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  1. #1
    ANAVAR28 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009

    Need Help With Cycle

    Hi Looking for first cycle since 5 years .. been working out over 2 years now with just gnc stuff.. im 5'11'' 234 lbs 28 y old ...

    like to gain muscle and then get cut oral only need a good plan for what i have here : 400 tabs of dbol , 300 tabs of anavar ,200 tabs of stanozol

    it could be 2 cycles idk gain then cut thanks for help ...

  2. #2
    MYWHEY's Avatar
    MYWHEY is offline Junior Member
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    Now you just need a couple of vials of Testosterone

  3. #3
    BIGJOL's Avatar
    BIGJOL is offline Associate Member
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    Melbourne, Australia
    if you wanna bulk id run test e with your dbols, but you gotta inject the test, if you wanna get cut and not inject tho you can run the var by itself at 50mg a day.

  4. #4
    ANAVAR28 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    so can i do just a cycje of dbol ... ( how much mg to start a day and how long ) ??? then after dbols have 1 month break and do anavar 50 mg everyday for 30 days ( 300 tabs ) ??? would that be ok ??

  5. #5
    MYWHEY's Avatar
    MYWHEY is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ANAVAR28 View Post
    so can i do just a cycje of dbol... ( how much mg to start a day and how long ) ??? then after dbols have 1 month break and do anavar 50 mg everyday for 30 days ( 300 tabs ) ??? would that be ok ??
    Think you need to do a bit more research mate - I also didn't see ANY mention of PCT ..

  6. #6
    trulbfan3 is offline Member
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    Feb 2002
    dbol only cycles are cool untill u come off and it all goes awway....u need to get some test, come on dont be afrraid of the needle.. The needle is your friend u need to embrace it!

  7. #7
    MYWHEY's Avatar
    MYWHEY is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by trulbfan3 View Post
    dbol only cycles are cool untill u come off and it all goes awway....
    D-Bol was not made to be activated and prolonged only when used with a Testosterone IM oil. You'll keep all the gains you've made on a D-Bol only cycle provided your nutrition and lifting are up to scratch as well as a solid PCT - you will however lose WATER weight. Theres only a certain amount of LBM you can gain within 4-6 weeks of any steroid cycle - keeping in mind alot of orals have been used in the past subscribed to patients to help aid in muscle gain (for medical reasons).

    If you look around you'll see cycle logs with pretty impressive D-Bol only gains. Hell I might even do it myself after my summer cut just to show However if you do go on a longer cycle (Say 5 weeks of D-Bol and 10-12 weeks of Test E) your gains will be alot more promising and worth the time/length of the cycle - then again you'd also risk losing these gains even with Test if you didn't have a solid PCT in order.

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