This is my first thread so any advice you guys can give me will be most appreciated.

I am 24 years old and 6'1, 201 lbs, 16% bf. I have been working out steady for the last 3 years. When I got out of high school I was eating unhealthy and put on alot of fat. Ive dieting on and off for two years. I am currently on a very strict diet of under 70 carbs a day and I am reaching my daily protien intake. I do about 4-5 hours of cardio a week, and 10 hours a week in weight training. I am 6 lbs away from my target weight which is 195 lbs. Once im at my goal I am going to switch to a pro carb and low fat diet. I am also going to start a cycle of Test. E and Deca . The only cycle I have done was a pro hormone called mtest. I have done months of reading and preparing but I am unsure the length and dose to run my cycle.

I have 20 ML of Test E (250mg) and 20 Ml of deca (300 mg).

10 week cycle: 2 ml (500mg) of test per week, and just under 1.5 mls (400 mg) of deca per week. That would give me a balanced ratio.

Weeks 1-10- Monday's 1 Ml of test and 1 Ml of deca, Thursday 1 Ml of test and 0.5 of deca.

Also talking 0.5 mg ED of Arimidex for my AI.

Weeks 12-16- PCT consisting of 20 mg/ day nolva.

Should I run HCG throughout my 10 week cycle? Is my PCT enough or should I run Clomid with it as well?

Any advice will be to my benefit.
