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  1. #1
    breakerkid86 is offline New Member
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    The safest cycle

    I am looking to take a short cycle of around maybe 8 weeks. I am not looking for your typical steriod look. I dont want it to be so obvious. Everyone always answers questions thinking the person wants to look crazy huge. I am currently dieting and working out 4-5 days a week. I want to get lean and ripped,not all pumped up. A friend of mine was going to get me some winny and some test. I am wondering what my healthiest option is. I want to know what type of cycle I can take(short time frame) with the least side effects. Looking for something that has a slim chance of making me bald,grow tits,and lose almost everything when the cycle is over. I have heard things about some things leaving most of the gains and not turning into estrogen. Is there any time of cycle I can take thats not crazy hard core,and doesnt have to many side effects. I know nothing is perfect, but someone please help me decide what I should take, so I can go to my friend and say ,"hey,this is what I want to take" I plan on putting on lean muscle,and burning a lot of fat. I already went from 238 a a little over a month ago,to now 224, and it aint stopping. I plan on starting this cycle in the beginning of june

  2. #2
    FASTBOATS25's Avatar
    FASTBOATS25 is offline Junior Member
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    I think most people on this forum would recommend a test only cycle for your first one. (that is if your ready for anything). How old are you? Test E or C is a good place to start in my opinion. Most guys would not recommend that you stack for your first time so you can monitor the sides and understand what is causing them.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Stats please..

    Years training
    Pct knowledge???

  4. #4
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakerkid86 View Post
    I am looking to take a short cycle of around maybe 8 weeks. I am not looking for your typical steriod look. I dont want it to be so obvious. Everyone always answers questions thinking the person wants to look crazy huge. I am currently dieting and working out 4-5 days a week. I want to get lean and ripped,not all pumped up. A friend of mine was going to get me some winny and some test. I am wondering what my healthiest option is. I want to know what type of cycle I can take(short time frame) with the least side effects. Looking for something that has a slim chance of making me bald,grow tits,and lose almost everything when the cycle is over. I have heard things about some things leaving most of the gains and not turning into estrogen. Is there any time of cycle I can take thats not crazy hard core,and doesnt have to many side effects. I know nothing is perfect, but someone please help me decide what I should take, so I can go to my friend and say ,"hey,this is what I want to take" I plan on putting on lean muscle,and burning a lot of fat. I already went from 238 a a little over a month ago,to now 224, and it aint stopping. I plan on starting this cycle in the beginning of june

    safest one Dont use steriod at all. what is a typical steriod look??? care to shed some light on to it?

  5. #5
    breakerkid86 is offline New Member
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    lol why do i get answers like "dont use at all" is this an "we are against steriods " forum lol. I figured people would be into steriods at a place like this.

    I am 5'7, I weigh 222 pounds(just weight 15 min ago) but i am not sure my body fat percentage but i am sure it is high. I have always lifted on and off, but it was always so hard for me to see results,at least not as fast as most people I know who work out. And I dont have any knowledge except what the media tells us,and the horror stories I hear. All I really want is info on the safest stuff. please no, dont use at all type answers because I am not looking for the obvious answer. All drugs are not good,even the ones that are advertised on tv,they all have potential side effects,and there are natural things out there that could solve most problems,but some drugs are safer then others. Cocain is a horrible drug,but its safer than crystal meth..You get my point. I just want something to help boost my hard work. I want to get down to 170-175 over then next yr,but i also want to look somewhat descent this summer. Not looking to be this huge guy,but to look descent. Im sure you all know what I mean,

  6. #6
    cobra305's Avatar
    cobra305 is offline Member
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    You should go post your diet in the diet section, they should be able to help straighten out your diet and get you on the right path. High bf% means increased chances of sides, it sounds as if aas is not what you need to be doing right now.

  7. #7
    breakerkid86 is offline New Member
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    o really? I didnt know that high body fat means more sides,thats deff some good advice,thanks man. So you think I should 100% stay away from it. If so, is there anything out there thats not as week as most stuff i find in GNC, but not as powerful as the illegal stuff. It just sucks working so hard but the results are sooo slow lol. I am deff not one of those dudes who thinks i can take aas and just sit,i know you gotta work even harder and live a clean life,but i guess i was just hoping that there is something out there that would speed things up ya know

  8. #8
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    diet and cardio is all you need kid.

    go to the diet section, them guys are the best.
    cardio everyday man...

    u didnt get that size overnight, u will not loose it overnight....

  9. #9
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakerkid86 View Post
    lol why do i get answers like "dont use at all" is this an "we are against steriods " forum lol. I figured people would be into steriods at a place like this.

    I am 5'7, I weigh 222 pounds(just weight 15 min ago) but i am not sure my body fat percentage but i am sure it is high. I have always lifted on and off, but it was always so hard for me to see results,at least not as fast as most people I know who work out. And I dont have any knowledge except what the media tells us,and the horror stories I hear. All I really want is info on the safest stuff. please no, dont use at all type answers because I am not looking for the obvious answer. All drugs are not good,even the ones that are advertised on tv,they all have potential side effects,and there are natural things out there that could solve most problems,but some drugs are safer then others. Cocain is a horrible drug,but its safer than crystal meth..You get my point. I just want something to help boost my hard work. I want to get down to 170-175 over then next yr,but i also want to look somewhat descent this summer. Not looking to be this huge guy,but to look descent. Im sure you all know what I mean,
    This is not we are against steriods forum. We are against the newbies that come in and need a quick fix without doing research. They expect us do it for them. How would anyone know how ur body react to certain chemical for example tren and masteron keeps me calm for most ppl it send them into rages.
    For what I understand is that u r lacking consistancy in ur workout and ur diet need to be looked at. U r certainly high body fat and using AAS on high BF is a NO NO y? cause u have more side effects when u have high BF. Put your diet into diet section have ppl look at it and use the diet they recomend for 3 months with 5 days a week workout with lot of cardio . I bet u will see results and even after that you want to use AAS ask the same question again and we will gladely help u.
    Like late Tmos use to say "educate before u medicate"

  10. #10
    FASTBOATS25's Avatar
    FASTBOATS25 is offline Junior Member
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    "educate before u medicate"
    WOW! Nice bro

    I would say 99% of the people on here are here to help. You just received some solid advice, take it and run with it. People will be here when your ready.

  11. #11
    breakerkid86 is offline New Member
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    thanks youll,deff gon post my diet in the diet section. I appreciate the help. Ill post again on a topic like this when im ready. Thanks again..If anyone else wants to add,feel free

  12. #12
    cobra305's Avatar
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    how old are you?

  13. #13
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakerkid86 View Post
    o really? I didnt know that high body fat means more sides,thats deff some good advice,thanks man. So you think I should 100% stay away from it. If so, is there anything out there thats not as week as most stuff i find in GNC, but not as powerful as the illegal stuff. It just sucks working so hard but the results are sooo slow lol. I am deff not one of those dudes who thinks i can take aas and just sit,i know you gotta work even harder and live a clean life,but i guess i was just hoping that there is something out there that would speed things up ya know
    No one is saying no steroids for you, just not yet bro. We dont say this to get our post count up we say it because you could suffer some serious sides, high blood pressure, gyno, damage to your hpta and there are many many more...

    What we are saying is make sure you've met your natural potential and your in peak condition then we will be more than glad to help you construct a good beginners cycle...

  14. #14
    breakerkid86 is offline New Member
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    to cobra305, I am 24 years old. I have been overweight most of my life. Its funny because I live in a household of giants lol. My two half brothers are 6'2 or above,naturally powerful and athletic lol..Im stuck being 5'7 haha,but enough of the sob story lol. The doctor was always concerned with my weight,but i never took it seriously,and it just became who i was,kyle,the chubby kid. The thing is,no one ever thinks i weight as much as I do. I think its because a lot of my weight is in the ass n thighs,that sounds bad lol.

  15. #15
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Quote Originally Posted by breakerkid86 View Post
    to cobra305, I am 24 years old. I have been overweight most of my life. Its funny because I live in a household of giants lol. My two half brothers are 6'2 or above,naturally powerful and athletic lol..Im stuck being 5'7 haha,but enough of the sob story lol. The doctor was always concerned with my weight,but i never took it seriously,and it just became who i was,kyle,the chubby kid. The thing is,no one ever thinks i weight as much as I do. I think its because a lot of my weight is in the ass n thighs,that sounds bad lol.
    look at my pictures in my profile and see what a difference these guys had made for me...... I was close to being diabetic and that was the day I said enough and came on here and every body gave me the same advise that I gave u dont use aas post ur diet in diet section I did......believe me it works u dont have to be Kyle the fat kid anymore I been there.

  16. #16
    breakerkid86 is offline New Member
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    thanks calgarian..Yea,it sucks,but "I" am the only person who can change that. I tried to look at your pics but it said I dont have permission or something. I am guessing because I am a new user

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