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Thread: Equipoise Only

  1. #1
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Question Equipoise Only (Looking for book and personal use knowledge)


    I will have Eq available to me soon.... I want to run it solo because I want to get slow small gains that are not too noticeable coupled with low chances of sides.... I am recently married and the wifey will have no idea I would be taking any AAS and I would like to keep it that way. This will be my first "cycle" I know most recommend test.. and say it is not a cycle without test that why i put the cycle in "".

    Here are my stats
    Age: 24...almost 25
    Height: 5foot-10.5 inches
    Weight: 140lbs
    Body fat%: 5%
    Training: M-F where i rotate my mon, wed, fri (Ill do Pull movements M&F and Push movements on W...then the next week....Push on M&F...Pull on W.. ...tues and thursday are reserved for legs.

    I am going to do this cycle....250mg every 5 days...which will average about 412mg a week, and run it for 12 weeks min. (I will have cialis on hand incase there are problems down below..Im one of those people that have an over active libido in the first place so i may not get hit to hard there.)...Wife complains i want sex too much as it is LOL.

    Again I know people are going to say my diet sucks and whatever else. I am just one of those people that can eat and not put on weight. That is another reason I want to run EQ so will be able to eat more food than usual. Its hard for me to force more than 3000 cals a day.

    Other supps i take are creatine, and Gaspari Nutrition Superpump 250, whey protein, and matodextrin for carb... my macro nutrient breakdown is 60% carb, 25% protein, 15% fat.

    Im just looking for anyone with some first hand use of this without test, and how they responded to it...also any recommendations of any kind...besides use test because I dont want to risk the estrogenic sides. Thanks
    Last edited by JH0511; 01-13-2010 at 03:39 PM.

  2. #2
    nilrac is offline Member
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    How long have you been training?
    What kind of split are you doing (in more detail)?
    And what does an average day of eating look like? How many grams of quality protein per day?

    140Lbs at 5ft 11" is very skinny. I don't think steroids are the answer for you at this point. Revision of diet and training regime are.
    Last edited by nilrac; 01-13-2010 at 10:28 AM.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    I wouldn't even recommend a test cycle to you, bro.

    5'10 and 140lbs? know what you need to do, you said it in your post.

    But why don't you humor us, and tell us, in detail, what your daily diet is like.

  4. #4
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Daily Diet is as follows....
    I work out at 5:30 am to 7:15 am.....This is my only time in the day to work out....

    Preworkout I have a Protein bar - 370 cals, 50g carb, 28g protein,

    Immediately after workout I have a protein shake with whey protein -130cals, 4g carb, 24g protein, mixed with creatine, and malto powder - 240 cals, 60g carb, 0g protein....this same shake is done again 1 hour after drinking the first one.

    This puts me at 1110 cals by 9am....

    Next is @ 11am I do Whey protein only shake same cals, and protein as mentioned above.... So thats 1240cals by 11 am..

    Lunch is generally Salsaritas...I LOVE IT..its like a mexican subway....My intake there is generally 800 to 1000 cals. 2 steak tacos, and chips and salsa.

    So after lunch im around 2040 to 2240 cals....

    Around 4 hours later about 4pm I will do another whey protein shake same cals, and protein as listed above ....So around 4pm ive had about 2400 cals...

    Next is dinner. I wont lie here I generally eat taco bell or subway or some sort of fast food....small house tiny kitchen....not much of a cooker. If i eat taco bell...I get 3 soft taco mean...200 cals a taco....So that would put me at about 3000 cals after dinner.....

    Before I go to bed I will do a casein protein shake which is 120 cals, 3g carbs, 25g protein....Which puts me around 3100 cals a day.....I generally go to bed around 11pm....Get back up at 5 or 5:30 and start it all over again.
    Last edited by JH0511; 01-13-2010 at 10:43 AM. Reason: forgot something

  5. #5
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    I used to weight 160.....but i was around 18-20% body fat.....I ran my ass off to get where i am now

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JH0511 View Post
    Daily Diet is as follows....
    I work out at 5:30 am to 7:15 am.....This is my only time in the day to work out....

    Preworkout I have a Protein bar - 370 cals, 50g carb, 28g protein,

    Immediately after workout I have a protein shake with whey protein -130cals, 4g carb, 24g protein, mixed with creatine, and malto powder - 240 cals, 60g carb, 0g protein....this same shake is done again 1 hour after drinking the first one.

    This puts me at 1110 cals by 9am....

    Next is @ 11am I do Whey protein only shake same cals, and protein as mentioned above.... So thats 1240cals by 11 am..

    Lunch is generally Salsaritas...I LOVE IT..its like a mexican subway....My intake there is generally 800 to 1000 cals. 2 steak tacos, and chips and salsa.

    So after lunch im around 2040 to 2240 cals....

    Around 4 hours later about 4pm I will do another whey protein shake same cals, and protein as listed above ....So around 4pm ive had about 2400 cals...

    Next is dinner. I wont lie here I generally eat taco bell or subway or some sort of fast food....small house tiny kitchen....not much of a cooker. If i eat taco bell...I get 3 soft taco mean...200 cals a taco....So that would put me at about 3000 cals after dinner.....

    Before I go to bed I will do a casein protein shake which is 120 cals, 3g carbs, 25g protein....Which puts me around 3100 cals a day.....I generally go to bed around 11pm....Get back up at 5 or 5:30 and start it all over again.
    No way in the world you are going to put on muscle with that diet, and taking EQ won't fix your problem.

    You have too many shakes, not enough real, solid food, and you eat taco bell (or it's equivalent) twice a day.

    You can make all the excuses you want (small kitchen, not enough space), but when you are motivated enough, you'll start grilling up chicken breasts on a foreman and packing them in tupperware for work the next day....

  7. #7
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    No way in the world you are going to put on muscle with that diet, and taking EQ won't fix your problem.

    You have too many shakes, not enough real, solid food, and you eat taco bell (or it's equivalent) twice a day.

    You can make all the excuses you want (small kitchen, not enough space), but when you are motivated enough, you'll start grilling up chicken breasts on a foreman and packing them in tupperware for work the next day....
    agree 100%.

    u are on pretty much a liquid diet man.
    please do not do this cycle, as D7 said, any kind of cycle is a NO-No for u.
    u need to eat, and eat, and eat...

  8. #8
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Training has been on and off since 18....when i was younger i didnt care too much...i was pudgy and overweight....when i hit 22 I started to train in the last year is where i have made it a workout days look like this.

    Push movements...
    Chest press machine to warm up..
    Flat Bench...135lbs @ 12-15 reps for 3 sets
    Decline Bench... 135 @ 12-15 reps for 3 sets
    Incline Dumbell Press... 45 lbs each hand 10-12 reps for 3 sets
    Overhead dumbell tricept press...55lbs 12-15 reps for 3 sets
    Tricept cable pushdown....110lbs 12-15 reps for 3 sets
    reverse grip tricept cable pushdown ... 80lbs 12-15 reps for 3 sets
    Dumbell Tricept kickbacks... 25lbs 15 reps for 3 sets
    Unassited Dips - 12 - 15 reps for 3 sets
    Chest press machine to burn out 2 or 3 sets
    Torso Rotation machine
    Abs - Pikes and leg lifts
    lateral Shoulder raises 25 lbs each hand 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Excise to work shoulder blade area...scapula i believe is the name sorry for not know that...Need to increase strength in that area

    Pull movement days
    Warm up with 20lbs dumbell curls
    Standing Dumbell curl - 35 lbs 10-12 reps 3 sets
    Preacher Curl - 30 lbs each side of an EZ curl bar.. 10-12 reps, 3 sets
    Hammer Curl - 25 lbs 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Dumbell Lat Row - 55lbs 15 reps, 3 sets
    Standing Row w/ EZ curl bar w/ 30 lbs on each side. 1-12 reps, 3 sets
    Standing barbell curl. 65lbs 10-12 reps, 3 sets
    Seated dumbell curl. 25lbs 10-15 reps, 3 sets
    Concentrated Curl to burn out 20lbs, 3 sets to burnout
    Lat Row Machine 80lbs, 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Low Row machine 80lbs, 12-15 Reps, 3 sets
    Standing Row I do on a machine to work center of back, 30-40lbs....12reps, 3 sets
    Lateral Shoulder Raise, 25lbs each hand 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Abs - Pikes and leg lifts

    Leg day
    Leg Press machine to warm up
    Power cleans 90lbs. 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Standing Calf raise, 90lbs 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    sitting calf raise, 70lbs, 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Squats 135lbs 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Kettle Bell Squat/Raise forward. 35lbs 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Leg Extensions 70lbs, 12-15 reps 3 sets
    Leg Curl 85lbs, 12-15 reps, 3 sets
    Leg Press Machine, Use one foot Jump and slow myself down with one leg...Not sure of weight on this machine....each leg 15 reps, 3 sets
    I will also do Abs on Leg day....I know my leg day could be better...Im just not that much into having huge legs

  9. #9
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    I can squeeze in the extra solid food...its just easier with my lifestyle doing my diet the way it is now. I dont mind changing it open to diet recommendation

  10. #10
    ohlsson is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    agree 100%.

    u are on pretty much a liquid diet man.
    please do not do this cycle, as D7 said, any kind of cycle is a NO-No for u.
    u need to eat, and eat, and eat...
    shit diet, ur diet should consist of about two protein shakes, everything else should be lean chicken, steak, oats, milk, bananas, brown bread, vegetables fruit etc. when i have a protein shake i mix in raw foods too. fix ur diet before u start a cycle!

  11. #11
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohlsson View Post
    shit diet, ur diet should consist of about two protein shakes, everything else should be lean chicken, steak, oats, milk, bananas, brown bread, vegetables fruit etc. when i have a protein shake i mix in raw foods too. fix ur diet before u start a cycle!
    Will do for sure before I start the cycle...Thats why I am here. To get help from the people that have more knowledge than me.

  12. #12
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Keep in mind. I want to stay at the bf% i am currently at. And in no way am I trying to look like a pro-bodybuilder... I just want a little more lean mass. Its only for my only self-happiness as far as looking good.

  13. #13
    lift2win is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohlsson View Post
    shit diet, ur diet should consist of about two protein shakes, everything else should be lean chicken, steak, oats, milk, bananas, brown bread, vegetables fruit etc. when i have a protein shake i mix in raw foods too. fix ur diet before u start a cycle!
    what he said. test is only an aid to make ur muscles grow, without a diet ur pinning your leg for no reason and will get the same results that you would with creatine lol. i had the same problem a while ago with food not fitting my scheduele. just cook mass amounts of food and throw them in the fridge, i eat my food cold now 70% of the time be cause im too busy to cook it.

    edit- i just saw he said real foods in the shakes, best idea possible, i always add a banana and a few egg whites, lots of protein and calories, potasium is great for the muscles and also makes the shakes taste even better!

  14. #14
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lift2win View Post
    what he said. test is only an aid to make ur muscles grow, without a diet ur pinning your leg for no reason and will get the same results that you would with creatine lol. i had the same problem a while ago with food not fitting my scheduele. just cook mass amounts of food and throw them in the fridge, i eat my food cold now 70% of the time be cause im too busy to cook it.
    Thats probably what I will do....I have a grill...and can buy the chicken no prob.....Cook it all at once and put away..

    I can do the real food in the shakes as well cause I love bananas and eggs....I also love oat meal so that wont be a problem....

  15. #15
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    bump for eq info....Diet will be worked out

  16. #16
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Please listen to D7M, no more needs to be said

  17. #17
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Please listen to D7M, no more needs to be said
    I understand that....the diet will be fixed... That is what he suggested....But I still want some personal use info about EQ. I am still going to purchase it and use it when I have the diet dialed in.. Also Im pretty sure im an Ectomorph w/ some mesomorph features..I can gain fat easier than ectomorphs.....Im shaped more like brad pit in the movie snatch....just a little less defined
    Last edited by JH0511; 01-13-2010 at 11:56 AM.

  18. #18
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You need to sort your diet out and build some natural base first before any AAS are used, your a long way off using IMHO. Also EQ is worthless at building muscle there are far better compounds out there what will do the job far better than chancing your luck with such a weak compound, it takes to long to work and is very weak on its own, pointless..

  19. #19
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    I WILL fix the diet issue, and build a slightly bigger base before starting.. But as far as using a different compound I prefer not to..I know it is weak and that is why i want to use it. I do not want to get HUGE or big quick. I want SLOW STEADY gains. I dont want people to be able to notice that I am using an AAS. The low sides are a bonus as well. I mentioned before im not trying to look like a bodybuilder...Just ripped and in shape.. for one else.

  20. #20
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    The low sides are a bonus as well.
    You can get sides from it.......anxiety,acne,low sex drive, shut down test production just to name a few.

  21. #21
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    You can get sides from it.......anxiety,acne,low sex drive, shut down test production just to name a few.
    I know there are sides with all AAS...but with the lower dose I would take the chances of sides are smaller than it would be if i was the same dose of test. Im more worried about estrogenic sides than any other.

  22. #22
    ohlsson is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JH0511 View Post
    I know there are sides with all AAS...but with the lower dose I would take the chances of sides are smaller than it would be if i was the same dose of test. Im more worried about estrogenic sides than any other.
    look, forget about steroids , ur just not ready man
    Last edited by ohlsson; 01-13-2010 at 01:16 PM.

  23. #23
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohlsson View Post
    look, forget about steroids, fix ur diet and im sure ull see results within a few months, theres no point taking roids if ur diet isnt in check, ur just not ready.
    I dont know if you just didnt read above I have said several times that I am going to fix the diet....and I will give it a few months before taking any AAS... I am a hospitality managment/ Dietetics major (I have had several human nutrition/food science classes)...I can get my diet dialed in.
    I just didnt know I was doing too much liquid and not enough solid food. The diet I created for myself was to loose as much body fat as possible, while still increasing strength which is exactly what I have done. Now i am wanting to put LEAN weight on, and WILL get the diet dialed in. And I thank everyone for the suggestion to fix my diet, and i am listening and have acknowledged that my diet needs work. I know my body and will be able to tell what is working and what isnt for the diet.
    So for future readers....I WILL have the diet dialed in.... and I WILL allow myself more natural growth time before using the AAS. I am still looking for info from people that are very knowledgeable, whether book, or personal use on Eq only cycles...Things such as how the recovery was from it, how much weight did you put on, what was the dosage you used, how long was your cycle... Things of that nature.
    Please do not comment on diet again. I know it needs work and will fix it.

  24. #24
    D7M's Avatar
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    ^good to hear, man.

    I guess we gave you enough brow beating about the diet

  25. #25
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    ^good to hear, man.

    I guess we gave you enough brow beating about the diet
    Yes, before today I honestly did not think my diet was that bad. But I was wrong! I am in the process of doing more diet research on this forum...This is an amazing forum with vast amounts of information.... And again I want to thank everyone for their suggestions.

  26. #26
    ohlsson is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JH0511 View Post
    I dont know if you just didnt read above I have said several times that I am going to fix the diet....and I will give it a few months before taking any AAS... I am a hospitality managment/ Dietetics major (I have had several human nutrition/food science classes)...I can get my diet dialed in.
    I just didnt know I was doing too much liquid and not enough solid food. The diet I created for myself was to loose as much body fat as possible, while still increasing strength which is exactly what I have done. Now i am wanting to put LEAN weight on, and WILL get the diet dialed in. And I thank everyone for the suggestion to fix my diet, and i am listening and have acknowledged that my diet needs work. I know my body and will be able to tell what is working and what isnt for the diet.
    So for future readers....I WILL have the diet dialed in.... and I WILL allow myself more natural growth time before using the AAS. I am still looking for info from people that are very knowledgeable, whether book, or personal use on Eq only cycles...Things such as how the recovery was from it, how much weight did you put on, what was the dosage you used, how long was your cycle... Things of that nature.
    Please do not comment on diet again. I know it needs work and will fix it.
    whoops, edited too late

  27. #27
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ohlsson View Post
    whoops, edited too late

    Yeah I hit reply before you edited....I felt like an ass after I asked if you had read above as soon as I saw after I posted my reply that you had edited your response... No biggie....

  28. #28
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
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    wtf? stop worrying so much about what you eat at your size. its the amount you need to eat that you need to worry about. you are better off eating 3000 calories of pizza than 1000 calories of chicken

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  30. #30
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    wtf? stop worrying so much about what you eat at your size. its the amount you need to eat that you need to worry about. you are better off eating 3000 calories of pizza than 1000 calories of chicken
    Please read the entire thread before commenting ...... I want lean food, not fat...i put on fat easy...I posted this above. Plus eating 3000 calories of pizza is heathly for no one. You can do that to yourself but "no thanks" here. And I think you missed the comment about no more comments on my diet...It an issue that has been discussed and that part of this thread is over. I am now only looking for knowledge and personal experience with Eq....

  31. #31
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    at his height and weight and bf%? His priority is gaining weight now, sure its better if he keeps it clean but quantity is far more important than quality here. I started off at 130lbs at 5'9 and shot all the way up to 205lbs in 2 1/2-3 years (with more bf but I cut that off) by eating a moderately clean diet but mostly binging and eating like a madman (5000k cals on average per day)

    Quote Originally Posted by JH0511 View Post
    Please read the entire thread before commenting ...... I want lean food, not fat...i put on fat easy...I posted this above. Plus eating 3000 calories of pizza is heathly for no one. You can do that to yourself but "no thanks" here. And I think you missed the comment about no more comments on my diet...It an issue that has been discussed and that part of this thread is over. I am now only looking for knowledge and personal experience with Eq....
    no one will recommend an EQ only cycle at your stats based on your diet. I know you don't want to talk about it, but I know how people operate around here
    Last edited by AlphaMaleDawg; 01-13-2010 at 02:28 PM.

  32. #32
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    at his height and weight and bf%? His priority is gaining weight now, sure its better if he keeps it clean but quantity is far more important than quality here. I started off at 130lbs at 5'9 and shot all the way up to 205lbs in 2 1/2-3 years (with more bf but I cut that off) by eating a moderately clean diet but mostly binging and eating like a madman (5000k cals on average per day)
    I never in my life want to weigh over 175lbs....

  33. #33
    Mr.Rose's Avatar
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    whats wrong with a lot of liquid (as long as the majority of the diet is solid of course). I mean I have about 4-6 protein shakes a day, with 2-4 of them being casein which i mix to a consistency of pudding (because it thickens with acid hence its slow release). But that is ontop of like 10000000kg of chicken and red meat a day and brown rice/bred and eggs etc. But with 4000cals, i can fit in 6 protein shakes a day at 50-80grams in each shake no problem. I see no problem with a few shakes a day, but yes his diet needs more solid food, but once he does that he can keep that shake count up no problem.

    oh btw my casein is taken in day and night, and whey (isolate) taken morning with breakie and pre and post workout. Eating every two hours will give a steady supply of amino acids into the blood stream.
    Last edited by Mr.Rose; 01-13-2010 at 02:37 PM.

  34. #34
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMaleDawg View Post
    at his height and weight and bf%? His priority is gaining weight now, sure its better if he keeps it clean but quantity is far more important than quality here. I started off at 130lbs at 5'9 and shot all the way up to 205lbs in 2 1/2-3 years (with more bf but I cut that off) by eating a moderately clean diet but mostly binging and eating like a madman (5000k cals on average per day)

    no one will recommend an EQ only cycle at your stats based on your diet. I know you don't want to talk about it, but I know how people operate around here
    I understand this ....If you read the ENTIRE thread you will see that all that has been commented about on here is about my poor diet.... and you will see that I am going to work on that and WILL get it nailed down and do more work naturally before doing the AAS.... Im just trying to get as much knowledge as possible before I get to that point.

  35. #35
    AlphaMaleDawg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JH0511 View Post
    I understand this ....If you read the ENTIRE thread you will see that all that has been commented about on here is about my poor diet.... and you will see that I am going to work on that and WILL get it nailed down and do more work naturally before doing the AAS.... Im just trying to get as much knowledge as possible before I get to that point.
    ok I dont know enough about EQ to give you advice on it, so I will just leave this thread

  36. #36
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Bump to the top to try to get some EQ only book and EQ only personal experience knowledge.. Please chime in if you have done an EQ only cycle

  37. #37
    chuckt12345's Avatar
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    it prb will not yield the results you are looking for. if you do a search you will find a few EQ only threads. Yea the sides of EQ only are lower than test only but if it does shut you down then your fkd. Why take the risk.

  38. #38
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JH0511 View Post
    Bump to the top to try to get some EQ only book and EQ only personal experience knowledge.. Please chime in if you have done an EQ only cycle
    If you stop and listen instead of waiting to hear what you want to hear then you will get some good advice........eq is very very weak it is useless on its own, your better off spending your money on food because that will give you better gains, ive tried it a few times and ive worked with many guys who have tried it and its a very small few who respond to it, forget completely IMHO,

    You diet is awfull and this needs sorting well before you start a cycle, you need to estabolish a very good diet and looking over your diet you are months off starting any cycle, the answer isnt in injections its in your diet, for what you want to achieve with a eq only cycle it can be done by sorting your diet out, now stop looking for someone who is going to breast feed you into a eq cycle and do what everyone as told you, sort your diet out.

  39. #39
    JH0511 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckt12345 View Post
    it prb will not yield the results you are looking for. if you do a search you will find a few EQ only threads. Yea the sides of EQ only are lower than test only but if it does shut you down then your fkd. Why take the risk.
    The results I am looking for are about 10-12 lbs in 12 weeks or so....Is that not possible on EQ? Im not looking to put on much weight... With a dose of 400mg a week for 12 weeks will that shut me down bad? I think most people get in trouble on getting shut down when they are taking like 600 or more mg a week. I just want small amounts of lean mass at at time. Nothing too noticeable

  40. #40
    XLCanadian's Avatar
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    Yeah EQ alone is just not good for you. I didn't really like it myself and I was running it along with Prop.

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