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Thread: Water weight?

  1. #41
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    for the record, i was being sarcastic. YOU were the 1 thats started in with the insults
    Last edited by CHUCKYthentic; 01-20-2010 at 01:06 AM.

  2. #42
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    you took aas so you become more muscular then you came here because your middle line on ur abs wasn't showing no more........ (welcome to bulking)

    that's like a girl that wants to play in the dirt, but dosen't want her nails to get dirty?

    if you woulda came in here and posted (I've been on a 2 weeks cycle of a test - cyp and I am getting some water bloat, but I am taking "blah blah" now why is it still bloating me) you woulda gotten more responses, but your too arrogant, and full of yourself and wanted attention now you got it, and you didn't like it, so /qq? i guess.

  3. #43
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    i like how your trying to give me advice and i look 10 times more ripped than you...HA

    How do this forums attract so many douches lol?

  4. #44
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    you took aas so you become more muscular then you came here because your middle line on ur abs wasn't showing no more........ (welcome to bulking)

    that's like a girl that wants to play in the dirt, but dosen't want her nails to get dirty?

    if you woulda came in here and posted (I've been on a 2 weeks cycle of a test - cyp and I am getting some water bloat, but I am taking "blah blah" now why is it still bloating me) you woulda gotten more responses, but your too arrogant, and full of yourself and wanted attention now you got it, and you didn't like it, so /qq? i guess.
    exactly u came here asking a question and then bragged about urself, and came across a cocky person

    all who had to do was ask a simple question and post ur situation, no give us a story and tell us how great u are and ur desire to be the sexiest man

    and then you got offended coz we corrected ur assumptions politely, and insulted us back

    ill go back and post ur comments and u can tell me if you think your a jerk?

  5. #45
    Stephan's Avatar
    Stephan is offline Associate Member
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    small HA...thats not what your girlfriend said

  6. #46
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    alot of people on this forum bodybuild as a hobby and passion, not just to get girls mate, agree that is also a reason sometimes but bodybuilding is also a passion, steroids are a tool in that passion, so not everyone here is here for ur exact same reason

    good for you, but in all fairness u have a long way to go, hate to sound cruel but ur very cocky, maybe trens getting to you hehehe

    okay first ur not 7%bf, i have no idea how or who gave u that measurment, ur above 10% without a doubt judging from that pic, id say 10 is a good number considering ur not the muscular

    also if your goal is only abs why are u running tren and prop at 50mg everyday? course ur going to get some bloat, yes arimidex will help solve some of this but it wont eliminate the bloat

    and no its not possible for you to get to 6% bf on tren/prop, ud need other substances including diuretics to reach that kind of level of bf% plus u also need to be more muscular to make ur BF% reading come down lower since ur LBM would be higher, that and u wouldnt be able to maintain that kind of BF% for long

    most pro bodybuilder who get on stage are between 5-6% and if u look at them they are ridiculously lean, far beyond youself

    i think ur confused with what exactly 6% looks like so ur goals arent realistic

    being 10% id say set u should set ur goals for 9%, since thats realistic and probably acheievable
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    why do you use steroids? To get guys? Fag
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    you have no idea what your talking about i bet you 17% bf get a life...NEXT
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    I dont get this guy...what other reason would you work out and seek the perfect body other than to get girls? To Intimidate guys??? If your going to try to insult me at least come up with something good...Goober
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    if you must know i work out and strive to get the perfect body because it makes me feel good when i see these girls jocking my dick it really boosts my self esteem....
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    here is a pic i took last week before i started the juice.i feel like i was alot leaner...What do you mean do a lean bulk...i feel that is what im doing i literally eat chicken shrimp and brown rice every 3 hours all day i take it to school with me in a big tub and just eat on it when i start to get hungry...BTW that could be your x girlfriend i found that pic online somewhere
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    ranging1 look at that pic i just put up and tell me im not muscular and tell me im above 10% bf...Come on dude
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    i like how your trying to give me advice and i look 10 times more ripped than you...HA
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    P.S I like the smiley face your stomach is making
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    not that muscular...punk
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    First of all I dont see how it is any of your concern why i choose to take AAS. So yeah when someone attacks me by saying "please dont tell me you re one of those guys that works out/seeks the perfect body/uses AAS to get girls (sigh)" of course im going to become defensive....what do you expect for me to let people attack my character by telling me that "ur very cocky for a guy of ur build" and "your not that muscular" (coming from a guy with a gut)...and im not suppose to get offended??? Would you just like for me to let people insult me and not do anything about it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    small HA...thats not what your girlfriend said

    read ur posts, seriosuly how can u expect advice when u come across liek this

  7. #47
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    quote / small HA...thats not what your girlfriend said

    when everything goes bad, this is what it comes down to when your a teen.

  8. #48
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    I'm done here, GL with your abs,

  9. #49
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  10. #50
    newyboy is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ranging1 View Post
    lol and he still looks small

  11. #51
    corsa5000 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    I dont get this guy...what other reason would you work out and seek the perfect body other than to get girls? To Intimidate guys??? If your going to try to insult me at least come up with something good...Goober
    most ridiculous post i have ever read on these boards.

    i dont bodybuild to impress girls, its about the love of the sport for me and creating something great out of you own body. you sir, are a moron.

  12. #52
    ty357's Avatar
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    To the OP i thought i was cocky but you took the cake lol. Abs need work point blank your not big. 165pound with a lil veins ha. If you want i could show you how some abs are to look. you get a vein or two and a four pac and you think you could act the way you act. Grow the f up.

  13. #53
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    perfect post ty...
    u have ever right to be cocky..

    not this little boy who thinks he is jacked, if a strong wind was to blow he would fall over..

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