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  1. #41
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by rickjames28 View Post
    Nutritionist is a great idea also. Hard for me to see how a cycle is a waste if you get good results from it. Especially when it helps me eat even more and adds on some solid pounds! Is it hurting my body doing that little of amount per week?
    Let me know if you want details on the nutritionist.

    It's a bad idea because you won't maintain your gains when you come off since you don't already know how to eat properly prior to cycling. If you say the cycle will help you eat more during it, what do you think will happen when you end it? Your hormones will be so unstable at this point, doubt your appetite will still be going strong. Invest in food or someone to teach you how to eat.

  2. #42
    rickjames28 is offline New Member
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    That does make a lot of sense and I did experience that the first cycle. I eat better now than I did before I started the cycle, but not as good as when I was on the cycle. My portions are smaller now. I basically need to expand my stomach, right? So in your opinion, knowing I am 6’ 150lbs, when I reach what weight naturally would you recommend being ready for a cycle again? 165/170lbs?

  3. #43
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    This will vary, but at 6' feet anything above 210lbs would be a good base to start with. 170lbs would be a good base for someone 5'4 or less. It's called maximum natural genetic potential.

    IMO, there is no true hard gainer, just people who don't eat enough of the right foods. It took me 2 years to break 170lbs and I'm 5'11. I was eating the right foods, just not enough of it. Same problem with you.

    I payed more attention to protein and fats back then. The issue was my carb intake. I figured that out the hard way but finally managed to figure out that carbs were the magic stuff and made me grow like a weed. My genetics allowed me to never surpass 9% BF so I was blessed in this aspect. Others are carb sensitive and can't handle high amounts without putting too much fat on.

  4. #44
    crabmasta's Avatar
    crabmasta is offline Junior Member
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    6' and a bill fifty..... you know what to do

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