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  1. #1
    setsthesun is offline Banned
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    To all the teens....juicing

    I am 17 and i have used steroids . Not only have i used steroids but i have used faily large dosages from time to time. I probably have more experience with aas than any teen on this site.

    I am creating this topic becuase i have noticed the recent anti-"teen juicing" threads around here. I belive i can't tell you what to do. I can;t tell you if to juice or not, and what amounts to use if you choose to juice. What i can tell you is what i was thinking this morning, in the bus, when going to school.

    I've been off the juice for 2.5 months now, and even though i haven't lost so much in weight i am half the size i was when juicing. My arms are only one inch smaller, but they look tiny compared to what they were. It doesn't matter what the scale says, or what your arm measures, real size can be measured only through the eyes. And through your clother. And the coat i bought 3 months ago, used to be tight around my shoulders (my best bodypart) and waay too long for my size. I had to buy it long in order to fit my shoulders. Now if i try to wear it it just hangs loosely.

    I am in no way saying that you lose everything when you come off. I still am a fairly built person for my age (17 incha rms cold). I kept a lot of mass. But the way you look when you're juicing can;t be recreated in a natural way. The pump. The everyday pump.

    So i;'m addicted. I;'m giving my body a rest, trying to work out best i can. But i can;'t wait for my next cycle. I simply tremble sometimes looking in the mirror. I can;t wait to fill that coat again with my shoulders. It's addictive. And it will ruin me in the end. It hasn't and it won't in the next 10 years. But in the long run, the very long run, it will ruin me. I'll die earlier than i could have.

    But i'll be more of a man that i would have been had i not juiced. More MYSELF. The body changes that have happened and will happen are unbelivable. The mental changes are almost as unbelivable themselves. Testosterone doesn;t make you think differently, it doesn;t make you act differently. It just makes you think and act faster, better. Pumped. Your mind and body are pumped. You are the best you can be, every day. Every single day is your best day. That is why i choose to juice.

    Because i hate myself when i am natural. I hate having to add an extra sweater because it's cold out. I hate not being able to eat as much as i want. I hate waking up tired sometimes. 2 weeks after i ended my last cycle i woke up one morning (by then most of the juice was probably out of my body) with a terrible headache, like i used to when i was younger and weaker (i started out at about 105-110 lbs). I said to myself "shit, that's what it feels like to be's ugly".

    This is why i juice. In simple words, in few words, this is why i juice.

    I am not telling you to juice or not to juice. I am just telling you a very short story. Steroids are wonderful. Steroids will hurt you. And you will hate yourself when you're natural after having juiced. And there is no last cycle. All of these things are probably true. At least they are for me.

    It's your choice. Steroids aren't good. Steroids aren't bad. They're just steroids. If you do use, be careful, because steroids can become "yourself".

  2. #2
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    One word.....PATHETIC!


  3. #3
    XBiker's Avatar
    XBiker is offline Retired Vet
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    Over there.
    Originally posted by OGPackin
    One word.....PATHETIC!

    I have to agree here.

    Not good...

  4. #4
    chinups Guest
    I seem to think that you do sound a little more mature then I thought, but serious this is not good and its just sad. Heres the theory behind lifting, you learn how to work out and how to eat and how to grow, when you rely on something else you make your self vulnerable and weak. GROW NATURALLY FIRST!

  5. #5
    setsthesun is offline Banned
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    i think people will say again that i am giving pro-juicin advice. WRONG.

  6. #6
    chinups Guest
    I think what you wrote is good. I think some of the bros just hate to see you talk like that, cause its not good for you. Your too young for a HBO story man, back off from the juice for a couple yrs....Get your head on straight...

  7. #7
    palme's Avatar
    palme is offline Rosie Member
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    Well i had to buy a new winter coat this year too. It´s to long for me aswell cause i have wide shoulders and dont fit in anything other then XL or bigger and now on cycle im out groing this new coat. It´s a better feeling to grow out of your new clothes then hafto grow into them.

    And letting the steroids controling you just makes you weak in my eyes.

    Thats all.

  8. #8
    TheGame826's Avatar
    TheGame826 is offline Member
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    well personally it makes me feel pathetic just reading that. Im 18 and i have never juiced, and dont plan to until im atleast 21. I know people who juice, one of my friends who i dont talk to anymore juiced when he was 17, he was real solid, now hes just fat. Maybe you were just impatient. I was real light, hell i still am. But i havent given up hope and i will never. Ill keep eating and keep lifting naturally. Maybe i just think different than you, or maybe i just have a total outlook on bodybuilding in general, whatever it is, id say your screwed. Anyone who honestly believes that they need a drug to live has problems. Whether its steroids or whatever. Yeah i wake up almost every morning and i feel tired. I wake up everymorning and i feel sore from the past nights workout. but thats what keeps me going, knowing ill be waking up tomarrow. dont think im against steroids because im not, i cant wait until im old enough and have enough knowledge for my first cycle. but i know i wont be stupid about it, and i definately wont abuse the drug. Quite honestly i think thats a horrible reason to juice because of your weight. Obviuosly you didnt juice for the right reasons. good luck your self acclaimed addiction. this is the only reason i could see for steroids being illegal.

  9. #9
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    It sounds like you have a psychological addiction. You feel small and hate yourself when you're not juicing.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  10. #10
    MBaraso's Avatar
    MBaraso is offline Retired Mod
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    Originally posted by Carlos_E
    It sounds like you have a psychological addiction. You feel small and hate yourself when you're not juicing.
    Sounds to me like you had a addiction problem even before you started using AS.

  11. #11
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    To all the teens on this board, I urge you to take a serious look at this post by setsthesun and to skim his past posts. It is now abundantly clear that setsthesun while defending teen-juicing(in previous posts) has been shooting himself for his sickening lack of confidence in himself. Instead of finding other means to build up his self image, he's reduced to addiction to roids simply to be able to look himself in the mirror without trembling in disgust.

    My fellow AR brothers and sisters, this is no better than crack, coke, alcohol, meth, or any narcotic addiction. Setsthesun has now fallen victim to a skewed perception of himself and life. For him death has now become a reasonable option for 18" arms.
    Setsthesun has my pity whether he asks for it or not. I believe him to be a real and actuall case of "Bigorexia" It's saddening and an illness he'll have to fight to overcome.
    I believe his previous internet tough-guy posts in defense of his use was a stage of denial that he had to go through before the self-realization that seems to be clear in this post above. Allthough it seems his own self-realization makes no difference to him since he's stated his excitment and anxiousness for his next cycle.
    Hopefully setsthesun can learn from the post he just wrote and begin a recovery from his sickness, and it is a sickness; but I doubt he'll ever see that light of day.

    This is a fine example of a reason pre-mature steroid use is absolutely dangerous and should never be considered.

    I ask the teens considering steroid use: Do you want to end up like this?
    Do you want to tremble everytime you look in the mirror at yourself because you don't have a "pump"
    Do you want to live for your next cycle?
    If so, you are already trapped.
    setsthesun has fallen victim of the emotional stress that steroids inflict and will probably be forever ailed by this condition. This emotional stress is something a teen DOES NOT HAVE THE EXPERIENCE FOR. Life has not given that experience yet.
    Don't be fools, learn and protect yourselves from such a tragic outcome.

  12. #12
    alevok Guest
    You must like yourself no matter what size you are, what if there was no Steroids at all?
    I understand you well, you are 17, want to be noticed and be respected in your neigborhood, but just do not go to extremes, be patient, good things come in time. Arnold did not become Mr Olympia in one year.

  13. #13
    setsthesun is offline Banned
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    again...this post is NOT PRO-JUICING. simply because i don't really care if other juice or not.

    why do you think i don't have bodybuilding knowledge. look at my pics. at 17 i look better than many many adults on this board (and worse than many others).

    i'm not afraid of being natural. i simply hate it. i;'ve been clean for 2.5 months and i still have 4.5 months to go until my next cycle. i'd say that a long brake. i hate it, but i'm not afraid to take it. i now have 17 inch arms and about 10% bodyfat at 17 years of age. i'd say that's pretty good for off-cycle period. i don't hate myself for being skinny, because i'm not. i hate myself for not evolving, for not getting better every day.

    i'm not an "internet tough guy". i hate the way i look now, but it's about aesthetics, nothing else. i train in full contact martial arts. bodybuilding is about how i look, not how tough i am. i don't start fearing big people once i go off cycle. it has nothing to do with that.

  14. #14
    willpharmd's Avatar
    willpharmd is offline Junior Member
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    Awesome post Pheedno

  15. #15
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds to me that u dont know what the fuck ur doing loosing that much after cycle inch on arms and all and beeing week and tired ur overtraining your self trying to keep up to whan u were on juice .yea i seen ur pics and impressive for ur age ,but by the time ur 20 and u ahve lost all ur hair (well their almost gone anyway).u8 havent lost all that much weight but half in size ?????i guess u were a water buffalo (droll doll) im not flaming ya again ,and i will sya for your age your jacked but a take a sec and think it all over think 10 yrs down the road .

  16. #16
    chinups Guest
    You look better then most because when you are young you look the best bottom line! And to juice on top of it come on. I know if I sauced at that age I wouldn't be a far cry away from where you are, come on I would have had a 12 pack man. At this point you are building a foundation for your body and I would say most do this naturally, its just the way it is. Lets hope the bsement doesn't flood.

    Peace to this thread

  17. #17
    FedSki's Avatar
    FedSki is offline Creator of Cycle Planner
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    setsthesun, you need counselling bro.

    i'd talk to your school counsellor before you wind up killing yourself, or killing somebody else with either your opinions or a psychotic rage!

  18. #18
    JYZZA's Avatar
    JYZZA is offline VET
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    Originally posted by FedSki
    setsthesun, you need counselling bro.

    i'd talk to your school counsellor before you wind up killing yourself, or killing somebody else with either your opinions or a psychotic rage!
    I agree!!!!!!!!!!!
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  19. #19
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    Most people get depressed once they are off a cycle. I am. Sounds like your just trying to maintain while off, stop thinking about putting size on in the future when you juice again, and try putting some on now naturally really concentrate on it, it well help keep your mind off some of this negative stuff that is stuck in your head. Setthesun doesn't need to talk to a counsellor he is speaking his mind, im sure if i said a few things you would say the same thing about me. He just sounds really dedicated to having a well built body? I am also sure if i jucied at 17 i would be thinking the same way. Not pethetic at all. He just should have waited.
    Last edited by Decoder; 01-31-2003 at 11:05 AM.

  20. #20
    daem's Avatar
    daem is offline Anabolic Member
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    setsthesun, based on your responses in madmax's poem about teens juicing, and now this, grow up man. You claim that you are more of a 'man' now that you have dabbled in AS, but you aren't. I do not believe you are anything more than a highly insecure child that lacks the basic confidence to function properly in our society without help. I don't know you, nor will I ever in the future, however the advice the bros on this board give you is ONLY based on the fact that 99% of us have lived much longer than you have and made some of the mistakes you are currently making. The guys who respond to every post with quality substance are the ones you should be listening to when they say AS will ruin you in the long run if you continue at this point in your life. For you to bend quotes and their underlying meaning only to serve the purpose of making you appear more intelligent is the most ignorant abuse of great knowledge. You are egotistical about how well educated and read you are, but you don't impress me in the least. Your posts are mindless and border on the level of a 'kid using a thesaurus' while validating your lack of basic knowledge of AS & life in general. If you can't admit to having problems deeply rooted in anxiety and narcissism, you are on a long and lonely path my friend. This is not a flame, but seriously consider getting professional psychiatric help.
    Last edited by daem; 01-31-2003 at 11:34 AM.

  21. #21
    Rhino58's Avatar
    Rhino58 is offline Senior Member
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    I thought that this was an educational post not a diary.

  22. #22
    chinups Guest
    Somone shoot this horse, its dead and not fair to let it run anymore!!!!


  23. #23
    setsthesun is offline Banned
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    have i not already admitted that i lack control and am narcissist?

    but are these really problems? i say they only are problems if your aim is to be dead average.

  24. #24
    setsthesun is offline Banned
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    is it dead...i say people might as well discuss teen juicing with a teen.

    no, they find it more appropriate to tell me to go look for counseling.

  25. #25
    Pheedno is offline Respected Member
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    sts, it is obvious you know you have a problem. I knew I had an addiction problem to drugs as a teen but I didn't want help in quitting because I enjoyed it so much. I get this is the same state your in and I feel that it will probably take a serious condition to put things into perspective for you as it did for me.
    I hope you come to see an above average person in the mirror without being on mega-doses of AS for the rest of your life; and I like to think of AR as an extended family. As my extended family I will give support in decisions for bettering the life of any of the members including yourself.
    I think you need help, the others think you need help, and I believe you KNOW that you need help. The question is whether or not you take the advantage of catching it now instead of 10 or 20 years from now when it's quite possible that a serious health condition might make it too late.

    I'm not sure if this has been adressed before or if you feel comfortable discussing it, but what are you immediate family's thoughts on this? It has to be painfully clear that your indulging in these practices.

    Look, I don't know if what any of the members say is going to make a difference. It won't without your own participation. I'll give support for a decision to get help but I will not listen to anymore defense of your own addiction.
    I wish you luck for now.

  26. #26
    sd11's Avatar
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    Man I guess I read into this a little differently than everyone else....anyways here goes. Setsthesun, your comment on being more of a man because of juice makes little sense to me, however right after that you wrote you would be "more myself." Well that I understand, if doing aas gives you the body you want, and makes you feel happy then go for broke. In my eyes it's no different than some girl getting fake breasts and a nose job. I think in life no matter how long you live, everyones ultimate goal should be to simply be happy, personally when I'm on my deathbed I just want to be able to think back and be able to smile. People always think I'm crazy when I say this, but if I was Mr. Olympia for even one year of my life I wouldn't care if it took 20 years off of my life. Now a lot of people may find that sick, but for example it's just like a race car driver getting into that seat every race knowing how easily he could die. My point is Setsthesun understands the risks and I think he's willing to take them. I don't think Setsthesun is insecure in anyway, I think he has a shitload of confidence and is borderline cocky, I think you have to be that way to get anywhere in life IMO, shit lord knows I'm a cocky bastard. As for the majority that think he has a psychological condition, I think your way off and I would argue that all bodybuilders have some sort of distorted image of themselves, that's why we bodybuild to try and create the body we envision in our minds because we are not satisified with what we have, I'm sure many people are content with their body, but at least that's why we all start. Speaking on a personal level I'm never satisified when I look in the mirror depsite all the compliments I get, and I probably never will be, hell I'm sure if you asked Ronnie Coleman he would say there are things he hates about his physique and wishes he could change. I guess what I was trying to say in this whole rant, is in some way a large portion of us are like Setsthesun, we're striving to reach our dreams, he's not depressed nor does he hate himself IMO, he knows that he just won't be satisified until he reaches the level he wants to reach and I think that's normal. I think in a way he might feel slightly disgusted with himself for like he put it "not evolving" like he knows he can. IMO all that's doing is making him work harder. Sure Setsthesun doesn't have the most knowledge of aas, nor did he claim too, however I'd say he is very intelligent for his age and has amazing potential. Setsthesun I hope I didn't make any assumptions or generalizations that twisted what you were trying to say around. All I can say is best of luck man, and great physique for your age, I've only seen one better that young, my training partner and he was a teenage Mr. NJ.

    P.S. I don't believe any of us likes the feeling of being off!

  27. #27
    2timer's Avatar
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    guys I don't wanna offend anyone but we all are addicted. That's what chemicals do. I myself, going to do my third cycle but however I am hoping it's my last cycle ever. But the question is can I get over the addiction. Like any other drug, I have to over come the dependency! I am hoping just creatine and protein could be like my nicotine patch! I can't put my body through this much pressure anylonger if I plan to see my grand kids!

  28. #28
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Sorry dude ur a moron! How can u compare a women getting fake b00bs or a nose job to a ]17 year old doing AS?!? Fake b00bs or a nose job cant make u sterile or make u lose ur hair or stunt ur growth last time i checked. Hes screwing with his hormones even before they are fully developed. Dont u understand what that can mean years down the road?!? Im betting ur under 21 also huh?


    [QUOTE]Originally posted by sd11
    Man I guess I read into this a little differently than everyone else....anyways here goes. Setsthesun, your comment on being more of a man because of juice makes little sense to me, however right after that you wrote you would be "more myself." Well that I understand, if doing aas gives you the body you want, and makes you feel happy then go for broke. In my eyes it's no different than some girl getting fake breasts and a nose job. I think in life no matter how long you live, everyones ultimate goal should be to simply be happy, personally when I'm on my deathbed I just want to be able to think back and be able to smile. People always think I'm crazy when I say this, but if I was Mr. Olympia for even one year of my life I wouldn't care if it took 20 years off of my life. Now a lot of people may find that sick, but for example it's just like a race car driver getting into that seat every race knowing how easily he could die. My point is Setsthesun understands the risks and I think he's willing to take them. I don't think Setsthesun is insecure in anyway, I think he has a shitload of confidence and is borderline cocky, I think you have to be that way to get anywhere in life IMO, shit lord knows I'm a cocky bastard. As for the majority that think he has a psychological condition, I think your way off and I would argue that all bodybuilders have some sort of distorted image of themselves, that's why we bodybuild to try and create the body we envision in our minds because we are not satisified with what we have, I'm sure many people are content with their body, but at least that's why we all start. Speaking on a personal level I'm never satisified when I look in the mirror depsite all the compliments I get, and I probably never will be, hell I'm sure if you asked Ronnie Coleman he would say there are things he hates about his physique and wishes he could change. I guess what I was trying to say in this whole rant, is in some way a large portion of us are like Setsthesun, we're striving to reach our dreams, he's not depressed nor does he hate himself IMO, he knows that he just won't be satisified until he reaches the level he wants to reach and I think that's normal. I think in a way he might feel slightly disgusted with himself for like he put it "not evolving" like he knows he can. IMO all that's doing is making him work harder. Sure Setsthesun doesn't have the most knowledge of aas, nor did he claim too, however I'd say he is very intelligent for his age and has amazing potential. Setsthesun I hope I didn't make any assumptions or generalizations that twisted what you were trying to say around. All I can say is best of luck man, and great physique for your age, I've only seen one better that young, my training partner and he was a teenage Mr. NJ.

    P.S. I don't believe any of us likes the feeling of being off!

  29. #29
    chinups Guest
    Honest I have never heard of a chic that is 17 getting implants, and you know why, cause she waits to see if she gets tits first. .02

  30. #30
    big N's Avatar
    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    hey my girl back in the day ,i was 19 she was 18 and she got them for her birth day just as she turned 18 of course she got them for work she was a bad ass lengerie (sp)model .(bitch rott in hell ) !

  31. #31
    setsthesun is offline Banned
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    sd11...thank you for choosing to speak your mind. i cannot say that you painted a perfect picture of me, but i know that wasn't your purpose nor should it have been. you are probably the only one here, or one of the only people here that have understood what i was trying to say.

  32. #32
    Somnius's Avatar
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    Ok, im 19, and wanna say something to setthesun and to sd11. I hope EVERYONE reads this all the way through.

    First of all, setthesun, u do suffer from muscle dysmorphia, and probably have a slight case of the adonis complex. The adonis complex is a new term which refers to the secret crisis of males obsessed with their bodies. See that shivering u get when u are looking in the mirror when ur off-cycle. That's u hating urself because u dont think u are the best u can be...

    Here's where the lifelong psychological addiction ur creating for urself kicks in. The addiction sd11 introduces and actually uses it subconsciously to contradict his own point that ur merely trying to strive to be the best u can be, and thats a positive thing.

    Allow me to regurgitate what sd11 said in his post, he was ranting about how he feels that setthesun is simply living life in a manner which will provide the most happiness. A life that when looked back upon on his deathbed, will put a smile on his face as he takes the final plunge and dies. Then sd11 writes this in the same post.

    "hell I'm sure if you asked Ronnie Coleman he would say there are things he hates about his physique and wishes he could change. I guess what I was trying to say in this whole rant, is in some way a large portion of us are like Setsthesun, we're striving to reach our dreams, he's not depressed nor does he hate himself IMO, he knows that he just won't be satisified until he reaches the level he wants to reach and I think that's normal"

    sd11 heres a very very important question that u , setthesun, and every other "go-getter" should answer.


    Setthesun stated that he started bodybuilding when he wsa like 105-110 pounds, I am 100% POSITIVE, that he told himself,
    "as soon as I reach 150, or 160 pounds" im gonna be the happiest person alive. Look at him now, hes like 170, and still wnats to grow.

    Do u understand my point? Yes, ur saying to live life in a way that makes u happy when ur gonna depart. THATS FINE

    However, whats gonna make u happy? to be 180, then once 180, u wanna be 190? When is it gonna stop. Hell if setthesuns goal was 210, and he reached it, then his new goal would be 220. He is gonna live life wanting more and more and more. Its not gonna stop unless it stops now, or soon. its all psychological.

    Why do many big guys hate their bodies, when others wish they could be them. Give me a friggin break, the only way to be happy , and have a smile on ur face before u depart from the life u lived. Is to realize, that happiness is feeling good no matter what, when, who , where , why, and how.

    Be happy with what u have, what u are, and make the best of the variables presented to u. ON top of that, strive for ur goals, but dont let ur goals steal happiness from u and wave it as a flag until u get there. Caues its a game NOONE can win, that flag will keep moving, u will run all ur life to get that flag, and it will keep moving away.

    Take tha flag of happiness, put it on a pole, and shove it into the ground TODAY.

    If you achieve ur goals, and I hope everyone does, it will only make u HAPPIER. Instead of attempts to reach a state of hapiness and comfort, be it now,live it today.

    Goals are meant to make us even happier, not dictate when we are allowed to be happy.

    Setthesun, its all in ur head, u will never be the biggest, u will never be the smallest. U are u, find comfort with ur body, find comfort with ur mind. REalize, everyone feels slightly similar to u. Everyone wants to be better, EVERYONE. However, realize, u are fine the way u are. Be happy with everything else, make getting bigger ur goal, but not ur life. That mirror, is showing a reflection ur creating ur self, ur eyes, ur retina, ur signals to UR brain. Dont let them conquer u, glance at that reflection, give it a smile, and be happy, u are a fine young man, who has nothing wrong with him.

    One thing to remember in life, is to never let ur goals, steal that flag of happiness. Its urs, hold ont to it now, and take it with you wherever u go. Whether up, down, or newhere in between.

    Take care.

  33. #33
    TheGame826's Avatar
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    you know since the first time i saw your picture when you posted. I thought thats amazing, to be that big at only 17. but also i knew for a fact that you were juicing. and i lost all respect for you. And i have the most respect for guys who juice to me it shows their dedication and what they are willing to do. but at your age, its just immature and how could you ever expect anyone to respect you now, you havent worked for a single thing.

    dont think for a second that i have never thought about using juice, because trust me there were a couple times where i came really close. but i took everyones advice, anyone how PM'd me or just replied to my posts, and ive decided that id hold off.

    If you want to see how strong and big you are for real, hold off of roids untill your 21. thats a challenge, you up for it?

  34. #34
    Polska's Avatar
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    Sominous - Setthesun is way over 170 bro. 210-215 I believe. I know that doesn't alter your point but just thought I'd point it out anyway

  35. #35
    Billy Boy's Avatar
    Billy Boy is offline Retired Moderator
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    Interesting post but bro you have issues that run deeper than your steroid usage.For me steroids were always an option I could have taken but I chose to wait until I was 27 why? Because I knew my body had finally reached its own limits of growth.

    You are 17 you have no serious injuries your muscles are relatively fresh you have your youth and your hormones and test levels will push your natural growth without using steroids.

    I don't condemn your usage but I certianly would not recommend that every teen should try and get the gains that you have.

    Put the steroids issue to one side you need to look at the physciological aspects of your thoughts and your life.It would appear that you have an image related problem.You need to address this bro for your own sanity as bodybuilders we all look in the mirror and find our weakness instead of saying wow my arms are looking great we prefer to say damn chest looks a bit flat.Thats us as bodybuilders and we all share that problem.

    I,ll tell you something there is nothing better than looking in the mirror and saying to yourself that you look good and it is all natural that you have achieved everything you have through hard work diet and dedication.Ok we all know you have to train hard when using gear but being natural and looking good is a real achievement and could you honestly say you have ever had that feeling?

    Life is what you make it and for you being big rules your life like I have said before things will change as you get older different things will take priority over your life and bodubuilding will take 2nd best to work r-ships family at the moment your young and have a load of time on your hands.

    I,ll offer you one bit of advice bro step back and look at the bigger picture you may be surprised

  36. #36
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    First off OG don't call me a fucking moron. I was not comparing the side effects of cosmetic surgery to the side effects of steroids . I was simply trying to make my point that people should do what makes them happy. My analogy was related to people taking certain measures to improve their self image, and how it's their choice, and if that makes them happy then they should do it. I also never mentioned the age factor I wasn't debating that, I think he started too young as well, but it's done with and I didn't encourage him to stay on nor did I discourage him, but no matter what anyone says it's his life and his choice. BTW you were close I'm 21.
    Now Sominus, I understand your point but.......
    The first quote about happiness I used to make my point that I feel people should do simply what makes them happy, because like I said my personal philosophy is that's what really matters.
    The second quote about Ronnie Coleman I made to describe why we bodybuild, and I think if you let yourself become easily satisfied then your just cheating yourself. I think the true mark of a champion is never being content and realizing there is always some way to improve no matter how small. If this wasn't the case then why do you, or me, or a pro keep lifting..... to try and just get that little bit better. How do I know when someone's goals are going to be met, I don't it's a personal matter, but for myself I'll know when I meet mine, but I'll still be a realist and understand that I could still probably have worked a little harder and be a little bit better (I guess thats being a perfectionist). Now never did I say to let this quest be the sole determining factor of ones happiness, again that is a personal choice. I don't need bodybuilding to make me happy, but it does and I'll be happier the closer I get to being the best I can be (I follow that pattern with everything I do)....maybe this is how Setsthesun judges his happiness on that single factor I don't know, I agree with you goals are meant to make us even happier. Maybe I contradicted myself slightly, but I was discussing two different points one about doing what you need to do to be happy and the other about striving to be the best and not being satisfied until you give it your all. I wasn't trying to relate the two.

  37. #37
    setsthesun is offline Banned
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    i don't have a problem with the way i look. i think this whole "accept yourself and others will accept you too" thing is BULLSHIT. bull fucking shit.

    let's all wallow in self-acceptance and achieve nothing, shall we?

    i say no. i strive to be the best. in every aspect, from writing to martial arts. from running to bodybuilding. have i mentioned that i am also one of the fastest teens in this shithole country i live in? sure, blame it on the steroids .

    they are a tool. i choose to use it. what started as a topic that would enable teens to read a story and have a bit more info as to what would happened, ended up being a discussion about my insecurity. belive me, i'm not insecure.

    if any one of you chose to be honest to yourselves, you'd see how much disgust and hate you should actually feel about yourself. human nature isn't a beautiful thing. to make a long story short, human nature "is fucked". that's why we're here. that's why we're pushing pills up our asses to grow bigger. that's why we're doing a lot of things. so yes, i hate myself, but am i insecure? hell no.

    and yes, i do work very hard for what i achieve. not only do i have to eat constantly and train right, but as i practice other sports it's even harder for me than for the average gym rat.

  38. #38
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    and i'm notexactly 210-215 any more.
    i am around 195 pounds now, with a lower bf.

  39. #39
    mmaximus25 is offline Senior Member
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    STS, please read

    I read STS’s little story... I personally think most AAS users have had at one point wondered if they are addicts. This is my fifth year on and I knew in my third that this is a different life style. I don’t like any one that relates AAS to crack or some drug that in no way helps your body or can improve your health. Like crack at an older age can help stop prostate cancer...WTF you cant just compare shit like that
    This is a life style.... I can understand someone that learns how to manipulate your self with AAS. But what you are forgetting my little brother STS is that you are the one pushing up the weight not the juice, it is merely a supplement you take to help you grow. As far as age well it’s a little late to scold you on age like some pseudo father. You made a choice, ok well now its time to make another choice. Either decide your purpose for AAS use or stop.
    I personally consider myself a biochemist at heart. You need to know where your life is going. Do you want to attempt a Pro bodybuilder career? Is this your biochemist hobby??? The only thing you should ever need is the know how. AAS is a supplement. A wonderful one... and those that put hormones in the same category as crack, and coke I would seriously like to slap...
    Don’t ever call your self an addict dame it... An addict has no choice; he is physically addicted to a substance... Would you kill someone cause they dropped your bottle to T200.... come on bro.... I like you… I know your just being mental.... Read this ok.... You are not addicted and I know this... I may not know you personally or have ever met you, but I know you are only knocking yourself.... And the bros that call him pathetic I cant believe you could say that to a young kid being mental on himself. It’s called help bros that’s why we are here. Not to bash a fellow chemist.
    STS you should know what and who you are by now... You seem to have an identity.... so look at your future and decide if AAS is going to be part of your life or not. Because plan and simple once you start if you’re not in it for the long haul then really why are you using it? What? To get into shape for the summer so you tell me that person’s going to devote years of research and data on ASS is merely get in shape for the fucking summer. F-no bro, the true health conscience individuals and strong competitors are the ones that don’t just bounce in and bounce out. It’s also the mentality of “I’m going to know WTF I’m putting in my body”…dwell deep... I think this has been way too miss proportioned... You have your body natural for so long then what? What tha F&^k are Prohormones for. Natural… no body is natural after awhile, unless all they do is eat whole food. So shit a brick to the natural idiots please, because those supp companies aren't making a killing on the few AAS users they’re taking the $ from the so-called natural ones. Natural that’s a joke.... a real one....
    Final note… You should have expected some harsh outlook from your post… You’re smarter than that, I can tell… So be smart and figure out what you want, and figure how hard the road will be to get there. Are you improving your physic, yes – no? Are you in a competitive sport??? Is bodybuilding your hobby???? Are you a model???
    You are not an addict, you use a supplement in the form of a hormone, if your trying bring AAS down to a physical need your an addict… You have only mentally made a mistake… So correct it and move on…. Knowledge, determination, and goal setting are some of the tools you will need to fix your self, end of story

  40. #40
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    big N is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro ,um speak for your self me and and doubt any of my bros on here push anything up there ass ,if that nmakes u happy so be it !

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