i agree that this wouldnt do it for me. if the big men use this workout like u say, id bet that they were already gigantic and lifting weights 20x heavier then most ppl will ever touch. maybe then they can take 2-4 min rest after db pressing 250s. for me i need more sets more excercises and a bit more reps and less rest to keep up the intensity. deadlifts are also one of the "big 3" and should definately not be left out^^! i also have read many times that u should never go to failure unless it is the last set of ur excercise.. unless u are aware of something i am not. just takin an example from the workout there if i did 3 sets of squats to failure i would have to cut the weight down by like a third each time not to mention i wouldnt even be able to walk over to the leg press afterwards.

sry if that sounds like bashing, just definitely not for me.