Hey guys im 22 years old and I need a little help on my first cycle i have been researching around and I have somewhat figured what I want to take just need opinions or suggestions on what I should tweak. I have been going to the gym for 2 years now I was weighing at 230lbs at a 27% bf. I am now 192lbs with a 22% bf I know its still a little high.

As for gear this is what I can get my hands on and how I plan on taking it.

1)Clenbuterol 100 tabs 40 mcg
For three weeks to bring body fat a little lower. after a week....

2) sustanon 250
for ten weeks injecting every Mon/Thur splitting it 125mg each day.

3) dianabol 5mg 500 tabs
for four weeks while taking sustanon taking 35mg a day

4) I can get Nolvadex and Clomid and this is where I need help ive been researching on several forums and i cant get a quite solid answer as how to do PCT some say you dont need Clomid or vice versa i know to take it a week after my last shot.

I am looking to gain a good size of muscle and still stay a little lean.

My meal will look like this

Meal one:
4 Over easy eggs ( only way I will eat eggs )
3 slicesTurkey Bacon
1 slice whole wheat toast

Meal 2:
Protein Shake
Peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat(extra Protein)

Meal 3:
Tuna or Turkey Sandwhich

Meal 4:
Chicken or meat with vegetables

Meal 5:
Protein Shake
Salad with no dressing just lemon and olive oil
or a bowl of oats

As for training I was thinking of more cardio while on Clenbuterol around 5-6 times a week

Monday-Chest Triceps
Tuesday- Cardio and Abs
Wednesday-Shoulders and Legs
Thursday-Cardio and Abs
Friday-Biceps and Back
Saturday Cardio

I still have around 4 months till I order everything and I am 200% motivated, this is my first cycle and i plan on doing 2 depending the results of my first one.

While I wait I am following that same diet and training.

I would like to hear what I can change or do to see the best results.
Thanks guys.