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  1. #1
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010

    shelf life for test-e and EQ

    hey guys, i was wondering if any of you knew what the usable shelf life for test-enanthate and EQ was? reasons asking is because ive had this stuff for about 3 weeks, and didnt plan on using it for another month month 1/2 because i am going to be going away on vaca and didnt want to spoil my cycle. I do notice it crystallizing from sitting, so that has me concerned, does that means its useless or that it is no good? ive read that thats normal, and to heat it up so that all the crystals melt? can you guys give me some thoughts on this?

    my eventual cycle is going to be:

    10-12 weeks on test-e 250mg/ml 1cc injections 2x week Mon mornings and thursday nights.

    Also, to prevent gyno from occuring i wanted to take arimidex from the start, .5mgs EOD then increase to .25 if need be.

    PCT would be nolva/clomid where nolva would be 40/40/20/20 clomid would be 100/100/50/50.....4 weeks in total. PCT would start 14 days after last test injection.

    Also, if i begin to experience gyno even while on the arimidex, would you guys suggest taking letro or nolva, 40mgs ED for first 5 days then drop the dose to 20mgs ED. If the subside, still use 10mgs through rest of cylce?? then on PCT??


    26 years old
    17% BF
    Clean diet, cutting in weight. Taking in 2100,2800cals a day.
    workout: 5-6 days/week. Cardio 1 hour everyday, burning 1000-1100 cals.

    again, i am not starting this cycle probably until the beginning of may, so what should i do with the test and EQ??? should i worry, is it going to "go bad" and whats up with the crystals???? thanks guys!!

  2. #2
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Jan 2010
    no bro it wont go bad that quick
    as far as the crystals yea heat it up on the stove in water swirling occasionally some people say bring to boil but it does need to be that hot continue until crystals dissapear
    If its your gear crashing this should work
    I would do the adex at .25 everyday instead of .5 eod imho
    letro or nolva good question and good luck with asking it half will tell you nolva and half will tell you letro personally nolva didnt work for me
    you do plan on upping your cals when on cycle I hope?

  3. #3
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    hey bro, i mean ya, i read a lot of nolva vs letro, letro from what i read is really strong, suppressing estrogen like almost entirely, which sucks, almost if your cycling and then start to get gyno, if you had to take letro, then it would kil ur sex drive, but i guess taking test would cancel those effects out?? Ya, i plan on upping my calorie intake at least double what i am now.....but bro, do you suggest i cut down further first, then start my tryin to drop weight, and cut up before cycling, and if i gotta plow down 4000cals a day and take test, would i get fat? i mean i know i will will put on weight, muscle weight, by taking the a-dex while on cylce, i would hopefully minmize a lot of bloating/water weight...... should i take clomid on cycle to u think?

    what about HCG cycling....i know that if your not really doing a wicked intense cycle, over 12 weeks maybe you should look into doing it, but do you think i will get some intense results from doing a test-e 10 week cycle 500mg a week??

  4. #4
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    anyone else know how long test-e and EQ can survice before they become "bad"

  5. #5
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Jan 2010
    No to the clomid on cycle save for pct and yes you should cut your bf% down more b4 cycling the lower the less chance of sides. yes running the adex will keep water weight/bloat down .IMHO letro should be your last resort for ERSEs as far as hcg thats up to you some people wouldn't cycle without it Me I'm going to run it the last 4 weeks going into pct but some run it during cycle I'll let the vets help you there. from what most people say gear will last beyond the exp date without a problem your only talking a couple months shouldn't be an issue

    Hope this helps


  6. #6
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    Jan 2010
    sorry forgot one yes you should see great results with test at 500mg per wk for ten weeks providing your calorie intake is up to par


  7. #7
    mgs83 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    thanks bro...........the thing with HCG is, where do you get it, and how do you cycle with it?? its a little confusing....could you help out with that one? do you take it with nolva i read you would start your HCG on the last four weeks of your cycle?? I need a little more clarity on HCG cycling before i do it, any insight man?? anyone??

  8. #8
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    Someone, I think Swifto, posted a pretty good primer on using HCG during cycle to help with recovery in PCT. I believe it is either a sticky or an active thread in this section of the forum.

  9. #9
    run_n_fool is offline Associate Member
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    The 7th Circle of Hell
    there you go. it was only a few posts down

    HCG - How important is it?

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