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  1. #1
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2006

    Does anyone use Tamoxifen ON cycle anymore

    It seems like most everyone recommends an AI to combat estrogen while on cycle nowadays.

    Does anyone still use lowdose Nolva(~10mg/day) on cycle anymore to combat estrogen?

    I've done successful cycles with lowdose nolva but i'm just wondering why i don't see it recommended anymore.

  2. #2
    thane222 is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2007
    I usually save the nolva for pct, and run something like exemestane during a cycle. that seems to work best for me.

  3. #3
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2006
    Last cycle, I ran lowdose letro and hated it.

    The sides were too harsh. There seemed to be no dosage that would be right for me.

  4. #4
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    It depends on the cycle really.

    If it's simply a test cycle, and one is gyno prone then 10mg/ed of nolvadex can be very helpful to some..

    However, using an AI will actually destroy ~83% of estrogen in your body (rather then just blocking breast tissue receptors.) which is more effective when dealing w/ estrogen related side-effects.

    BTW, the reason why you felt so awful last cycle is because letro eliminates ~97% of estrogen in the body, and when we have no estrogen in our body = feeling like CRAPP. (easy way of putting it ) lol. Stick to arimidex next time.


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