Im on EQ at 600 week, Mast 400 week and Test E 500 week. Just started on Tuesday. I am using a Test cream I have layn around to kick start. Just around 280 a week with the cream. Was going to inject tomorrow morning. I Checked my chlorestoral today and total is 111. Good is 35, bad is 76. I dont have insurance and didnt get it checked so I fig I would. Not that I knew where my good chlorestoral was but can AAS lower your good chlorestoral that fast? How low will my good chlorestoral go while on AAS? Since my bad chlorestoral is in the great area I fig the AAS dropped my good chlorestoral down some. Just want to know how low is dangerous, wich it is now. But how much worse can it get? BP is great. Any info or people with experience?

6'1 223lb 17%
Work out steady 1.5 years/on and off for 6-7
Diet is great last 6 months.
Work out 5 days a week/ 30/45min cardio 4-5 days