Quote Originally Posted by PO OFFICER View Post
Just about done with my anavar bridge. How does this look? Yes, I am competing.

WEEKS 1-8: Winstrol 50mg Every Day
WEEKS 1-6: Trenabol 75mg Every Day
WEEKS 1-8: Testosterone Propionate 50mg Every Day
WEEKS 4-8: Masteron 100mg Every Other Day
WEEKS 3-8: T3 50-75mcg Every Day
WEEKS 1-10: Anastrozole 0.25 mg Every Day

Clenbuterol 80-100mcg: 14 DAYS ON, 14 DAYS OFF

WEEKS 1-8: PREGNYL (HCG ) 300-500iu Every 4-5 days***

WEEK 8: 40mg Tamoximed/100mg Clomid daily
WEEK 9: 30mg Tamoximed/ 50mg Clomid daily
WEEK 10: 20mg Tamoximed/ 50mg Clomid daily
hahaha... I've seen this cycle around the net a couple of times now. So let me ask a couple of things first...

You said you just bridged, but what was your previous cycle? The reason I'm asking is because if you've been on cycle for >18 weeks then that PCT is not suffice IMO. I would do a much more advanced PCT protocol.. but I'll wait for you to respond before going into that.

Also, I would be running the T3 from the beginning, not week 3. You shouldn't be concerned with muscle loss in the first 3 weeks, especially with tren -ace and prop as your androgens. I would just start a maintanence dosage of T3 @ 40-50mcg ED for the first 3 weeks, and then bump up to 75mcg for the rest of the cycle if necessary.

If you're going straight into a competition from this cycle then I would probably bump the winny up to 100mg for the last 3 - 4 weeks. Otherwise looks good, hopefully you don't care about your hair, because you'll definitely have none post cycle haha, jokes.. kinda.

... God damn DHT derivatives haha.