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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Bf% and a cyst....

    Hey guys,
    here is my question. I was at around 15-17% bf, dieted and cadio (not too crazy) since the new year, and now am getting after it with the weights, cardio, ill be doing yoga and mma including: Bjj, muay thai, wrestling, boxing and kickboxing. My question really has nothing to do with those sports but more to do with my bf% and a cyst that will show if i get in single digit bf%......

    I plan on posting a pic if for any other reason to see if anyone has gotten/has one similar. I have one on my arm too but not quite as big. They do not hurt or show unless i flex abs, or stretch my stomach bending my back it will stick out.

    Problem- if i get my bf% down much lower i have a felling that this (what i hope is a cyst, or some other lymphoma) will show even if i'm not flexing or anything?

    Anyone had anything like this be a problem, because this is 60% of the reason i haven't already dropped my bf% low low, is because it is the size of a peanut m&m and is right under the skin under my right rib cage....

    Any docs, personally exp, or theory would be greatly appreciated.


    "dirty d"

    p.s.- it could be a hernia, but i got a smaller one in my arm before i got this one, neither have gone away and i have had them for the better part of a decade now...

    Reason for asking- i have been debating traithalon competitions or bb comps, and i know this will be a factor in bb'ing i assume right

    marcus, fireguy1, dukkit, big, t anyone that can tell me with the description i've given what it could "possibly be". I know we're not all doctors, but i don't have money to have them do a fluid or cancer test on the fluid inside of it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Bump--- i need a doctor or should i just post a picture of it with my back arched so y'all can see what it looks like and how big it is,

    "dirty d"

  3. #3
    DaBullet is offline Associate Member
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    I actually have a cyst that I have had for about 15 years on my right thigh I can see it even when I dont flex. Its about 1" by 1" its really hard and doesnt feel mushy at all, I had my doctor look at it a few times already and he said its just a fatty tissue cyst and will not do no harm if I leave it there. It has never grown or shrunk pretty much the same size all the time. One day I will have it removed but for now I will just let it be.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Ya thats what it is for me too, its a pretty hard jelly type cyst, and i have had one on my stomach for a few years now, and one on my arm for like, 5 years now. I was just curious, but it causes no pain or discomfort even when lifting, so i haven't attempted the removal through surgery...?

    "dirty d"

  5. #5
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    My step dad had half a dozen of these removed about 12 years ago. They were a bit sloppy doing the cutting so he has scarred. They are just fatty deposits, mainly unsightly, shouldnt be a health risk. Honestly, look into the cost of having them removed, no point not looking your best over something so minor. Especially with quick, clean surgical methods used today.

    Heal and then work on the 6pack, you'll thank youself afterwards

  6. #6
    LatissimusaurousRex is offline Senior Member
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    i got a tiny one on my back, it used to bother me but not anymore, the bigger my back gets the smaller it looks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Haha, thats what i'm talking about! But my problem, is that most people focus on your "6pack" when they evaluate the body... Most people don't look for what we look for, they look at chest, bi's and abs. And i know that if i get ripped in the stomach i will definitely show the cyst through the skin. So i will look into having it romoved


    "dirty d"

  8. #8
    6ft5's Avatar
    6ft5 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    i got a tiny one on my back, it used to bother me but not anymore, the bigger my back gets the smaller it looks
    ^^Lmao!... If its a fat deposit couldn't it be sucked out with a 16 20g pin? I'm shure that was stoopid question..I've drained my buddys elbow before, after he smashed it on a rock. It was nasty!

  9. #9
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    It sounds real small, why are you so concerned with it showing? No one is perfect, we all have some imperfections. I've had one small tumor removed from my calf that went into my muscle and one cyst removed from my bicep. The scars show just as much as the small lump. I would have left them, but both of them would hurt now and again, so I opted to remove them.

    I see people in BBing competitions all the time that have different issues that are beyond their control and they are usually overlooked.

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