Hey Ron,
What do you think of following plan for next season high quality bulk:

I have competitions in April, so I would take a break afterwards for a month (2 weeks off the gym and 2 weeks light training "deload") with 250mg Test E/week.
Then first reload would come with 500mg test E/E3D (cca 1,1g/week), 250mg EQ Boldenone /E3D (cca 600mg/week) and 250mg Primobolan /E3D (cca 600mg/week) for 8 weeks.
Deload would be 250mg Test E/week cruise for 2 weeks.
Second reload 500mg test E/E3D (cca 1,1g/week), 250mg EQ Boldenone/E3D (cca 600mg/week), 200mg trenbolone hexahydro or trenbolone E/E3D (cca 450mg/week). First week 50mg anadrol /ED next 4 weeks 100mg anadrol/ED.
Deload 250mg test E/week again.

Next step would depend if I will be competing in autumn season. If so, for next reload I would switch to Test Prop 100mg/ED (700mg/week) with Drostanolone-Masteron 100mg/E2D (350mg/week) and 200mg trenbolone hexahydro or trenbolone E/E2D (700 mg/week). Timing would be altered according to date of the competitions.

My main questions are:

1. reload: Is it worth to run 250mg Primo/E3D for 8 weeks? Would it be any good? If not, how would you change this - dosage, compounds, any thoughts are appreciated?
2. reload: Is it a good idea to run anadrol (oxymetholone) like I wrote above? 50mg/day first week and 100mg/day another 4 weeks? Or can I take anadrol during whole 8 weeks and do not stop after fifth week of this reload? I am planning to take UDCA - ursodeoxycholic acid for liver protection at 500mg/day along with anadrol.

HGH/Insulin might be added to second reload, this depends on financial situation. If so HGH would be continued to third reload and to the competition of course.
