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  1. #1
    traviowain is offline New Member
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    test, equi, anavar cycle opinion...DNP postcycle

    so i need some advice on this cycle. Its my first cycle and i realize everyone will say to do a simple test cycle or work on my diet, etc... but ive never been the guy to keep things simple or start off slow. I know this isnt a huge mass building cycle, and thats not what im looking for, im more looking for a lean 12lb gain of lean mass that i can maintain.

    Im 28, 6'4" 200 with 12% body fat. Ive been training very solid for about 10 years now. I played D1 football and basketball. When I played basketball I weighed about 215 at 8% and when I played football I weighed around 250 at 13%. I was always able to gain weight very easily where as getting below 10% has always been tough for me, especially since ive stopped playing sports. From my years of football and being at such a high weight for my frame and pushing heavy weight i now have shoulder problems (no tears, just severe joint laxity that doesnt allow me to increase my strength like i used to). In the past year i changed my training regiment to get very lean for modeling and I lost a considerable amount of mass and strength. The past 6 months Ive been on a high quality high cal diet and have made minimal gains in strength and size. Im really just looking to get a little help to overcome my joint problems so i can gain a solid 12lbs lean mass. I believe im prone to male pattern baldness and ive been on propecia the past 2 years with good results, so im not looking to use something too strong that would mess with me hair ). Ive had experience with DNP and it works wonders for me, so my plan after is to run a 21 day DNP cycle.

    weeks 1-10 400mg/w equipoise
    weeks 2-11 400mg/w test (combo of c, e, iso, deco)
    weeks 8-15 80mg/d anavar (to help maintain the gains)

    pct: big question: what should i do? ive got nalvodex and clodine as needed. wondering if i need HCG as well

    weeks 15-17: DNP cycle (ive done it before, so i dont need help on dosages, but maybe some advice on when i should start it) when on DNP i am able to maintain all muscle mass as long as i maintain a solid lifting regiment.

    ANY help or advice would be appreciated!!! please dont advice dbol to start as i worry about the the strong side effects.

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    "im more looking for a lean 12lb gain of lean mass that i can maintain."

    If this is your goal, then food will do the trick and actually maintain your gains far better then drugs will. Take my word for it. And your very light for your height, you have plenty of growth left.

    "The past 6 months Ive been on a high quality high cal diet and have made minimal gains in strength and size"

    List diet in detail and layout your macros.

    Never stack 4 compounds on your first cycle, for many reasons. If you need joint help I'll direct you with products that actually work.
    Last edited by HawaiianPride.; 06-27-2010 at 11:07 AM.

  3. #3
    JinNtonic's Avatar
    JinNtonic is offline Member
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    On this site...
    How do you run your DNP ...?

  4. #4
    traviowain is offline New Member
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    i have powder DNP and i frontload 2 days of 800mcg, then drop to 200 for 5 days, 400 for a week, and 600 for the final week. i take ALA, vitC and vitA with it as well. in week 2 i take 25mg T3 every other day and for weeks 3 i take 25mg every day....i regularly lose 10-12lbs of pure fat as long as i keep a good diet and lift well. I do LIGHT cardio for 45 minutes a day. the hardest thing is suppressing the urge to eat. in the same way you crave water and fruits when your dehydrated, your body just craves food when your on DNP. i dont think about food, but my body just wants to eat.

  5. #5
    traviowain is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    "im more looking for a lean 12lb gain of lean mass that i can maintain."

    If this is your goal, then food will do the trick and actually maintain your gains far better then drugs will. Take my word for it. And your very light for your height, you have plenty of growth left.

    "The past 6 months Ive been on a high quality high cal diet and have made minimal gains in strength and size"

    List diet in detail and layout your macros.

    Never stack 4 compounds on your first cycle, for many reasons. If you need joint help I'll direct you with products that actually work.
    i take in around 4000 cal/day...500carb/200pro/100fat...i stick to whole grains, rice, fruit, oatmeal, honey and dairy as my carbs mostly. Protien is 100 casien/whey/soy mix and another 100 of red meat, fish or chicken. fat is generally from the red meat, peanut butter or the 2% milk i drink. As far as my diet goes Ive gotten big off this kind of diet before and i generally dont need to take in anymore than 3500 cals to gain weight, its very easy for me (leaning out is a whole nother story all together). I spent quite a bit of time walking around at 255 and i could of gotten bigger if i wanted but most of lifting is done for performance on the field or court, not in the gym or on stage. Im NASM and ACE certified with a degree in Kinesiology and Im less than a year away from being an MD. Ive trained everything from high school baseball players to NBA players. My diet and training comes from extensive experience, research and introspection into my own habits and requirements. Right now my limitations is my shoulder pain which can not be aided by any supplements. Joint laxity and chronic dislocations can only be helped by surgery (which is not necessary at this point in time) or in my case heavy lifting which keeps the muscles tight and the joint immobile and secure. The only avenue of training i have little experience in is with supplements both legal and "Grey area" thats why im looking for some help

  6. #6
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    I would suggest you understand each compound, how they work, and which ones would be ideal to stack to together.

    Test only for a first timer. You need to see how your body reacts before pumping in 4 different drugs into your system. You'll never know the culprit if you encounter and ill side effect.

  7. #7
    traviowain is offline New Member
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    that is my concern, not knowing which drug is affecting me positively or negatively or where the side effects are coming from. I wont be taking DNP at the same time and everything ive read about anavar is that its a mild steroid with little to no side effects that doesnt even require PCT. Ive read test and equipoise are good to run together because they complement each other well due to acting on different receptors. I might just wait until im off the test equipoise to run the anavar to kind of weed out where my results/side effectss are coming from (a middle ground of your advice and my original plan). everything ive read on equipoise has said its a relatively low SE steroid with maintainable results and everyone knows test is a base for everything.

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