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  1. #1
    MarkieMark is offline New Member
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    Oakley, CA

    Thinking about Test-E w/ Injury and complications.

    I am very open to comments and suggestions. I am willing to talk via PM/E-Mail and/or Phone. Quick run down. I weighed 360lbs in 2007. Got down to 178lbs in about a year and a half. Picked up some brutal skin in my chest, stomach, legs, arms, back. Never thought about doing this sort of thing, but I knew a couple of gym buddies who damn near had me convinced. I'm tired of looking like shit with extra skin. I know it wont all go away, but it would be a start for my accomplishment. I took Test-E for three weeks, and long story short there was bad blood between him and a girl which stopped the usage for me. We're cool now and I can get it again, but I'm looking to educate myself a bit more.

    I had an elbow surgery this January, which I'm still recovering from. This is a nasty break from when I was 14 years old. Compound fracture. Plates/Pins/Screws the whole deal. I'm still having problems to this day. Swelling after lifting, golfers/tennis elbow. Weak ass tricep do to not being able to use it and when I do it hurts like hell. When I lift I am very careful to not push that elbow to far. I was told by a couple of members to try Test-E/Deca and it would help my elbow out. I was wary because no one or no doctor has seen a break like mine nor do they have an answer, so it's starting to get a little frustrating.

    I've tried every drug known to man besides pot. I've always been against it, but I'm almost willing at this point and could probably get a card pretty easy. I'm taking Hydrocodone 10/650 and Ibuprofen 800mg. I also use sombra and dmso daily on my elbow. Just trying to get some opinions on if you guys think I would be able to take something or not. If I can, what? I go see another ortho. this tuesday and I was also thinking about running this by him. Good idea or not??

    Like I said, I'm very open to a lot of things right now. If you have any questions please ask them. I will respond. Also E-Mail/Phone is an option as well. Thanks guys!!

  2. #2
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Good place to come and learn. More people here care about your health than pushing AAS luckily.

    You have a lot going on for now, to much to consider using AAS for now.

    As far as the extra skin your only real option is to have it cut away. It wont all go away unfortunately without help.

    AAS use is really best for when you have reached a platue after a couple good/hard years of working out and good diet.

    Stick around and you will get a lot of good advice especially in the diet section.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 06-27-2010 at 11:41 PM.

  3. #3
    MarkieMark is offline New Member
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    Oakley, CA
    Bump for any more advice. I see doctor tomorrow morning.

  4. #4
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Yeah, steroids are not what you need. Go to the doctor and talk about the joint issues. See if there is anything he can prescribe for you for them. If not, check out some of the OTC joint supplements. The extra skin has to be cut off.

    Right now, just try to get a good diet started. The diet section is a great help for people. Also check out the workout section and the injuries and rehab section. Start slow, and dont rush things. Take care of your body.

    If you only listen to one thing, let it be this: Dont start using any steroids right now.

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