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Thread: Water weight?

  1. #1
    Stephan's Avatar
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    Water weight?

    hey guys. I am 25yo 185lbs 5'11 7%bf (i think...or at least i was 2 weeks ago)
    I just started a cycle of tren /prop 50mg ed and arimidex .5 3 times a week...The most important thing to me is to get great abs...I mean i want to take my shirt off and have girls wanting to rape me. the last 3 weeks before i started this cycle i have been doing 30 minutes of cardio (i set the treadmill on a incline of 30 and walk at 3.0mph,since iv been doing this iv really noticed my abs starting to pop. The problem is i started the tren/prop 3 days ago and all of a sudden i feel bloated in my stomach and it looks like a thin sheet of water covering my abs and my appetite has gone through the roof...My diet is on Q im sure its just water retintion from the prop...Is there any way to have nice abs while on prop/tren? Is it possible to get to 6% bf while on prop/tren....the tren make the veins in my arms look like water hoses...which there was a way to make it do that to my stomach. Here is a pic that i just took last week before cycle i could see the line down the widdle of my stomach now its there anything besides drinking lots of water, reducing sodium, putting peparation h on my stomach... that will get rid of this water so my abs can shine? I thought the arimidex would do the trick...oh btw if your going to ask me what my diets like it is basically chicken brown rice shrimp 6 times a day
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Water weight?-2322.jpg  

  2. #2
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    please dont tell me you re one of those guys that works out/seeks the perfect body/uses AAS to get girls (sigh)

    well not gonna pass judgement, to each his own

    to the topic at hand. too early to be seeing any water retention and doubt u will see much of any caused by the prop.

    its the fact that you re eating a lot, its your diet. i always like to start whatever my diet is gonna be during cycle a few weeks before so my body is ready for it

  3. #3
    Stephan's Avatar
    Stephan is offline Associate Member
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    why do you use steroids ? To get guys? Fag

  4. #4
    Stephan's Avatar
    Stephan is offline Associate Member
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    you have no idea what your talking about i bet you 17% bf get a life...NEXT

  5. #5
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    I wouldn't worry about having abs when I'm on a cycle it's so ez to drop your bf% post-cycle,

    but I was exactly where you started off, and I am droping BF% so yes it is possible, I went from 185 to 203 atm.

    but I am on test-e not test-prop.

    but like I said I wouldn't worry about it, just worry about putting on 20-25 pounds

  6. #6
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    haha nope i do not. BUT what if i was a fag? what is wrong with that?

    think about that for a while, my help is done here. you re not gonna get solid advice around here with an attitude like that

  7. #7
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    dirrr... I was too late, you guys seemed to have some fun while I was typing lol

  8. #8
    Stephan's Avatar
    Stephan is offline Associate Member
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    I dont get this guy...what other reason would you work out and seek the perfect body other than to get girls? To Intimidate guys??? If your going to try to insult me at least come up with something good...Goober

  9. #9
    Stephan's Avatar
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    if you must know i work out and strive to get the perfect body because it makes me feel good when i see these girls jocking my dick it really boosts my self esteem....

  10. #10
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    1st off Im an athlete so the need to work out is crucial. i also love to watch my body change and transform, its like a challenge, like a creation. working out serves as a great hobby and can relieve any and most stress. releases a lot of endorphins from your brain...just to name a few

    and believe me buddy, i have far more qualities other than my body and looks that allows me to get WOMEN, not girls... i know how to talk, women do love intelligence too

  11. #11
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    and also your higher then me on BF% and I'm around 9-10% so your gym is wrong, and to answer your last question,

    this a BB forum, meaning to improove your muscle mass, and should be for competition but some people just want to grow to look better, or feel better about themselves because they are small in genetics.

    some people find using steroids to improove your body to attract girls pretty degrading for the AAS community,

    to each his oppinion I guess.

  12. #12
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    not gonna get into a piss fest with you lil buddy

    do what u do to make you happy

    hope you seek the answers you need. good luck

  13. #13
    PO OFFICER's Avatar
    PO OFFICER is offline Junior Member
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    I agree with you, that was also my mentality when I first got and roids .

    Anyway, when I get water weight on cycle, I take these cool little tabs called "Lasix". They make you piss like a fvcking horse. Takes tons of the water out of you. PM me if you have any questions.

  14. #14
    fattymcbutterpants's Avatar
    fattymcbutterpants is offline Senior Member
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    just a thought, but why dont you kinda do a lean bulk while your on this stuff? That way you can keep the abs of course but still gain more muscle mass which could ultimately make your abs look even better?

  15. #15
    PC650's Avatar
    PC650 is offline Senior Member
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    dude stephan your avator looks dead on my ex girl friend??? crazy!

  16. #16
    Stephan's Avatar
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    here is a pic i took last week before i started the juice.i feel like i was alot leaner...What do you mean do a lean bulk...i feel that is what im doing i literally eat chicken shrimp and brown rice every 3 hours all day i take it to school with me in a big tub and just eat on it when i start to get hungry...BTW that could be your x girlfriend i found that pic online somewhere
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Water weight?-2.jpg  

  17. #17
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    I dont get this guy...what other reason would you work out and seek the perfect body other than to get girls? To Intimidate guys??? If your going to try to insult me at least come up with something good...Goober
    alot of people on this forum bodybuild as a hobby and passion, not just to get girls mate, agree that is also a reason sometimes but bodybuilding is also a passion, steroids are a tool in that passion, so not everyone here is here for ur exact same reason

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    if you must know i work out and strive to get the perfect body because it makes me feel good when i see these girls jocking my dick it really boosts my self esteem....
    good for you, but in all fairness u have a long way to go, hate to sound cruel but ur very cocky, maybe trens getting to you hehehe

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    hey guys. I am 25yo 185lbs 5'11 7%bf (i think...or at least i was 2 weeks ago)
    I just started a cycle of tren/prop 50mg ed and arimidex .5 3 times a week...The most important thing to me is to get great abs...I mean i want to take my shirt off and have girls wanting to rape me. the last 3 weeks before i started this cycle i have been doing 30 minutes of cardio (i set the treadmill on a incline of 30 and walk at 3.0mph,since iv been doing this iv really noticed my abs starting to pop. The problem is i started the tren/prop 3 days ago and all of a sudden i feel bloated in my stomach and it looks like a thin sheet of water covering my abs and my appetite has gone through the roof...My diet is on Q im sure its just water retintion from the prop...Is there any way to have nice abs while on prop/tren? Is it possible to get to 6% bf while on prop/tren....the tren make the veins in my arms look like water hoses...which there was a way to make it do that to my stomach. Here is a pic that i just took last week before cycle i could see the line down the widdle of my stomach now its there anything besides drinking lots of water, reducing sodium, putting peparation h on my stomach... that will get rid of this water so my abs can shine? I thought the arimidex would do the trick...oh btw if your going to ask me what my diets like it is basically chicken brown rice shrimp 6 times a day
    okay first ur not 7%bf, i have no idea how or who gave u that measurment, ur above 10% without a doubt judging from that pic, id say 10 is a good number considering ur not the muscular

    also if your goal is only abs why are u running tren and prop at 50mg everyday? course ur going to get some bloat, yes arimidex will help solve some of this but it wont eliminate the bloat

    and no its not possible for you to get to 6% bf on tren/prop, ud need other substances including diuretics to reach that kind of level of bf% plus u also need to be more muscular to make ur BF% reading come down lower since ur LBM would be higher, that and u wouldnt be able to maintain that kind of BF% for long

    most pro bodybuilder who get on stage are between 5-6% and if u look at them they are ridiculously lean, far beyond youself

    i think ur confused with what exactly 6% looks like so ur goals arent realistic

    being 10% id say set u should set ur goals for 9%, since thats realistic and probably acheievable
    Last edited by ranging1; 01-20-2010 at 01:07 AM.

  18. #18
    Stephan's Avatar
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    ranging1 look at that pic i just put up and tell me im not muscular and tell me im above 10% bf...Come on dude

  19. #19
    Stephan's Avatar
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    i like how your trying to give me advice and i look 10 times more ripped than you...HA

  20. #20
    polly56's Avatar
    polly56 is offline Associate Member
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    Just Diet for a test, test prop is your best bet it has the lowest water retention...
    or learn to spit good game to broads then you wont need abs lol

    good luck
    Last edited by polly56; 01-20-2010 at 12:34 AM.

  21. #21
    Stephan's Avatar
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    P.S I like the smiley face your stomach is making

  22. #22
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    you were a bit more lean but your sideways now...

    I can see your top 2 abs, but your 2 bottom abs aren't showing much same as top picture and sadly we can't see the midline deviding because its a side post.

  23. #23
    Stephan's Avatar
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    I never said that i use steroids to get women...Im married...I just like them sweating feeds my hunger

  24. #24
    Stephan's Avatar
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    yes your right it is a side pose..but you can how lean i look then i turn to the side to that leads me to believe its going to take po officers advice and get on the lasix

  25. #25
    Stephan's Avatar
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    not that muscular...punk
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Water weight?-swole.jpg  

  26. #26
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    It is more then likely water, either that or fat, how much weight have you gained since the beginning of your cycle?

  27. #27
    Stephan's Avatar
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    can someone just tell me if it looks like water on my stomach or fat? And if it is water...will duritecs like lasix do the trick?

  28. #28
    Stephan's Avatar
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    5 lbs in 3 days

  29. #29
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    theres your answer.

  30. #30
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    the thing is, your abs definition needs to be worked a little, and the second you got a little layer of water ontop of it, they got hidden -.-

  31. #31
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    P.S I like the smiley face your stomach is making
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    i like how your trying to give me advice and i look 10 times more ripped than you...HA
    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    not that muscular...punk
    OP, why do you even come here to seek any advice when all do is talk crap to anyone that tries to give you solid feedback?

    you re full of yourself, plain and simple. you re not gonna make any friends on here with your attitude and if thats not important to you then after awhile you sure as hell wont be getting any advice from anyone that actually knows what they re talking about

    from the looks of your attitude in your posts you act like a teenager

  32. #32
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    On the cycle I'm on I was only gaining 1 pound every 2-3 days, and I leaned down. if you gain more then that it's probably water.

  33. #33
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    but chucky is right, your getting pretty cocky, and sadly your not big, and half the people in here are pretty big and some of them are rip.

    this isn't your local gym,

  34. #34
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    and the last picture you posted is your chest/shoulders pumped after a workout at your gym

  35. #35
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^^ true that man. OP you are lean, but you are far from big. 185, seriously? im 205 right now and do not consider myself big

  36. #36
    CHUCKYthentic's Avatar
    CHUCKYthentic is offline Anabolic Member
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    already told you what it is, you re bloated from your "diet"

  37. #37
    CanYouDigIt is offline Banned
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    I'm 205 also pretty lean, and I hardly consider myself "decent size", when I reach 220 then I'll eat little kids but till then, I'll think I'm small.

  38. #38
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHUCKYthentic View Post
    OP, why do you even come here to seek any advice when all do is talk crap to anyone that tries to give you solid feedback?

    you re full of yourself, plain and simple. you re not gonna make any friends on here with your attitude and if thats not important to you then after awhile you sure as hell wont be getting any advice from anyone that actually knows what they re talking about

    from the looks of your attitude in your posts you act like a teenager
    exactly ur just a little cocky person who walks in the gym staring at himself and thinks hes big n ripped when relaisticaly ur just a little lean guy, who thinks coz his mucles show his huge

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    ranging1 look at that pic i just put up and tell me im not muscular and tell me im above 10% bf...Come on dude
    ur 10% and ur not muscular

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    i like how your trying to give me advice and i look 10 times more ripped than you...HA
    ? ur point? im alot musclular then you and running 800mg of cyp so im ridicuolusly bloated

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    P.S I like the smiley face your stomach is making

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephan View Post
    not that muscular...punk
    no ur not muscular punk, ur small and skinny

  39. #39
    Stephan's Avatar
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    First of all I dont see how it is any of your concern why i choose to take AAS. So yeah when someone attacks me by saying "please dont tell me you re one of those guys that works out/seeks the perfect body/uses AAS to get girls (sigh)" of course im going to become defensive....what do you expect for me to let people attack my character by telling me that "ur very cocky for a guy of ur build" and "your not that muscular" (coming from a guy with a gut)...and im not suppose to get offended??? Would you just like for me to let people insult me and not do anything about it?

  40. #40
    ranging1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanYouDigIt View Post
    and the last picture you posted is your chest/shoulders pumped after a workout at your gym
    lol and he still looks small

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