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  1. #1
    mckensel is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    question on winny

    Alright so i have been reading alot on here and on other boards about winny only cycles. An i am a believer in the never do a winny only cycle. But i was just wondering cause i was reading through a couple profiles before i do a order. Could one do a winny, proviron stack with a clomid pct. grant it 2 orals is never good but you would have the increase in noodle and main thing would be sore joints and the recovery as well. I was just wondering about this seeing as how its 1130 and im in class bored.

    (start prov week 2 as well)

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Jan 2005
    I wouldn't recommend a winny only cycle, it is notorious for joint issue thats why its normally ran for only a few weeks of a cycle, it can also increase your cholesterol but the major factor for me is Test really needs to be the base of all cycles.

    What are your stats and cycle history

  3. #3
    mckensel is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    ya thats what i have always read i was just reading through a few different profiles an came across those two considering i have never cut i have always bulked. But could the increase in the cholesterol be helped in diet as well or is cholesterol increase just going to come no mater what with winny. I have heard of hdl levels reaching the low 30s and the ldls in the low 130's. So could it also be a part of the persons diet with the sodium intake?
    23(yes young but being watched by my trainer and getting blood work done every 3 weeks until a month after pct, as well start first cycle due to been natural for past 3 years sense last comp in state (Arkansas) and looking at doing a couple mags around here plus i hate seeing those who i beat surpass me while i bust my nuts but i have the last laugh half of them have gyno issues)
    started low 180's @8% now 213 @ approx 11% guessing
    (current cycle: test E 500 2xweek, adex eod, nolva for pct.
    dbol 1-4weeks 50mgs.
    currently taking in approx 3800 cals clean)

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