i am finishing week 6 and starting week 7 of my 12 week test e/deca cycle. i couldnt bring my gear with me when i was leaving the US going to another country.. but no script is needed to buy gear here at the pharmacy. upon arriving and checking out the pharmacies, test e was $15 per 250mg amp (not that bad) but the deca was $15 per 50mg amp!! i am taking 400/mg a week of deca so that totals $60 per shot of deca ($120 a week)!! this is obviously way to much and i need to something about it.

the pharmacies also carry sustanon 250 at about $15 per shot too. is there a way i can drop the deca/test e and use sustanon the rest of the cycle or is that a no no?

another option i have would be to drop the deca completely... but what kind of pct would i have to start taking if any? or would i be ok if i dropped it and just continued the test e and once i finish the cycle just start taking pct 2 weeks after?

another option i thought of would be dropping the deca and using sustanon instead for the last 5 or 6 weeks? help me out, much appreciated!!

oh yea and i can get nolva/clomid/arimidex or any other pct compound straight from the pharmacy too even though i brought the liquid research chemicals with me no problem.