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  1. #1
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    new to cycling and need some serious opinions

    hey guys, i need to get some serious opinions from you guys who know a lot more about anabolic gear than i do. I have been working out for a long time, over 6 years, never cycled, always took supps, whey, vitamins, glutamine, beta alanine, etc, but i want to take my size and strength to the next level. I actually test-e and EQ in my possession. I was told my my trainer who actually got the stuff for me to take two injections of each per week. Test is 500mg/week, i beleive same with EQ. The thing is, i am new to anabolic, and i am doing a lot of reading, but would feel much better getting info from guys who know better. I am 6'0 220lbs, i have about 17-19%BF. I eat a pretty clean clean diet. I am trying to cut down in weight, as well as bulk up. Is stacking the test/EQ a good way to get the results I want. Also, i thinking of gettin arimidex ,clomid to help with the test side effects while cycling. Can you guys give me any suggestions on what you think is best, im kind of nervous, i wont lie, since i never did it, but i want to get larger and gain the vascularity you get from using roids, just want to get steered in the right direction.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    How old are you?
    You only need test for your first cycle!
    You bf is abit to high, you need to drop it before cycling.

  3. #3
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    vascularity comes with low bodyfat so diet is key here

  4. #4
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey marcus, thanks for the info, so your thinking just cycle with the test first? so 250mg twice a week would suffice? would stacking it with EQ render better results? I am 26 by the way, last i checked my BF was 18%, that was about a year ago. What would you suggest a good BF % should be to start cycling, and if i were to start cycling now given what it is, would it be counter productive?

  5. #5
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    We need your stats here so we can help you.

    This is where Marcus is going with this.

    He/we need this info, that's all.



  6. #6
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    hey bro, ok my stats are

    BF%: i think its 17-19% (I have to get it checked to be sure)
    Height: 6'0
    Age: 26

    I work out 5 days a week, cardio 6 days a week, about an hour, typically burning 900-1000cals

    I work out one major body part a day, Mon- Chest, Tues- Back, Wed- Arms, Thurs- Shoulder and legs. I do abs each day as well.

    I have Test enanthate 250mg/ml and EQ 250mg/ml

    I wanted to stack these two to get optimum results, but marcus suggested test only. I was wondering how come? and also, for a good PCT, would take 14 days after last injection of test? EQ has 21 days, so would i maybe start my PCT at like 18days? also would you suggest taking a-dex, clomid, nolva, what works best and would you use them during cycling to take away the risk of developing gyno? I really appreciate the info you guys could give me......also, is there an expiration for this stuff? how long does it last until it becomes "bad" of it does at all....i notice it gets crystallized, i dont want to inject that into me as is, what would you do to make it nice n smooth?

  7. #7
    Jbert22's Avatar
    Jbert22 is offline Associate Member
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    do not inject crystalized stuff. heat it up in a hot bowl of water until it is clear. also nolva during the cycle can help gyno. pct usually consists of nolva and clomid. if im not mistakin a-dex is for bloating. ive never ran it on cycle so i cant help you there my friend

  8. #8
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    sweet, thanks jbert....what would a good break down be for the clomid and nolva? I heard letro or a-dex is good to use on cycle, it helps with bloating and obv estrogen production and eliminates or reduces the chance of get those dreaded tits lol......would you stack EQ and Test-Enanthate ?? this is my first time, and i want to get the cutting benefits from EQ while the test gets me more beefy? what do you think, or any of you guys for that matter? thank!

  9. #9
    Jbert22's Avatar
    Jbert22 is offline Associate Member
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    never ran EQ. whats your stats?

  10. #10
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    BF%: i think its 17-19% (I have to get it checked to be sure)
    Height: 6'0
    Age: 26

    I work out 5 days a week, cardio 6 days a week, about an hour, typically burning 900-1000cals

    I work out one major body part a day, Mon- Chest, Tues- Back, Wed- Arms, Thurs- Shoulder and legs. I do abs each day as well.

    I have Test enanthate 250mg/ml and EQ 250mg/ml

    i also eat very well, chicken, salmon, whole wheat breads and pasta, fruit, multi-vitamins, i eat very clean, 5-6 meals/day, about 2900cals total, trying to slim down a little, so i am not plowing to much calories in just yet.

  11. #11
    Jbert22's Avatar
    Jbert22 is offline Associate Member
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    if this is your first cycle most will say just run test and dbol (for the kickstart) but if you have the EQ then do research on it my friend. personally if it was my first cycle i would just run test and may dbol but thats me. also there just search for PCT in the search button to find out the dosages. but be warned its not garunteed to bring your natty test back up after a cycle! you could be faced with low test for life which leads to depression, panic attacks lethargy, and extremley low energy. having said that if your test levels dont come up then you will lose all you gained AND THEM SOME after you come of. just something to consider man

  12. #12
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    I have been on here reading alot and see that for sure you should only run test on your first cycle no need for nothing else other than that and your pct. I'm not a master at this but that's what I have been seeing and will doing myself as my first cycle.

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