A friend of mine cycles and I was considering getting some from him. He was telling me I could just do a short cycle of test. i want to know if its worth it. I am 5'7 and around 238 pounds. Over the past year and a half I dropped to that from over 260. I am currently consuming under 1500 calories a day except for one day i go up to 2000, like on a sunday. I do cardio 3 days a week,and lift 4-5 days a week. My diet is good,i drink protein,and work out. What would 30 days of test, givin every other day, do for me. I will not be drinking either,and the diet will be strict. He was telling me that as long as im doing what I say with working out and eating, I will lose a good amount of fat, and gain a lot of muscle in those 30 days. And when Im done,keep most of the gains if i keep working out at the same if not harder. Just want some help here. Dont want to mess myself up,lose hair,etc