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  1. #1
    Ca$tro's Avatar
    Ca$tro is offline Member
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    Cycle Advice Please

    Dear People at Steroid .com,

    I need some help after doing endless amount of research i have come up with following after revising it about 20 times. I am aiming to start my cycle in 5-6weeks but just want your help in making sure that i have everything i need before i start. I was planning on starting 6 months ago but due to my parents divorce i have had to postpone it, that was messing with my head and wasn't focused. I appreciate all your valuable input.

    My current Training Regime is as follows, i tend to train 1 hr mon-sat:

    Mon - Chest / Tri
    Tue - Legs / Traps
    Wed - Cardio / Abs
    Thurs - Bi / Back
    Fri - Shoulder / Other Lagging areas
    Sat - Cardio only

    I tend to do 15 sets per body part/8-12 rep range.

    My Diet is as follows:

    1. Before gym 10am: Oats/ 10 egg whites with glutamine/ Coffee.
    2. After gym 1pm: ProPeptide (protein shake) with glutamine.
    3. About 3pm: Chicken breast with brown rice.
    4. About 5pm: 2 cans of tuna with sweetcorn.
    5. About 7pm: Meal replacement with an apple.
    6. About 10pm: Chicken breast with brown rice again.
    7. About 1am: Meal Replacement and an apple.
    8. Before bed: Peptide shake and vitc/calcium/fish oil tablets.
    No Carbs/Dairy after 7pm.
    One cheat meal on sundays, mmmm.

    I want to add in Creatine / NoExplode in above where would they go???

    My Stats are as follow:

    AGE: 32
    HEIGHT: 6ft
    WEIGHT: 100Kg
    BF%: Never measured dont know how to! guessing 25% but wont cycle until body fat is below 15%.
    DIET: as above
    TRAINING: as above
    GOALS: to become a trojan, not interested in competing; it's for my selfishness
    PCT KNOWLEDGE : as declared below

    My Revised CYCLE

    Week 1-4: Dbol 30mg E/D (10mg morn/afternoon/evening)

    Week 1-12: TestE 500mg P/W (250mg Mon Morn/ 250mg Thurs Eve)

    Week 1-14: HCG 500iu (PW) (250iu x 2)

    Week 1-14: Adex 0.5mg E3D or 0.25mg ED

    Week 1-4: Liv 52 1 pill with meals

    Week 4-12: Milk Thistle 1000-1500mg ED

    Week 13-14: Clean??????????????? PCT two weeks after last Injection


    Week 14-20: Option 1

    Day01: Clomid 100mg/ Nolva 40mg
    2 -11: Clomid 100mg/ Nolva 40mg
    12-21: Clomid 50mg/ Nolva 20mg
    22-28: Clomid 50mg/ Nolva 20mg

    Week 14-20: Option 2

    Day01: Clomid 300mg/ Nolva 20mg/ .25mg LDEX
    2-30: Clomid 100mg/ Nolva 20mg/ .25mg LDEX
    31-37: Nolva 20mg/.25mg LDEX

    I know i will still have to revise this as well as do more research into cycles and PCT.
    Will i need both Adex and HCG???
    What am i missing??? I believe that the Dbol and TestE are self explanatory, it's the PCT i require help with as well as running HCG / Milk Thistle / Liv 52 / Armidex aka LDEX / Types of Needles
    I know i have to get my blood tests done (before/during/after).
    I already have my Test E and Dbol, the Test E is in glass vials, and the dbol is made by Apex.
    What else do i need?
    Liv52 / Ldex or Adex / HCG / Needles / Swabs / Blood Tests / Which Vitamins / Which Supplements / Bacteriostic water /
    I just wanna make sure i have everything required before starting my cycle
    Thanks for your on-going help you ppl are a valuable source, i look forward to your surperior advice.

    Thanks people

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    You goal is to become like a Trojan which Im assuming means, gain muscle. Your diet looks like a cutting diet. You need to eat in "excess" to gain muscle. You will gain a little fat in the process, how close you watch diet will determine this. I would spend a little more time in the diet section before you start your cycle.

    Cycle looks fine. I like the 1st PCT. I wouldn't use adex unless you are holding excess water or starting to get gyno syptoms.

    Post your pics and experienced members will give you a realistic idea of what your fat% is. People tend to be way off on their own guesstimate

  3. #3
    Ca$tro's Avatar
    Ca$tro is offline Member
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    Thanks for your reply mate,

    As for the diet i was aiming to cut some bf% before i bulk up... The problem is that even on this cutting diet i can't seem to shift the Kg's around the waist line...

    I was wondering if it is worth investing in fat cutter/blocker such as hydroxy cuts??? but i believe that these supress your appatite which means consuming less protein, which cant help muscle grow????

    Any advice on this mate??

  4. #4
    B1gDaddy's Avatar
    B1gDaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Canada Eh
    Na man, all those fat burner pills are a scam. With the proper diet an cardio you'll be able to get the results your looking for on that cycle alone, no need for fat burners

  5. #5
    Ca$tro's Avatar
    Ca$tro is offline Member
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    Anybody else add to my Cycle, all info is appreciated....

    Still feel like i need help with the diet section of my Cycle and some help with regards to Adex/HCG ... Is Aromosin better to take than Adex??? Have i got HCG right???


  6. #6
    JasonT's Avatar
    JasonT is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro View Post
    My current Training Regime is as follows, i tend to train 1 hr mon-sat:

    Mon - Chest / Tri
    Tue - Legs / Traps
    Wed - Cardio / Abs
    Thurs - Bi / Back
    Fri - Shoulder / Other Lagging areas
    Sat - Cardio only

    I tend to do 15 sets per body part/8-12 rep range.
    I would lump shoulder with traps and switch thursday and friday workouts...reason being: you want to give your rotator cuff more time to relax between chest and shoulder days. Also, you want to give lower back more of a rest between back and leg days.

    Also, it might be a good idea to dedicate sat or sun to arms so that you can emphasize chest, back, and arms more as they would each have their own days.

    I want to add in Creatine / NoExplode in above where would they go???
    IMO, these might be better reserved for after your cycle, to make the transition easier and help you keep much of your gains. As for NoXplode, I'd replace that with something like White Flood, Jack3d, I-Force Maximize or NO Shotgun as they are all better products.

    My Revised CYCLE

    Week 1-4: Dbol 30mg E/D (10mg morn/afternoon/evening)
    Week 1-12: TestE 500mg P/W (250mg Mon Morn/ 250mg Thurs Eve)
    Week 1-14: HCG 500iu (PW) (250iu x 2)
    Week 1-14: Adex 0.5mg E3D or 0.25mg ED
    Week 1-4: Liv 52 1 pill with meals
    Week 4-12: Milk Thistle 1000-1500mg ED
    Week 13-14: Clean??????????????? PCT two weeks after last Injection


    Week 14-20: Option 1

    Day01: Clomid 100mg/ Nolva 40mg
    2 -11: Clomid 100mg/ Nolva 40mg
    12-21: Clomid 50mg/ Nolva 20mg
    22-28: Clomid 50mg/ Nolva 20mg

    Week 14-20: Option 2

    Day01: Clomid 300mg/ Nolva 20mg/ .25mg LDEX
    2-30: Clomid 100mg/ Nolva 20mg/ .25mg LDEX
    31-37: Nolva 20mg/.25mg LDEX
    I'm getting ready to run this same exact cycle, minus the milk thistle and i'll be stopping the hcg/adex at week 13 to allow it to leave my system before starting PCT.

    I plan on doing option 1 at 100/50/50/25 for clomid and 40/40/20/20 for nolva

  7. #7
    Ca$tro's Avatar
    Ca$tro is offline Member
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    May 2009
    Good luck with your cycle mate,
    thanks for the input tooo

  8. #8
    JasonT's Avatar
    JasonT is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ca$tro View Post
    Good luck with your cycle mate,
    thanks for the input tooo
    thanks....I guess it's not wise to keep the nolva at the maximum dosage (40mg) for more than 5 days, so my adjusted pct will be something like this

    clomid: 100/50/50/25
    nolva: 40/20/20/20

    ..where the 100 and the 40 will be for 5 days

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