hello all.

so i just started 50mgs a day prop/mast. just did my 4th pin.

i'm running hot, sweating all night, the prop pain is retarded, but i'm just going to suck it up.

now one thing i've noticed is the flu like symptoms, shortness of breath (more like head rushes once in a while) my heart rate is elevated, and i'm always flushed. is this just test flu, which i assume is an allergic response?

i ask because in addition my appetite is for shit. now that's fine since at least for the first 2-4 weeks i'm cutting like mad, but is this a common thing?

i'm keeping my protein intake super high (at least 250g a day) but the carbs have gone down and i'm just getting a little good fat (natty PB, EVOO).

am i at any great risk even though i'm running a cut then clean gain cycle?