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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Low Test dose with Tren > High Test dose with Tren.

    I keep reading and noticing people have different views on this and instead of continually discussing it in somebody else thread I decided to start a thread about it. The point of this thread is to get different opinions and possibly evidence to back up said opinion ( ill leave this to the far more knowledgable out there ).

    Ill start out.

    What is the point of running High Test with Tren ?

    Tren is considered 5x stronger ( if not more ) then Test. That said, does anyone really beleive running a cycle with 600mg Test 400mg Tren will yield more results then 250mg Test and 400mg Tren?

    350mg of Test does not hold a candle to 400mg of Tren and all you will gain from running it that high in addition to Tren is stronger side effects which could possible inhibit gains.

    250mg replaces the test you arent getting due to being naturally shut down and 400mg Tren is allowed to do the work and yield awesome gains.

    600mg Test is plain OVERKILL if you are running Tren. 350mg of Test will do arguably nothing for your gains when you are already running a compound 5x stronger then Test.

    In conclusion I feel that you will receive identical gains from 2 seperate cycles consisting of 600mg Test/400mg Tren and 250mg Test/400mg Tren, however less sides and possibly better gains without the interference of 350mg of Extra test that will only interfere.

  2. #2
    an@bol1x is offline Banned
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    I am not quite familiar on the subject but Ill say what I think. You are looking only at the physical impact of the steroids and comparing just them here, but even if tren is 5x stronger then test you should not compare it mg for mg I guess and also we have the psychological effects like tren making you very aggressive etc. Also tren is a 19-Nor derived steroid and test is not so they're quite different in their chemical structure. Tren can make you feel um.. let's say "not good" (by not good I mean aggressive and anxious, some people also feel tired while on it), but test does make you feel good. Also on tren your libido can become quite an issue that's why we put in some test to fix this. I dont know what would be the difference if the tren is higher or the test is higher, actually this is a question I would like to know too and it would be great if someone who has gone through both type of cycles to share if they noticed any significant difference. I guess that if you run the test higher you will be less aggressive and anxious, however this is just a guess..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by an@bol1x;****220
    I guess that if you run the test higher you will be less aggressive and anxious, however this is just a guess..
    Its actually the opposite ( I realize its just a guess but im explaining ). Higher doses of Test bring out the negative sides of tren like no other. Keeping the Test dose low ( 250mgs ) has been found to decrease the effect of tren sides for the individual. 250mgs of Test is also the amount needed for proper libido function while running a 19 nor and will be plenty for the positive attitude effect.

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I'll make you a deal, I'll quote the responses I gave when you asked this yesterday:

    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    some people like the way they feel on test and enjoy the high doses. some prefer the gains of a 19nor yet don't want the sides they experience with test. there is nothing at all wrong with running test higher than the 19nor, but it is incorrect to say that it's necessary.
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    not necessarily, but some guys experience sides that they don't like at higher doses of test so they run a trt dose and a higher dose of the 19nor. that doesn't mean hey will have duplicate gains, but they are willing to sacrifice some of the gains to have lower sides. it's difficult to compare doses, gains, and sides between different users, as everyone is different. I've known guys that grew like a weed off of 300mg/week test while other guys with similar diet and training didn't respond as well at 500mg/week. I recommend everyone start with a sensible cycle when they are ready, then alter and adjust compounds and dosages on subsequent cycles until they find what works best for them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    to be honest in many cases people run test higher than tren (or deca ) just because it has been parroted for so long on so many boards that you have to do it that way, that not a lot of guys have tried it otherwise.
    If you will explain why you have multiple accounts here

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big;****267

    If you will explain why you have multiple accounts here
    I feel like a 5 year old who got caught stealing cookies out of the cookie jar.

  6. #6
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    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forever Dedicated;****285
    I feel like a 5 year old who got caught stealing cookies out of the cookie jar.
    I felt like that once, but I was 5

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