t3 and clen . I am still researching as much as i can find. I use the search function alot aswell, lol. she is 23, 140lbs 64". she works out 5-6 days a week depending on schedule, she lifts weights and runs like a champ. she usually will work out for about 2 hours and its qaulity, runs 5 miles every other day with on top of good cardio.

Diet is pretty good, nothing crazy but not that bad, usually keeps calorie intake around 1500 a day.

I keep getting mixed reviews on how to cycle cytomel , taper on and off or no and she will only run the cytomel for 4-6 weeks and off for 8 and then we will see.

what would you recommend for her and what pct would be correct for a female aswell

thanks in advance