First here are my stats.
36yrs old , 5ft 10 , 190lbs, 13-15% bf
Training for 5+ years, Monday to Friday before work at 7am until 830am
Diet is in check with five to six meals per day.

First Cycle was 1 yr ago, and was a 12 week cycle
Sustanon 325 @ 500mg per week, 250x 2x a week
Deca @ 400mg per week, 200x 2x a week
Followed by a PCT with no sides and had very good gains.

This is the cycle that I have started on June 24/2009
Weeks 1-6 Dbol @ 50mgs/ed
Weeks 1-12 Test C @ 600mgs/week
Weeks 1-11 EQ @ 600mgs/week
Weeks 9-14 Anavar @ 80mgs/ED

I have noticed a dull pain in my right testicle for 5 days now, and I am wondering if this is a common side effect,
Or if this is something that could be serious.
