I'm 6'2", and currently weigh 206. I am in the middle (6th week) of a 12 week test/deca bulking cycle. My overall goal of weight gain in this cycle is 20-25 lbs, and hopefully keeping about 15lbs of it at best. I come from a football family and I just did not inherate the gene of being an easy gainer unfortunately. This is my second cycle i've ever done. Sooooo with all that being said.....I'm running the test at 500mg per week and the deca at 300mg per week. Since I've started the cycle I've only put on about 10-12lbs. I train 4 days a week, (chest/tris, back/bis, legs, and shoulder/forearms/calves). I eat like a horse, most of my meals consist of alot of brown rice, or wheat bread, grilled chicken, ground beef, deli meat, and I also have a 1000 calorie protein weight gainer everyday. I feel like I am doing everything right, and I'm just not seeing myself explode like i did in my first cycle. I did not use dbols in the first few weeks of this cycle unlike my first, and I think thats why I dont feel I am blowing up as much. But I look at myself in the mirror and I dont feel THAT much bigger and I've only gained a little over 10 LBS! So I'm wondering if anyone has any suggestions or ideas why this might be the case. Does it sound like i'm not eating enough, training enough, injecting enough test e or deca? or any other ideas?

Also, I have proviron , but have not taken it up to this point. Is proviron a good choice to use with this type of bulking cycle? etc.