Ok ... I realize this is somewhat off topic, but I don't know where else to turn for advice.

I am uninterested in the anabolic effect of steroids because I am not a bodybuilder, I am interested in the androgenic effect. I am experiencing symptoms of testosterone deficiency, so my doctor ordered a test of total testosterone. It came back with a figure of 307 ng/dl, which according to all my research is incredibly low for someone my age (I'm 30). My doctor, however, says I am "within range" and won't prescribe me anything for it. My research says I should be between 350-1100 ng/dl, and frankly, I'd rather be midrange than on the low end of the range anyway. 307 seems completely unacceptable.

Which is why I come to you guys. Is it possible to use the anabolic steroids as a hormone replacement therapy? I would obviously use less, but how much less? Does anyone have any idea about how much of an anabolic steroid one would have to use to increase one's testosterone levels by about 300-400 points? And what would be the best way to administer it if so? I would obviously want a long acting form so I have to inject myself as rarely as possible.

Thanks in advance