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Thread: finasteride

  1. #1
    upperhandy is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    anyone run finasteride during their cycle?

    am just starting the process of trying to put together an intelligent cycle and am wondering if finasteride is worthwhile at all...or will it just interfere with the test gains while not doing much to mitigate the unwanted androgenic sides?

    i have been through a few iterations with the members of this board and am now leaning toward a test/deca cycle

    was thinking of a test/deca cycle (2:1) with hcg /novaldex/finasteride and Clomid/novaldex as my PCT

    will have letro on had in case of gyno.


    stats below
    33 yo
    13% bf

    i have been training solid for more than year now in the weight room, but also have been doing mixed martial arts for the past 5yrs

    been doing the workouts out of the arnold encyclopedia and following the diet laid out in there as well

    my daily diet looks like the following:

    approx 3500 - 4000 calories daily

    160 g fat
    290 g carb
    290 g Protein

    i lift heavy 3 times a week in the morn and do mixed martial arts 5 days a week in the evenings

  2. #2
    clomid222 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2006
    Some say finesteride interferes with gains and others say it does not. This has been widely debated.

    Finesteride blocks alpha5reductance to prevent test from converting to DHT. DHT is a powerful male hormone which is 6 times more anabolic than testosterone . You get gains off this conversion to DHT as well as an increase in sex drive. The penalty is losing your hair and agrevating your prostate.

    However blocking the conversion to DHT will also mean more free test. Which for some may mean more gains then they would get from the DHT.

    It's different from person to person.

    For me personally my gains and libido do better with the DHT than they do with the little bit of extra test that I would get from blocking the conversion.

    But for you it might be totally different.

  3. #3
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by clomid222 View Post
    Some say finesteride interferes with gains and others say it does not. This has been widely debated.

    Finesteride blocks alpha5reductance to prevent test from converting to DHT. DHT is a powerful male hormone which is 6 times more anabolic than testosterone . You get gains off this conversion to DHT as well as an increase in sex drive. The penalty is losing your hair and agrevating your prostate.

    However blocking the conversion to DHT will also mean more free test. Which for some may mean more gains then they would get from the DHT.

    It's different from person to person.

    For me personally my gains and libido do better with the DHT than they do with the little bit of extra test that I would get from blocking the conversion.

    But for you it might be totally different.

    thanks for the input...

    anyone else?

  4. #4
    dock holliday is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2010
    if i never developed any type of hair loss while taking sustanon , does it mean i do not need finasteride ever?

  5. #5
    upperhandy is offline Member
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    Mar 2010

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