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  1. #1
    Cannon203's Avatar
    Cannon203 is offline New Member
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    I have long term Gyno, please help

    About 4 years ago I was taking a supplement my buddy recommended to me called edit ) At the time, I had little to no knowledge about the product, except that it worked excellent and was cheap. I took two cycles of this and saw great results. Once I stopped taking them, my results were slowly diminishing and I slowly began developing gynecomastia . Long story short, they found out there were traces of steroids in the pills and since I had no idea, I never took any sort of PCT. I consulted a plastic surgeon and of course his only recommendation was surgery. My case is pretty bad and the gyno is very noticeable. I currently weigh 165lbs and 7%BF. Being lean as I am, makes the gyno even more noticeable. I've read countless threads about letro and nolva and have seriously confused myself with which route to take. $5,000 surgery is absolutely out of the question, but I don't know if I waited to long and the side effects are irreversible. Please help me.

  2. #2
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cannon203 View Post
    About 4 years ago I was taking a supplement my buddy recommended to me called Mass Tabs (manufactured by IDS) At the time, I had little to no knowledge about the product, except that it worked excellent and was cheap. I took two cycles of this and saw great results. Once I stopped taking them, my results were slowly diminishing and I slowly began developing gynecomastia. Long story short, they found out there were traces of steroids in the pills and since I had no idea, I never took any sort of PCT. I consulted a plastic surgeon and of course his only recommendation was surgery. My case is pretty bad and the gyno is very noticeable. I currently weigh 165lbs and 7%BF. Being lean as I am, makes the gyno even more noticeable. I've read countless threads about letro and nolva and have seriously confused myself with which route to take. $5,000 surgery is absolutely out of the question, but I don't know if I waited to long and the side effects are irreversible. Please help me.

    you could try nova at 50mg per day for 4+ weeks, I think in a around 40% it reduces it a lot, If nova dont work Next step would be letro
    0.5mg day 1
    1mg day 2
    1.5mg day 3
    2mg day 4
    2.5 mg day 5
    2.5mg (stay at this dose until it stops working or the sides become too much)

    pyramyd back down to 0.5mg then stop letro and follow up with 20-40mg of nova per day for 2weeks.

    This is cheaper than surgery but theres also a chance it wont work at all, however it should reduce the size, and while on letro your sex drive will be shot. If I was you I would start saving for surgery just incase letro or nova dont work.

  3. #3
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cannon203 View Post
    About 4 years ago I was taking a supplement my buddy recommended to me called Mass Tabs (manufactured by IDS) At the time, I had little to no knowledge about the product, except that it worked excellent and was cheap. I took two cycles of this and saw great results. Once I stopped taking them, my results were slowly diminishing and I slowly began developing gynecomastia. Long story short, they found out there were traces of steroids in the pills and since I had no idea, I never took any sort of PCT. I consulted a plastic surgeon and of course his only recommendation was surgery. My case is pretty bad and the gyno is very noticeable. I currently weigh 165lbs and 7%BF. Being lean as I am, makes the gyno even more noticeable. I've read countless threads about letro and nolva and have seriously confused myself with which route to take. $5,000 surgery is absolutely out of the question, but I don't know if I waited to long and the side effects are irreversible. Please help me.
    I would say that surgery is almost the only way to get rid of it permanently and safely. And the price seems pretty expensive since few friends have got theirs removed for approximately 600 euros per surgery. Ok theres little discount for bodybuilders and which lowers the cost is that procedure will be done without putting you to sleep and basically so that one person can do the surgery alone. So you'll be awake and it will feel pretty unconfortable but the surgeon is top grade and does excellent job and unlike in media appearance understands bodybuilders and athletes and their concerns. So i suggest you try to find good surgeon who is willing to do the operation without the addons included which are the main reason price goes skyhigh.
    Anyone whos suffering from gyno is more than willing to take moments of pain and discomfort and live happily everafter without gyno or hopeless battle against it with toxic cancer drugs and several years later discover that they have spent fortune on those not to mention the time and stress + sides you will eventually get.

    Not to mention the fact that when you're lean it sure is more visible but also easier to scrape away without having to tear excessive amount of tissue with it and most propably they will get it off completely, you wont get much of a hole in your chest and healing will be faster.

    Im sure some bodybuilders can point you the way.

  4. #4
    Family Guy is offline Banned
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    Copied from a thread a time ago. Hope it helps

    Theres been a lot of threads on gyno latly. I found this on UK muscle a while back and I thought I'd post it for the benefit of all.

    Here's the cut and paste of the original.......

    I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e’s. I will go over everything in very simple easy to understand language. Also we are talking about estrogen gyno here, not progesterone (but using letro will stop progesterone related problems as well since it inhibits all estrogen anyways). Progesterone gyno will be enlargement of your nipple area, the actual aereola, not a lump under it.

    Let me make this first point very clear, as I state in my signature this is from my personal experience, so whether you agree with it or not is your own issue. I have helped many people with gyno and it has worked just fine for them as well.

    To first understand why you are doing what you are doing I am going to go over a few things and a few definitions:

    SERM – Selective estrogen receptor modulator. These drugs work by binding to the estrogen receptors and flooding them in a sense, making it difficult (but not impossible by any means) for estrogen to bind to the receptors and thus prevent the onset of estrogen related side effects.
    Most common forms: Tamoxifen (Nolvadex ), Clomiphene (Clomid)
    AI – Aromatise Inhibitor. These drugs work by inhibiting the aromatization of estrogen. This means that in effect AI’s prevent androgens from converting to estrogen, again, making it difficult (but not impossible) for estrogen to reach receptor sites.
    Most common forms: Anastrozole (l-dex, a-dex), Exemestane (aromasin ), Femera (letrozole). For our purpose of reversing gyno we are interested in Letro.

    Letro and your sex drive:
    Letrozole will suppress your sex drive. This is another reason why it is so important to act on preventing gyno as soon as possible. Since we all know that Test should be run in every cycle this will cancel out the effect of sex drive suppression.

    Running letro to prevent gyno:
    If you decide to run estrogen protection while on cycle (and I suggest you do unless you are aware that you do not require it), you can run either a SERM or an AI. Letro will be the most powerful AI you can use, it will inhibit 98+% of estrogen using a dose as low as .25mg and even lower. This is why I suggest you do not use a dose higher than .50mg while on cycle just trying to prevent estrogen related side effects.

    You will want to start running the letro approximately 2 weeks before you begin your cycle to allow it to fully stabilize in your blood. I have often heard the argument that letro takes up to 60 days to stabilize, I don’t know if I buy into this for the reason that I have reversed gyno after using letro for only 1 week. Still to be safe I recommend starting it before your cycle as stated above.

    If you do decide to run letro there is absolutely no need to run another AI or SERM. Do not make the mistake of thinking more is better. Think of it this way; if letro is preventing the conversion of androgens to estrogen than there is no estrogen, what would the purpose of a SERM be when there is no estrogen to bind to the receptors? Nolva will only take away from the effectiveness of letro.

    This brings me to my next point. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to bump up your nolvadex to 60+mg ED if you get gyno. I have no idea where this idea started but I have seen it suggest far too many times recently. Nolvadex will do nothing to reverse your gyno…let me make that clear IT WILL DO NOTHING FOR GYNO. If you are running nolva as your anti-e and start to develop gyno than sure you can bump the dosage a small amount to try to prevent it from progressing further, but letrozole must begin ASAP.

    It is very important that you begin taking letrozole immediately, the longer your wait the more risk you take in not being able to reverse it.

    How do I know if I have gyno?
    If you have developed gyno you will have a lump behind your nipple. It will be fairly hard, and it will be tender to touch.

    Running letro to reverse gyno:
    I am going to go over the three different scenarios which people could fit into. Remember regardless of what scenario you are in it is important that you begin taking the letro ASAP.

    1. Already using an anti-e aside from letro.
    2. Already using letro @ a dose of .25mg or .50mg ED.
    3. Not running any estrogen protection.

    Day 1: .25mg Letro + anti-e*
    Day 2: .50mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 4: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 6: 2.5mg Letro **

    Day 1: .50mg Letro
    Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

    Day 1: .50mg Letro
    Day 2: 1.0mg Letro
    Day 3: 1.5mg Letro
    Day 4: 2.0mg Letro
    Day 5: 2.5mg Letro **

    *Regardless of the anti-e you are using it is important to still use it for the first day you begin letro as the letro will not have taken any effect and you by no means want your body to be without any protection when gyno is already prevalent.

    ** You will remain at this dose until gyno symptoms subside. Once you believe your gyno is gone it is important to stay at this dose for another 4-7 days to ensure all traces are gone. I recommend people with a bf% over 15 stay on for a week as it may be harder to judge completely whether the lump is completely gone. Once this period is over it will be important to taper letro down slowly rather than coming off it completely. Regardless of which manner you tapered up your dose you will all taper down in the same fashion.

    Day 1: 2.0mg
    Day 2: 1.5mg
    Day 3: 1.0mg
    Day 4: .50mg***
    Day 5: .25mg
    ***You can remain at this dose or go down further to .25mg. It is really up to you at this point. They are both very common maintenance doses as an anti-e while on cycle. Personally I have stayed with .25mg and never had a problem.

    Letro and the estrogen rebound:
    With your estrogen being completely inhibited there is a definite estrogen rebound as your body tries to re-stabilize the testosterone :estrogen balance. We can prevent this rebound effect by supplementing further with another AI or SERM. So, I suggest that when you are coming to the end of your cycle you will more than likely be using Nolva in your PCT so just make sure that you begin taking nolva the last day you are going to take your letro and then continue on as you would with regular PCT.

    This now leads us into the question of reversing gyno while not on cycle. There are a few things to remember here. You have already waited longer than you should have, and your sex drive will be shot. You can use tribulus or another natural test booster to help you in this scenario but I can’t guarantee the effectiveness. Just follow gyno reversal protocols 2 or 3. When coming off again you must taper and begin using nolvadex to prevent any rebound effect that may occur.

    How much nolvadex should you use if you are not going into PCT and running this off cycle? I suggest starting at 20mg ED for a week and then lowering it to 10mg for another week and then coming off completely.

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    Last edited by Family Guy; 06-28-2010 at 04:16 AM.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I'm going to ask a dum ass question.... how to administer...? Pin or orally for the letro?

  6. #6
    MotoLifter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I'm going to ask a dum ass question.... how to administer...? Pin or orally for the letro?


  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MotoLifter View Post

    that's a first! I seriously thought your answer would be I'd have to pin.

  8. #8
    Cannon203's Avatar
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    thanks everyone for your responses. I still really don't know what to do. The more I read about Letro, the more concerned I am. Side effects include serious joint pains, weakening of bones, weight loss, etc. I waited so long and the problem is, it's not a little bump anymore, but instead a huge lump on each side. I can't afford surgery, but I'm tired of being embarassed to take my shirt off. It sucks because I have a good body besides these lumps. Wish I never got involved with supplements and steroids

  9. #9
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Best bet would be to try the nolva and/or letro. What you should really do though is file a lawsuit againt the company of the product. If it was an OTC product and it contained an illegal substance, you could have a case. Just a suggestion.

  10. #10
    Ferdinand is offline Associate Member
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    This reminds me of why i will never leave Norway...ALL medical care is FREEEEE.


  11. #11
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ferdinand View Post
    This reminds me of why i will never leave Norway...ALL medical care is FREEEEE.

    Sorry to inform that many most cases of gyno surgeries you'll eventually pay yourself since it drops into category of cosmetic surgery.

    Regards from almost neighbour.

  12. #12
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cannon203 View Post
    thanks everyone for your responses. I still really don't know what to do. The more I read about Letro, the more concerned I am. Side effects include serious joint pains, weakening of bones, weight loss, etc. I waited so long and the problem is, it's not a little bump anymore, but instead a huge lump on each side. I can't afford surgery, but I'm tired of being embarassed to take my shirt off. It sucks because I have a good body besides these lumps. Wish I never got involved with supplements and steroids
    Getting rid of those is important then. And i really must ask now, who has really got rid of "huge lump on each side" kind of gyno which has been there for ages, totally without being constantly on medication after that and in risk of getting that back anytime ? I guess nobody even how good reversal program you put up.

    So you have suffered for years and will do so in future and propably get into medication with nasty sides without gettign rid of those. Then after year or two you are frustrated twice as much and spent time and money for nothing.

    How about doing research where you could get those cut out professionally and cheap and might that be bad investment to even get small loan if possible for the operation. After all thats not end of the world, you have so many years left you can count how much the cost would be per day not having to worry about those for the rest of your life?

    And no more of all that cancer crap people eat to "prevent side-effects" most often caused by excessive or wrong combination of gear, diet and genetics.
    Last edited by anabolix112; 06-29-2010 at 04:16 AM.

  13. #13
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cannon203 View Post
    thanks everyone for your responses. I still really don't know what to do. The more I read about Letro, the more concerned I am. Side effects include serious joint pains, weakening of bones, weight loss, etc. I waited so long and the problem is, it's not a little bump anymore, but instead a huge lump on each side. I can't afford surgery, but I'm tired of being embarassed to take my shirt off. It sucks because I have a good body besides these lumps. Wish I never got involved with supplements and steroids
    Getting rid of those is important then. And i really must ask now, who has really got rid of "huge lump on each side" kind of gyno which has been there for ages, totally without being constantly on medication after that and in risk of getting that back anytime ? I guess nobody even how good reversal program you put up.

    So you have suffered from years and will do so in future and propably get into medication with nasty sides without gettign rid of those. Then after year or two you are frustrated twice as much and spent time and money for nothing.

    How about doing research where you could get those cut out professionally and cheap and might that be bad investment to even get small loan if possible for the operation. After all thats not end of the world, you have so many years left you can count how much the cost would be per day not having to worry about those for the rest of your life?

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