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  1. #1
    lexmark is offline Banned
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    Arrow anyone on this forum done a cycle between the ages of 18-21 ??

    has anyone done a cycle between the ages of 18-21 ??
    if so are you having problems now ?
    or did it go fine.
    any regrets ?

  2. #2
    kingkong21's Avatar
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    im 20.

    went fine for me but im a big guy 6' 5'' 240.

    everyone reacts differently.

  3. #3
    Matt's Avatar
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    Im sure you could have done a search on this as it gets asked about once a month....

    There are many members on this board that used aas far to early in their lives and have health issues, needless to say they do very much regret not waiting...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  4. #4
    lexmark is offline Banned
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    kingkong what was your cycle ?
    and now you dont have any sides like limp dick etc ?

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingkong21 View Post
    im 20.

    went fine for me but im a big guy 6' 5'' 240.

    everyone reacts differently.

    Interesting, only yesterday you were 21...

    Quote Originally Posted by kingkong21 View Post
    I might be making something out of nothing here but pics are attatched. It's on my left bicep.

    Its red and when I push on it, I can feel a lump.

    At the tip of the lump, where it almost pushes out of my skin, the skin is peeling a little bit.

    Any help would be great.

    I'm on my first cycle and have done 4 injects of Deca at 100mg per inject.

    6' 5''

    Thanks bros

    Do not ask me for a source check.

  6. #6
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    Batt is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingkong21 View Post
    im 20.

    went fine for me but im a big guy 6' 5'' 240.

    everyone reacts differently.
    Maybe forgetting your age is a bad side

  8. #8
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    I did, it was a pretty stupid thing to do.

  9. #9
    Batt is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    I did, it was a pretty stupid thing to do.
    what forget your age or a cycle between the age of 18-21?

  10. #10
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    ^^ im not talking about you, i was refering to the question of this thread.

  11. #11
    lexmark is offline Banned
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    why was it stupid ?
    have u had life changes from it is that what your saying ??

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    Quote Originally Posted by lexmark View Post
    why was it stupid ?
    have u had life changes from it is that what your saying ??
    it was stupid because i was making good gains naturally but just got selfish and wanted more.

    your obviously young to and wanting to use aas, so im going to leave it at that.

  13. #13
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    Like everyone who knows what they are talking about has already told you several times youre to young! The fact that you keep asking shows your imaturity. Read, listen and learn. Start by reading this link Swifto please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pct trouble!!

    jing jai

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingkong21 View Post
    im 20.

    went fine for me but im a big guy 6' 5'' 240.

    everyone reacts differently.
    and whats that got to do with anything?

  15. #15
    c-Z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    and whats that got to do with anything?
    Absolutely nothing... Its just a reason for someone to justify using.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by c-Z View Post
    Absolutely nothing... Its just a reason for someone to justify using.
    either tht or hes dumb enough to think thts an advantage to not having any problems

  17. #17
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingkong21 View Post
    im 20.

    went fine for me but im a big guy 6' 5'' 240.

    everyone reacts differently.
    Your two weeks into a decca only cycle, answer this post after your cycle is over. Your answer will be different.

  18. #18
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    Different for sure. Once his pecker stops working. LOL

  19. #19
    marcus300's Avatar
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    You will find more members what fit into your category in the HRT/TRT section of this forum.

  20. #20
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Lots of people do/did. Some/most fail to ever return and tell us what happened. Some admit they have problems, some say nothing but also MANY dont know due to it has not happened yet, some problems take years to show up and some people never associate the two.

    Yes many people are on HRT due to using AAS in their teens/20s. We try to make the best out of it but it would be MUCH better to have our own natural test than to have to supplement.

    Most of us dont or didnt even know we had low test until going through years of low libido, weight gain, no energy and many other things. Being on HRT is a god send compared to the alternative but having a healthy natural test level would be MUCH better.

  21. #21
    stack_it's Avatar
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    No matter how many different ways you try to justify it you are still too young to cycle.

    To answer your question. Yes I did and yes I regret it. I now have sex drive issues and low testosterone at the age of 23. I'll be going on trt soon and that's something I'll have to do for the rest of my life. I'll be 24 in less then two weeks and I have the sex drive of a 90 year old married man. Does this sound appealing to you?

  22. #22
    LightSwitch is offline New Member
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    I'm 19.5 yrs old. I ran test @ 500 for 12 weeks and dbol @ 50 for 4 a month after I turned 19. In PCT now so too early to tell, but my sex drive is fine, energy is fine, strength is the same, sleep is fine.
    Going to cycle again in October.
    I'm rolling the dice, but it's a risk I think I'm willing to take.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightSwitch View Post
    I'm 19.5 yrs old. I ran test @ 500 for 12 weeks and dbol @ 50 for 4 a month after I turned 19. In PCT now so too early to tell, but my sex drive is fine, energy is fine, strength is the same, sleep is fine.
    Going to cycle again in October.
    I'm rolling the dice, but it's a risk I think I'm willing to take.
    For now. Let us know in 1, 2, 5 years from now or when your doctor tells you This or that thyroid is not working right or your colon is inflamed or maybe you need to try Viagra and you are not even 30 yeat remember, 1+1= using AAS to young...

    That's the problem, when you are young 16-25 it's nearly impossible for you to think long term. You think 30 is forever away but then all of the sudden you are 25, then after what seems only 2 years you are 30, then after another 2-3 years you are all of the sudden 40 and you realize that Holly shit time flies and you look back at all the crap that has happened and you want to hit the replay button but there is none.

    6 months after doing a cycle is NOTHING and to soon to tell if you have done any damage. It could be years before you know, that's why it's best to wait until you are over 24 and your natural hormone levels have stabilized.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-15-2010 at 01:46 AM.

  24. #24
    VanillaGorilla1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    For now. Let us know in 1, 2, 5 years from now or when your doctor tells you This or that thyroid is not working right or your colon is inflamed or maybe you need to try Viagra and you are not even 30 yeat remember, 1+1= using AAS to young...
    And what if in 1, 2, 5 years he's fine? Show me evidence that steroids can be linked to Thryroid problems, or colon problems, or almost anything else? The fact is, these "long term effects" that are apparently innevitable are really nothing more than speculation. I respect anyone's opinion on the matter, but to speak of these issues as facts isn't right.

    To answer the thread starter's question...

    21 years old
    6'0", 242 lbs (started cycle at 216 lbs)
    First (and only, so far) cycle: 40 mg Dbol daily for 4 weeks, 500 mg test. enanthate weekly for 10 weeks, then PCT.

    My size gains were very noticable, I definitely gained quite a bit of lean muscle. I gained even more weight on the cycle but I've lost a little since I came off (as to be expected).

    My strength gains were borderline incredible, my bench went up almost 80 lbs, I was squatting my old 1RM for 8 reps, and I wasn't sore once during the cycle. I had to remind myself to take a day off because I had more energy than I needed and just wanted to lift 24/7.

    Mind you, my diet was very strict, I researched this stuff for a good 2 years before trying anything, I had about 4 years of hard training under my belt already. So my results may not be average, but they're obviously attainable.

    As far as side effects goes, I have naturally very good skin so I didn't have any issues there, no breakouts, etc.
    I'm also pretty hairless, but I sprouted a couple single hairs on my back while on the cycle.
    My sex drive was higher than ever, my balls still looked like grapefruits and I got no complaints from my girlfriend.

    Will I see side effects in 5 or 10 years? Maybe. But maybe they're side effects from something else, maybe it's genetic. But regardless of all that, my bottom line is I don't care. I know what I'm doing right now may or may not affect me in the future. But that has no effect on my decision making.

    If you're someone that's worried about long-term effects, or you're hesitant to start a cycle for whatever reason, maybe you shouldn't try steroids. They're certainly not for everyone, and there's no shame in staying away from them.

    But if you want to get as big and strong as possible, then what are you waiting for? Just do yourself a favour and do plenty of research before you start.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by LightSwitch View Post
    I'm 19.5 yrs old. I ran test @ 500 for 12 weeks and dbol @ 50 for 4 a month after I turned 19. In PCT now so too early to tell, but my sex drive is fine, energy is fine, strength is the same, sleep is fine.
    Going to cycle again in October.
    I'm rolling the dice, but it's a risk I think I'm willing to take.
    seriously you're not even clear of your cycle and your gonna try and give input on how you were affected??? gimme a break...

  26. #26
    Exilus is offline Banned
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    I've cycled shortly after turning 19. First cycle went well. gained like 32 lbs, kept most of it. Had major acne breakout after the cycle, still have countless scars on the back and shoulders. got a bit of Gyno, though. but i always had naturally girl-sized nipples... Currently on my second cycle and gains are nice. Hoping to keep as much without having other side effects....

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanillaGorilla1 View Post
    And what if in 1, 2, 5 years he's fine? Show me evidence that steroids can be linked to Thryroid problems, or colon problems, or almost anything else? The fact is, these "long term effects" that are apparently innevitable are really nothing more than speculation. I respect anyone's opinion on the matter, but to speak of these issues as facts isn't right.
    You are kidding right?

    Especially in younger users and overweight users the body will produce to high estrogen levels and reduce the testosterone . The high estrogen has been proven to lead to enlarged prostate. Google it. LOL

    You dont think there is any correlation with thyroids and testosterone?

    OK will good luck to you. I guess you can just do what you want, when you want and have nothing to worry about. No need to ever get your blood levels checked.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanillaGorilla1 View Post
    And what if in 1, 2, 5 years he's fine? Show me evidence that steroids can be linked to Thryroid problems, or colon problems, or almost anything else? The fact is, these "long term effects" that are apparently innevitable are really nothing more than speculation. I respect anyone's opinion on the matter, but to speak of these issues as facts isn't right.

    To answer the thread starter's question...

    21 years old
    6'0", 242 lbs (started cycle at 216 lbs)
    First (and only, so far) cycle: 40 mg Dbol daily for 4 weeks, 500 mg test. enanthate weekly for 10 weeks, then PCT.

    My size gains were very noticable, I definitely gained quite a bit of lean muscle. I gained even more weight on the cycle but I've lost a little since I came off (as to be expected).

    My strength gains were borderline incredible, my bench went up almost 80 lbs, I was squatting my old 1RM for 8 reps, and I wasn't sore once during the cycle. I had to remind myself to take a day off because I had more energy than I needed and just wanted to lift 24/7.

    Mind you, my diet was very strict, I researched this stuff for a good 2 years before trying anything, I had about 4 years of hard training under my belt already. So my results may not be average, but they're obviously attainable.

    As far as side effects goes, I have naturally very good skin so I didn't have any issues there, no breakouts, etc.
    I'm also pretty hairless, but I sprouted a couple single hairs on my back while on the cycle.
    My sex drive was higher than ever, my balls still looked like grapefruits and I got no complaints from my girlfriend.

    Will I see side effects in 5 or 10 years? Maybe. But maybe they're side effects from something else, maybe it's genetic. But regardless of all that, my bottom line is I don't care. I know what I'm doing right now may or may not affect me in the future. But that has no effect on my decision making.

    If you're someone that's worried about long-term effects, or you're hesitant to start a cycle for whatever reason, maybe you shouldn't try steroids. They're certainly not for everyone, and there's no shame in staying away from them.

    But if you want to get as big and strong as possible, then what are you waiting for? Just do yourself a favour and do plenty of research before you start.
    Spoken like a true child.....

    How about speaking to the many many memebers here that are now on hrt because they cycled at your age....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  29. #29
    BROKEN is offline Associate Member
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    30 YO now
    first run was halotestin at 17 yo
    2nd was sus and deca at 20yo
    3rd eq at 22
    4thtest deca and dbol at 29
    5th test at 30
    6th test winny and deca at 30

    I'm a green beret
    I have no testosteron issues
    my balls are normal
    I am likely to die young given my profession

    just be smart read about what your doing ansd accept the risks!

  30. #30
    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    i started runnign gear at 19...Since then i have had 2 gyno surgeries, i was stage 4 hypertension (which is walkign heart attack) and have had to get EKG every six months since, i was super ****en depressed for a very long time becuase i felt liek my lvls never came back to normal even when blood work said they were fine. it was not until the last 2 years that i started feeling normal. i am now 25. your pissing your money away starting younger then 24-25. becuase i know i will prob never stop cycling now its extremelty addicting and the longer you wait the better. if i had the knowledge i had now about everything diet, cardio, work out, and cycle info my first cycle would of been unreal.

    Lastly if your so undesiplined that you cannot wait and not listen to all the veterans and mods that are telling you are foolish then i am assuming you dont have the discpline to do the other things the correct way. dont be a fool.

  31. #31
    nilrac is offline Member
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    Regarding the other dude (Kingkong21)... at his age, first cycle, deca only and pinning his bicep? WTF.

  32. #32
    LightSwitch is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thenextcutler View Post
    seriously you're not even clear of your cycle and your gonna try and give input on how you were affected??? gimme a break...

    give you a break? give you a break?? Lol, can you read?? I am clear on my cycle, hence why I was able to state exactly what I did. Am on PCT now, and am by no means saying that I know how I'll be in 6 months, in fact I literally stated otherwise.

  33. #33
    VanillaGorilla1 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Spoken like a true child.....

    How about speaking to the many many memebers here that are now on hrt because they cycled at your age....
    For every person you can bring to me that now has serious health issues that for a fact are from anabolic steroid use , I can bring you atleast 20 people that have had none.

    These "many, many members" you speak of, were they running a flawless (or as close to) cycle? Did they run proper PCT, did they have any known health issues prior to starting their cycle?

    Before I started my first cycle I had blood work done, had my liver checked, among other things. I take many health supplements to keep myself healthy, as well as proper exercise and diet. My dosages are age/experience appropriate, and I'm very careful and clean with what I'm doing.

    If in 15 or 20 years I have major health issues directly linked to my steroid use, I'll give you credit. But I honestly don't think my life is going to be terribly affected by them. Mind you, we may differ in opinions on what "terribly affected" is, and I don't think we're going to agree on this topic whatsoever. I just feel you need to be a little more realistic about what injecting a little testosterone into a healthy 21 year old male is really going to do to him.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Spoken like a true child.....

    How about speaking to the many many memebers here that are now on hrt because they cycled at your age....
    This statement oozes condescension. There is alot of "Too young to begin the training..." and its often true, but no one is going to listen to someone making ad hominem attacks.

    Why are we here? Because we do what we're told, or because we make our own decisions and live with the consequences as men? People on this board are inherently predisposed to doing what the fukc we want to do. Hopefully that includes research and we are making informed decisions. Advice is not about telling people they are immature or speaking "like a true child".

    We, as thinking individuals, are obligated to respect good evidence, sound reasoning, and nothing else. Ambiguous references to "many people" are not evidence, nor even actual data. That kind of argument is what we expect from crooked, intellectually deficient, self-perpetuating bureaucracies like the DEA. That said, there is certainly such a thing as too young for aas. Once the epiphyseal plates have closed (around age 18-20 in MOST men) its a judgement call, IMHO. In this case, its his judgement call.

    Our friend seeks to be advised, not scolded.

    Peace, Love, and World Cup Soccer!
    Last edited by TexSavant; 06-16-2010 at 01:41 AM.

  35. #35
    sean_holland's Avatar
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    I understand what everyone is saying, that Youth is wasted on the Young. Sometimes your just too hard headed to listen. But, from personal experience, I ran my first cycle at 21 or 22 (can't remember) and I'll be 28 next week. I never had one ill side effect that I can put my finger on, I am as healthy as an ox, I don't even get colds or flues, so I could just be someone with a high quality immune system, or got lucky.

    BUT, in retrospect, if I had been on this website 6 years ago, I would have waited. The people who are speaking, are speaking from experience, more then I have.

    If your young, and these gear vets are telling you its in your long term interest to wait until your body has matured and evened off......I would listen to them.

    Just my 2 cents.

  36. #36
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    heres my .02. Are there people that have side effects later, of course. Are there people who don't, yes. Take smoking for instance. Are there people who get cancer and die from smoking yes. Are there people who have smoked a pack a day for 40 years and are perfectly fine...yes. Are there people who have never drank or smoked and only ate clean food that end up getting cancer in there early 30's 40's...yes.

    Moral of the story... Its your life, its your decision, live it to the fullest. If taking aas mkes you happy, do it, There is way to many depressed people in this world right now. Can anybody on this board tell you that xxxx will happen to you in the future if you take aas, NO. Everyone is different and everybody's body will react different... Its your choice, take the advice given on the board or don't

  37. #37
    daftones is offline Unhappy member banned
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    In diAnabolica mind lol
    I'm near 20, and currently about 1/4 way through my first cycle. I've been reamed out hard on here and after understanding why I'm getting all the tough love I agree I am too young. But being young and stubborn, I ran anyway. For me, my endocrine system isn't developed fully yet, and my testicles have shrunk. So we will see what happens post cycle, fingers crossed. If I would have had everything explained to me before hand, I may still have run, I may have not.

    The thing that irks me though is, how it's not looked down upon for a 25 year old who trains and diet's sloppily can use without much of a bitch out, but someone like me, who is on a extremely strict diet and a high intensity regime, will catch extreme amounts of flak...

    Your young, and it's not a great idea. But being young, you don't want to wait, you want the world and you want it right now! Am I right? You may do damage to your endocrine system and end up with low hormone levels for life, you might be fine.

    Either way, stay dedicated.

  38. #38
    Td00 is offline Junior Member
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    What if he waits till he's 22 and does a mild 500mg/week Enan only cycle for 9-10 weeks with a good PCT?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by daftones View Post
    I'm near 20, and currently about 1/4 way through my first cycle. I've been reamed out hard on here and after understanding why I'm getting all the tough love I agree I am too young. But being young and stubborn, I ran anyway. For me, my endocrine system isn't developed fully yet, and my testicles have shrunk. So we will see what happens post cycle, fingers crossed. If I would have had everything explained to me before hand, I may still have run, I may have not.

    The thing that irks me though is, how it's not looked down upon for a 25 year old who trains and diet's sloppily can use without much of a bitch out, but someone like me, who is on a extremely strict diet and a high intensity regime, will catch extreme amounts of flak...

    Your young, and it's not a great idea. But being young, you don't want to wait, you want the world and you want it right now! Am I right? You may do damage to your endocrine system and end up with low hormone levels for life, you might be fine.

    Either way, stay dedicated.
    bro i have never once read someone here encouraging someone to run gear that has a shitty diet. There are more threads about people who are 25+ years old that are 5'10+ who weigh less then 165 and we tell them not to run gear too. its not a bitch out its simply we are sharing then same info you have available on this board but choose not to read or accept.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by daftones View Post
    I'm near 20, and currently about 1/4 way through my first cycle. I've been reamed out hard on here and after understanding why I'm getting all the tough love I agree I am too young. But being young and stubborn, I ran anyway. For me, my endocrine system isn't developed fully yet, and my testicles have shrunk. So we will see what happens post cycle, fingers crossed. If I would have had everything explained to me before hand, I may still have run, I may have not.

    The thing that irks me though is, how it's not looked down upon for a 25 year old who trains and diet's sloppily can use without much of a bitch out, but someone like me, who is on a extremely strict diet and a high intensity regime, will catch extreme amounts of flak...

    Your young, and it's not a great idea. But being young, you don't want to wait, you want the world and you want it right now! Am I right? You may do damage to your endocrine system and end up with low hormone levels for life, you might be fine.

    Either way, stay dedicated.
    You will notice that there are many guy's that come on here who are well over the age of 25 asking for cycle advice.

    We still ask for stats and regardless of age, if their stats are below par their told in no uncertain terms that they have no business using aas..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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