Hi all. Im 21 yrs old and curious about starting to take hgh. When i was a junior in high school(16 yrs old) i found myself weighing 285 LBS! i was stong and all that but also had alot of fat. By my senior year i dropped down to about 230 LBS. I maintained this weight up until i turned 19 or so and started doing lots of cardio and made myself a strict diet. I currently weigh 190 LBS. When i dropped the recent weight i also dropped alot of muscle. My skin isn't as tight as it should be and i have quite a few stretch marks.

So i was looking for something i can take to build my muscle back up and get some deffinition going on. I thought the hgh would help with that and also help with the skin....

Any suggestions on what i can do or take to help me lose fat and also gain lean muscle?