so i have done 2 cycles of winstrol and completly loved it for football. nice increases and .2 off the 40 times.

its been over a year since i hae cycles and kinda wanna do another one.

i was thinking a 12 weeker of EQ and a 6 weeker of winny.

recenty ijust heard winny is bad for high impact sports such as football, so i come here for a little help.

any suggestions for a good football cycle? something that isnt ganna pull/tear my hammys when im haulin balls down the field. and something that isnt ganna make me huge and slow.

im looking for something that will give me excelent strength gains without making me ridiculously huge, and something that will be good for my speed, either keep it the same or increase it.

im open to whatever, thank you very much people.