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  1. #1
    d420mac is offline New Member
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    Whinny, Test E, Deca cycle.

    I'd like a bit of Advice, on stacking

    I'm currently on Testoviron (Test E) 250 mg wk, and 50 mg Stanozanol pills a day. I'm 4 weeks into my cycle, everything is great, I'm noticing small but steady gains.

    I'll be out of whinny in about 20 days which is going to put me at 7 1/2 weeks total.

    I still have 6 more weeks of Test E which will put me at a total of 10 weeks.
    I also have 6 weeks of Deca Durabolin 100mg, but I have not taken it yet.

    I was wondering if I could mix the Test E with the Deca, in one sticker for the last 6 weeks of my cycle? basically 250mg test, and 100mg deca .

    Based on what I've read If I can I think that would be great to see some final gains.

    Lastly I have 30, 50mg pills of clomid, and 30, 10mg pills of Nolvadex , and am not sure exactly when to introduce them into my cycle.

    Any and all positive advice is greatly appreciated!!

  2. #2
    C-MaN's Avatar
    C-MaN is offline Senior Member
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    No offense but it sounds like you were not prepared to start this cycle. You should have everything planned out to begin with. And if you don't know how to run an anti E or PCT than you shouldnt have started in the first place.

  3. #3
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    Deca is slow building because of the long ester. My short answer, save it for next cycle. It needs to be ran from day one for about 10 weeks or so, stopping usage 2 or so weeks before you stop using test.

    Do a little more research next time before you start the cycle so you can maximise results and minimise side effects.

    You should have an ai in your pct. And yuou need more nolvadex . My PCT theory is to stay on ai/serms for 4-6 weeks or longer until i "feel right" , also to use HCG if possible.

    IS this your first cycle?

  4. #4
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    No offense but it sounds like you were not prepared to start this cycle. You should have everything planned out to begin with. And if you don't know how to run an anti E or PCT than you shouldnt have started in the first place.
    this is the truth! I understand how excited one may be when they do decide to start, and although easier said than done, plan thoroughly then cycle and you will be better off long term.

  5. #5
    d420mac is offline New Member
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    yeah this is my first cycle, I wish I would have had more info, but I'm half way through now, and I like the feeling. I appreciate the help. I will save the Deca then, I can't wait for my next cycle to start, lol.

    Millionaire, can you spell out the words you've abbreviated?

    I'm hitting the gym hard 6 days a week about 5-7 exercises, 4 sets of 6-8, very religiously. I had only intended to do the whinny for 8 weeks and the test for 10 in the first place, so far I'm on track, based on what I read on body I can get more nolvadex , is there anything else you would recommend?

  6. #6
    d420mac is offline New Member
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    I do think my current stack is very conservative, to my benefit. Like I said I have had no neg side effects at all

  7. #7
    C-MaN's Avatar
    C-MaN is offline Senior Member
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    I always run the win at the end of a cycle.. And what millionaire ment by "feel right" is when you feel like you did before the cycle. Takes me about 4 weeks and then i good to go.

    Also 250mg a week of test is very very low in my opinion but dont up it until next cycle after you do some research and know what you are doing.

  8. #8
    d420mac is offline New Member
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    ok, yea I'm a bit worried about how it will feel coming off the cycle, I have not experienced this yet, and am worried how it will affect me

  9. #9
    d420mac is offline New Member
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    any suggestions on how long I should wait after this cycle to start again, and what would you reccomend? I don't want long cycles, I prefer 8-10 weeks

  10. #10
    C-MaN's Avatar
    C-MaN is offline Senior Member
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    time off cycle should be the time you were on cycle plus pct.. So for you id wait like 16 weeks from the time your done with PCT. Im a fan of just nice easy test cycles run at like 500mg a week with something like win at the end.. Ive done three so far and they work wonderfully. No need to move to the heavy stuff until you have to IMO.

  11. #11
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    if you do a chorter cycle, then use shorter estered compounts, ie test prop, npp etc. Deca , test e and c, EQ all need to be ran for a long time.

    Post Cycle Therapy
    Human choloroGondotropin ( i think)
    Aromotase Inhibitor
    Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator

    I'm not expert, but i would try to help you opr point you in the right direction. Whats done is done, next time try to have a great cycle instead of a poorly planned, poorly executed cycle. I mean no offence by this my friend.

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