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  1. #1
    JScondition's Avatar
    JScondition is offline Member
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    Gotham City

    AIs with Pro Hormones

    Bro is planning a summer E-Stane/X-Tren cycle. X-tren 90mg ed/6 wks and E-Stane 30mg ed for last 4 weeks. PCT Nolva 20/20/10/10/10. Cycle support and p5p for the X-Tren support during cycle.

    15% bf
    *has done a couple cycles of H-drol
    **has puffy gyno from obesity during puberty

    Since there are so many horror stories with Gyno in regards to E-Stane/X-tren cycles will it do any help to take an AI during the cycle to fight it? P5P is being used for possible prolactin gyno, is AI ok to run with this?


  2. #2
    abuleh's Avatar
    abuleh is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2009
    Honestly, E-Stane is an Epistane clone. Epi's got Anti E/ Serm like properties already and does not aromatize. I have heard of people getting prolactin gyno from the tren stuff though. You can run p-5-p and L-dopa with your cycle to prevent this kind of gyno.

    I don't think you need an AI on cycle.

    Some also say run Clomid instead of Nolva for PCT since there is a chance that Nolva upregulates progesterone receptors.
    Last edited by abuleh; 03-27-2010 at 03:06 AM.

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