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  1. #1
    yes sir is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010

    i got some new gear and there is something in there with the oil!!

    a mate hooked me some test enth that he got from his buddy who gets bladders of it and puts it in his own viles....thing is..i was just about to start a cycle today and when i examined the vile ...there was a piece of what looked like fluff...or some other small matter floating around in the oil.....its also a different colour form the enth i used last time which i sourced from somewhere else.
    is the small little "thing" gunna make the oil unusable or dangerous to inject??? and should i be concerned about the different colour??
    obviously i wouldnt want that thing to enter my blood stream...but i figure i could avoid plunging it up for till the end then just ditch whats left..but im more worried about it being sterile..
    cheers guys...all opinions welcome!

  2. #2
    BIG_GUNS_21 is offline Member
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    the colour may isnt that big of a deal. Some sources use different type of oil which have different colours. The fluff...I would No one knows what that is, or what method the source used to transfer that stuff into the vial. For all you know it could have been filtered through a dirty bed sheet. I would question your budding on that and be leary of using it. Might want to get a sryinge filter and run it through, then give it a bake before you start.

  3. #3
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Sure, you could filter it and add BA or whatever...

    but if I received a vial of test with crap floating in it I'd toss it and never go near that source again.

  4. #4
    yes sir is offline New Member
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    lol i know it sounds bad...but they guy knows my mate and me real well...he wouldnt knowingly give us dodgy crap..i'd ask him but i cant get ahold of him thats why im asking here....its seriously like the smallest little partical ....but its there and enough to make me go Hmmmm...

    can some one explain to me the baking process and what it does please?

  5. #5
    kraftmac is offline Junior Member
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    I wouldnt take it..

  6. #6
    AnonEagle's Avatar
    AnonEagle is offline Junior Member
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    well about baking to quote myself in a thread i just posted in a minute ago...

    Quote Originally Posted by AnonEagle View Post

    most people say 20-30 minutes at ~250degrees, maybe repeated multiple times, and poke a sterile needle in the rubber to let the expanding air vent. this temp will not melt the rubber.

    although, I just read this, which makes a lot of sense, and would still be completely effective.

    Quote Originally Posted by realgains@EF
    I friend of mine is a pathologist in the hospital that I work in and yes he has used gear.
    We got to talking about sterilizing steriods , especailly home brewed tren . He says that baking tren or any steroid at 250 degrees F is not a good thing at all. He says that it will denature some of the hormone. He went on to recommend pasturization at between 150 to 170 degrees F for 30 minutes. Buy a candy thermometer and heat water to this temperature range then put the vials in the water. Before doing this be sure to withdraw air from the vial to allow for safe temperature expansion of the remaining air.

    Interestingly Bill Roberts says the exact same thing.


    Ya leaving a pin in the vail is a great idea but be sure to cover the majority of the vial with the hot water.

    BIll Roberts says that even a few minutes at 170 degree F will kill the bacteria but that the oil will need time to reach this temp thus the 30 minutes. This is what is done to kill the bugs in milk and milk can have some pretty nasty bacteria in it.

    My buddy says that this temp will not destroy heat spores but either will 250 degree. Luckily spores are few and far between

    My pathologist friend added that a .2 micron filter will also do the trick. I'll ask him if this will trap spores
    i would also filter it into a new vial first, and then bake it, if you must still use it.

  7. #7
    yes sir is offline New Member
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    yeah ****...thanks for the advice guys.....its not really worth the risk is it? guess i'll just hold off till i can get some other stuff.......cheers again.

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