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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Did Test on its own, now looking at Test & Deca

    I've done one cycle of Testosterone on its own (Testoviron250 and Sustanon250), and it went fine. I was taking 583 mg per week and my body didn't react badly, I didn't get any bad side-effects. I also didn't get any bad side-effects from my PCT of Clomiphene and Tamoxifen .

    I'm thinking about doing Testosterone Enanthate and Deca -Durabolin for my next cycle.

    I'm thinking of making it a 12-week cycle.

    I've seen that a lot of people run Test and Deca together something like as follows:
    Week 1-10 : 1cc of Deca every 3rd day
    Week 1-12: 1cc of Test E every 3rd day

    Why do people stop taking the Deca sooner? Is it simply because it has a longer ester? Or is there another reason?

    I've done one cycle so far taking Testosterone on its own and it made be bloat up like a balloon, so I'm thinking an AI would be suitable for my next cycle, so I'm thinking about taking 0.25mg of Arimidex every day while on-cycle. How does that sound?

    Also I don't want my balls to shrink this time so I'm also considering hCG . I'm thinking 200iu's every day. How does that sound?

    If I have any problems with this cycle, I'll know it's the Deca, because I've already done a cycle of Test on its own and I had no problems. Worst case scenario, if the Deca plays games with me, I'll just drop it and do the Test on its own.

    People have mentioned that they use D-Bol to kickstart for the first 3 or 4 weeks. Of course I would like to do this, but then I would have "two unknowns" in my system at one time, meaning that if I had bad side-effects then I wouldn't know whether it was caused by the D-Bol or by the Deca. I'm wondering if I would be wise to leave the D-Bol out of it, or is D-Bol considered safe?

    I'd like help filling in the following question marks please:

    Deca-Durabolin : Week 1-? : 1cc E3D
    Test Enanthate : Week 1-12 : 1cc E3D
    Dianobol : Week 1-4 : 50 mg ED (Is 50 mg an OK dosage?)
    Arimidex : Week 1-? : 0.25mg ED
    hCG : Week 1-? : 200iu's every ED

    After the 12th week I would take nothing for 2 weeks, and then do the following PCT:

    Clomiphene: 100/50/50/50
    Tamoxifen: 40/20/20/20

    Really the only thing I'm having doubts about is the D-bol, because if I suffer bad sides then I won't know whether to stop the Deca or to stop the D-bol!

    First though I need to fill in the red question marks above.

    By the way I should mention that I've started taking diet advice from a guy at my gym who's big and ripped (and he's not an asshole thankfully). He's 5'4" tall, weighs 57 kg and has 5% bodyfat, he looks awesome. He's already been giving me food advice but I told him I'd like to go shopping with him and see exactly what stuff he buys and where he gets it.
    Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 10-12-2009 at 10:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Bullnutz is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2009
    Good winter bulker cycle.Test needs to be over 600mg a week.Deca over 400.40mg of d-bol a day is plenty.Save HCG for post cycle and take rimi EOD to prevent gyno. HCG will jumpstart your nuts along with Clomid.

  3. #3
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullnutz View Post
    Good winter bulker cycle.Test needs to be over 600mg a week.Deca over 400.40mg of d-bol a day is plenty.Save HCG for post cycle and take rimi EOD to prevent gyno. HCG will jumpstart your nuts along with Clomid.
    test is ok at 500mg with deca 400/500

  4. #4
    Sherman01's Avatar
    Sherman01 is offline Associate Member
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    Here is how I would personally set up your cycle. i would run it 2 weeks longer due to the very long ester of Deca . You for sure want to use HCG during the whole cycle, not during PCT, thats simply wrong.

    1-14 Test E 500mg/wk
    1-12 Deca 400mg/wk
    8-14 Winny 50mg/ed
    1-16 HCG 250IU 2x/wk
    1-16 Arimidex .25mg/ed

    Clomiphene: 100/50/50/50
    Tamoxifen : 40/20/20/20

    For an oral I would use Winny at the end of the cycle vs Dbol . Its a better match with a 19-nor. There are a few reasons for this if you do a little research on here I think you can find it, if not I can go over them. Also have something on hand for prog sides IMHO. Caber, Bromo, Prami all work. Personal sides vary between all three compounds.

  5. #5
    MaGiCJNG is offline Associate Member
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    Just curious why you would run HCG throughout cycle and not at PCT? I understand you are running it AS a PCT (you listing 16 weeks), but why run it during cycle as well?

  6. #6
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaGiCJNG View Post

    Just curious why you would run HCG throughout cycle and not at PCT? I understand you are running it AS a PCT (you listing 16 weeks), but why run it during cycle as well?
    hcg during prevents your nuts from going outa commission rather than tryn to ressurect them afta cycle

  7. #7
    Sherman01's Avatar
    Sherman01 is offline Associate Member
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    Exactly, no need to let your balls shrink up, esp when running a 19-nor thats going to shut you down hard. use a low dose of HCG during cycle and prevent them from shrinking at all.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You dont want to be cycling, - Tell me what side-effects to expect! Test & Deca & D-bol

    Fact is you have been training for 10-12 months, this isnt any kind of base or foundation to start any kind of cycling, it takes yrs to fully understand how you body reacts and grows from different forms of training, you need to build a solid base from intense workouts over a few yrs will give you an excellent starting point to use AAS.

    Another fact, your diet is awfull, dont think I am flamming here i am trying to help, your diet needs major work, how do you expect to grow on this rubbish -
    Two fried eggs, two slices of toast, two slices of bacon
    Three large pieces of breaded chicken breast (each piece about the size of your hand)
    Steak and french fries at a restaurant
    Three chicken's eggs mixed in with pancake (two of these so that's 6 eggs)
    so go down to the diet section and stay there for a few months and experiment on foods what will build muscle tissue, experiement with foods!!.

    Another fact is your HPTA isnt fully functional, so dont run the risk of damaging it by shutting down before its fully grown, this is common sense.

    Another fact is, I am sick of telling you which direction to go on all the threads you start, the answer isnt going to change,you are going to have to change!! listen to everyone,

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    If you take hCG during your PCT that it will just further inhibit your HPTA! You want your own natural Leutinizing Hormone to take over the role of hCG during your PCT.

    When you come off the Testosterone and stop taking hCG, your Testosterone level will take a nose dive, which is why the Hypothalmus in the brain responds by secreting more GnRH. The increased GnRH results in increased LH production, which means your balls will be producing Testosterone again naturally. The idea is to get your body back working exactly the way it was. Taking hCG when you're trying to get everything working naturally is just going to delay things.

    By the way I'm gonna get bloodwork done before I start my next cycle.
    Last edited by KimboHalfSlice; 10-12-2009 at 06:47 PM.

  10. #10
    Nicotine's Avatar
    Nicotine is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Another fact, your diet is awfull, dont think I am flamming here i am trying to help, your diet needs major work, how do you expect to grow on this rubbish -
    Two fried eggs, two slices of toast, two slices of bacon
    Three large pieces of breaded chicken breast (each piece about the size of your hand)
    Steak and french fries at a restaurant
    Three chicken's eggs mixed in with pancake (two of these so that's 6 eggs)
    so go down to the diet section and stay there for a few months and experiment on foods what will build muscle tissue, experiement with foods!!.
    wow...if that's TRULY this guys diet, no drugs will help him in the long term...espcially when he goes clean

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