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  1. #1
    SkinnyTony is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010

    Nooooob from A, with questions! (like all noobs)

    Howdy all!

    My name is Tony and I've just signed up on this forum I've been reading the site for about 2 weeks and there is just so much information on here.

    Anyways I am 24years old, been working out for 13 months now. I am 6' 2" and weigh 190lbs... I'm a skinny guy, but have been consistant with my workout time at the gym and at home (for those too poor days like we have in our current economy).

    I believe I am ready to start supplementing my workout routine with some AAS. I know I know, use the search function, and believe me I have, but there's just SO much information on this site, it's actually quite difficult for me to find information that I can actually understand

    I'm looking at just a simple stack, really looking at this article and seems to be simple and something easy for me to start off with.

    Now here's where I admit I'm a *****.... I really really would like to avoid using needles, somehow I've ended up with two full sleeves of ink but still cannot stand the sight of a needle that actually pierces my skin.

    Is there an testosterone Enanthate that could be taken orally? This "novice cycle" says 400mgs once a week, and 20mgs of Dianabol every day... Being a noob I have to ask, is there a way to be close to this stack with only orally taken AAS?

    I apologize in advanced if I didn't see this stuff on any of the main pages, like I said, there's a TON of info it really is hard to see it all. And if this is the wrong section if a mod could please move it I would appreciate it

    Thanks again
    Last edited by SkinnyTony; 03-25-2010 at 11:56 PM.

  2. #2
    SkinnyTony is offline New Member
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    Mar 2010
    Somehow I didn't see the sticky right above my post, if a mod could move this to the appropriate section, I would appreciate it.

  3. #3
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Welcome to AR.



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