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  1. #1
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Arrow Thoughts on NPP for bulking cycle?

    Im just curious on NPP so I decided to do some research on it. Im about to start a cutting cycle but in the future ill start another bulking cycle, maybe including NPP in it, so I just would like to learn about it. Already read the steroid profile on it so id like some first hand user opinions on it. I already know it can be shot ED or EOD.

    Whats your thoughts on NPP added to a bulkin cycle? Is it really that much better then just Test?

    Whats an effective dosing of NPP for a first time user of it? 300mg?

    How long do you run it for since its a short ester? 8 weeks long enough?

    Any personal experience insight is appreciated on gains/sides......

  2. #2
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauced_Up View Post
    Im just curious on NPP so I decided to do some research on it. Im about to start a cutting cycle but in the future ill start another bulking cycle, maybe including NPP in it, so I just would like to learn about it. Already read the steroid profile on it so id like some first hand user opinions on it. I already know it can be shot ED or EOD.

    Whats your thoughts on NPP added to a bulkin cycle? Is it really that much better then just Test?

    Whats an effective dosing of NPP for a first time user of it? 300mg?

    How long do you run it for since its a short ester? 8 weeks long enough?

    Any personal experience insight is appreciated on gains/sides......
    Well i've never run it but i can tell you about it

    NPP is kinda the prop version of deca , but a little different. Yes it goes well in bulking cycles, the only downside(if you call it that) being that the cycles aren't as long

    it should be run 8-10 weeks IMO(at least that's the average duration span)

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    ^agreed. NPP is a great compound, imo.

    400-500mg/wk is a good starting dose.

  4. #4
    RANA's Avatar
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    I just finished npp/prop cycle each at 75mg ED. It's a good bulking and or cutting cycle.
    I did 8 weeks of npp and 9 weeks of prop

  5. #5
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    npp is my fav aas i think or in my top 3 anyways deff good to bulk w

  6. #6
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Thanks for the replies

    So at 400mg/week of NPP added to a 500mg Test cycle, would you see really any additional growth? or is it minimal?

    Never ran any other injectable besides Test so im just wondering if stacking the compounds is as good as its made out to be

  7. #7
    theboss's Avatar
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    if you are using Prop use NPP...
    if you are using Test E or C use Deca ...

    like Deca, NPP should be ran @ 2mg per pound of body weight.
    ie. if you are 200 lbs...400mg of NPP will be a good start and will provide additional gains.

  8. #8
    D7M's Avatar
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    You're adding another compound, and a 19nor at that....yah you should see additional growth.

  9. #9
    Sauced_Up's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theboss View Post
    if you are using Prop use NPP...
    if you are using Test E or C use Deca ...

    like Deca, NPP should be ran @ 2mg per pound of body weight.
    ie. if you are 200 lbs...400mg of NPP will be a good start and will provide additional gains.


    If I do run it in the future itll be with Sust325 so I could just shoot it EOD with them together.

    And what about the 19-nor sides? Ive read into it, such as deca dick, harder to recover, possible lactation. Ive read in some of my research that estrogen can aggravate the symptoms of 19-nors but the best way to combat them is through caber or bromo.... BUT CABER IS SOOOO DAMN EXPENSIVE, I could get 20weeks worth of test for the price of a thing of Caber...

    Would Adex or Nolva be helpful in blockin these sides?

  10. #10
    D7M's Avatar
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    You shouldn't experience any "deca dick" if you're running test with it.

    19nors can be harder to recover from, and you may want to use HCG during your cycle, to make recovery easier.

    Caber is always good to have on hand when running 19nors, but if you control estrogen, you shouldn't have a large problem with PRL related sides. Adex or aromasin is what you want.

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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    You shouldn't experience any "deca dick" if you're running test with it.

    19nors can be harder to recover from, and you may want to use HCG during your cycle, to make recovery easier.

    Caber is always good to have on hand when running 19nors, but if you control estrogen, you shouldn't have a large problem with PRL related sides. Adex or aromasin is what you want.

    Thanks for the quick response bro,

    So is it a standard dose of Adex thatd you run with a test only cycle or a bit higher dose to keep it in check?

    And if I do run this later, ill deff throw in HCG since its fairly cheap and im all about covering my bases.

  12. #12
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    You can start with adex at .25mg EOD, or Aromasin 10mg/EOD, and take it from there...

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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    You can start with adex at .25mg EOD, or Aromasin 10mg/EOD, and take it from there...

    Thanks alot bro,
    helped answer all my questions

  14. #14
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    Anyone else is welcome to chime in on their experiences with NPP.... Good or Bad responses are welcome

  15. #15
    RANA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    You shouldn't experience any "deca dick" if you're running test with it.

    19nors can be harder to recover from, and you may want to use HCG during your cycle, to make recovery easier.

    Caber is always good to have on hand when running 19nors, but if you control estrogen, you shouldn't have a large problem with PRL related sides. Adex or aromasin is what you want.
    I so agree, I got deca dick during my pct (maybe deca dick either way no libido) and it took me a month after pct to get it back. I am taking caber right now just in case

  16. #16
    coot589 is offline Junior Member
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    I loved NPP but I used it to cut with test prop I was very strong but during PCT I pushed it a little far and F****d up my shoulder from the loss of water to the joints I believe and It took me six months to get back my strength But it is a good coumpound But now I am on Tren and Tren is like NPP super bad ass twin brother. You feel like a God and stronger than the Hulk. If U react good to NPP then U have to try Tren and if U get sides on NPP don't even think of trying Tren both r Nor-19's. Tren 17lbs. of soild muscle in 4 weeks @ 4500 Cals.

  17. #17
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sauced_Up View Post
    BUT CABER IS SOOOO DAMN EXPENSIVE, I could get 20weeks worth of test for the price of a thing of Caber...
    Why don't you just buy bromo then? It's a 5th of the price of caber...

    And this should help w/ anymore of your questions:

    Excellent for bulking BTW. Sust + NPP would be a quality bulker. I might throw an oral in to kick-start like t-bol or d-bol... but since you've never stacked before I doubt that would be neccessary.

    In any case, best of luck w/ the cycle. And keep us updated plz.

  18. #18
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Ok, I skipped right to posting my thoughts.

    I think NPP is a way better form of the compound Nandrolone for building MASS. Because.. instead of adding in the water retention it keeps it regulated nicely so you are limited to strictly *with proper diet* to pure gains in LBM.

    I love NPP and will probably Never use Decanoate ester again.. (for one, it takes too long to kick in.. for two.. it shuts you down for a longer duration, for three .. it's detectable for longer than NPP is) so all in all NPP is just the best version of Nandrolone to exist because you can use it for Bulking and Cutting.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vitruvian-Man View Post
    Why don't you just buy bromo then? It's a 5th of the price of caber...

    And this should help w/ anymore of your questions:

    Excellent for bulking BTW. Sust + NPP would be a quality bulker. I might throw an oral in to kick-start like t-bol or d-bol... but since you've never stacked before I doubt that would be neccessary.

    In any case, best of luck w/ the cycle. And keep us updated plz.

    Currently I dont know of any sources for bromo so I dont really have any access to it
    And Ill deff keep you guys posted. After continuing to read about NPP im 95% sure ill include it in my next bulk.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ok, I skipped right to posting my thoughts.

    I think NPP is a way better form of the compound Nandrolone for building MASS. Because.. instead of adding in the water retention it keeps it regulated nicely so you are limited to strictly *with proper diet* to pure gains in LBM.

    I love NPP and will probably Never use Decanoate ester again.. (for one, it takes too long to kick in.. for two.. it shuts you down for a longer duration, for three .. it's detectable for longer than NPP is) so all in all NPP is just the best version of Nandrolone to exist because you can use it for Bulking and Cutting.

    Thanks for the input Deuce,
    I used to want to use Deca in my next bulk but I also dont like how long it takes to kick in so NPP is right up my alley.

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