I am 17 and i have used steroids . Not only have i used steroids but i have used faily large dosages from time to time. I probably have more experience with aas than any teen on this site.

I am creating this topic becuase i have noticed the recent anti-"teen juicing" threads around here. I belive i can't tell you what to do. I can;t tell you if to juice or not, and what amounts to use if you choose to juice. What i can tell you is what i was thinking this morning, in the bus, when going to school.

I've been off the juice for 2.5 months now, and even though i haven't lost so much in weight i am half the size i was when juicing. My arms are only one inch smaller, but they look tiny compared to what they were. It doesn't matter what the scale says, or what your arm measures, real size can be measured only through the eyes. And through your clother. And the coat i bought 3 months ago, used to be tight around my shoulders (my best bodypart) and waay too long for my size. I had to buy it long in order to fit my shoulders. Now if i try to wear it it just hangs loosely.

I am in no way saying that you lose everything when you come off. I still am a fairly built person for my age (17 incha rms cold). I kept a lot of mass. But the way you look when you're juicing can;t be recreated in a natural way. The pump. The everyday pump.

So i;'m addicted. I;'m giving my body a rest, trying to work out best i can. But i can;'t wait for my next cycle. I simply tremble sometimes looking in the mirror. I can;t wait to fill that coat again with my shoulders. It's addictive. And it will ruin me in the end. It hasn't and it won't in the next 10 years. But in the long run, the very long run, it will ruin me. I'll die earlier than i could have.

But i'll be more of a man that i would have been had i not juiced. More MYSELF. The body changes that have happened and will happen are unbelivable. The mental changes are almost as unbelivable themselves. Testosterone doesn;t make you think differently, it doesn;t make you act differently. It just makes you think and act faster, better. Pumped. Your mind and body are pumped. You are the best you can be, every day. Every single day is your best day. That is why i choose to juice.

Because i hate myself when i am natural. I hate having to add an extra sweater because it's cold out. I hate not being able to eat as much as i want. I hate waking up tired sometimes. 2 weeks after i ended my last cycle i woke up one morning (by then most of the juice was probably out of my body) with a terrible headache, like i used to when i was younger and weaker (i started out at about 105-110 lbs). I said to myself "shit, that's what it feels like to be normal...it's ugly".

This is why i juice. In simple words, in few words, this is why i juice.

I am not telling you to juice or not to juice. I am just telling you a very short story. Steroids are wonderful. Steroids will hurt you. And you will hate yourself when you're natural after having juiced. And there is no last cycle. All of these things are probably true. At least they are for me.

It's your choice. Steroids aren't good. Steroids aren't bad. They're just steroids. If you do use, be careful, because steroids can become "yourself".